Political Compass Thread
Political Compass Thread
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Here is the true political spectrum.
I make Pinochet look like a fucking joke
Whoopsie didn't mean to link to that thread
>oh yes mr.the state look at all my datas,rape all my family for saying you have made a mistake on twitter,OH YEEES
Guess I'm quite centered.
Bitches I know I'm right, and if more people were like me the world would be a beautiful place
>this authoritarian
>this far left
come @ me
I'm the best of both worlds with a little 1488, you baguette
ENFP leftist cuck master "race"
>A kike is more natsoc than me
why live?
Disgusting. Choke on Zyklon B
>"What is po-li-teks?
Go away Sargon
your society is dommed to fail, globalist degenerate
R8, deb8, pls no h8.
>the best of both world
if there is no freedom,it's not the best
It'll outlive your island
Nah, just Strasserist.
State control is necessary, why should we leave out the economy?
Thinking degenerates deserve freedom top kek my friend
>state control is necessary, why should we leave out the economy?
enjoy corruption and inflation retard
What the baguette said but still need just a little bit of government to keep the degenerates in line
freedom is killing degenerates
How am I even Canadian
Discrimination is making the Nigs go ape shit. We need government to suppress them
Literally shaking.
seems right
>see compass result
>checks flag
yep nothing to see here
I'm saving that, also 3d no dick zone master sex
Why am I even here
how accurate are images like pic related?
also on a side not /r/ing the media outlets compass
gotta flip 2d and 3d no?
minarchist here,the cops would take charge of it,also you have guns
Also, without gibmedats niggers wouldn't have a reason to come in the first place. They'd leech off countries with a welfare system.
Corruption is everywhere it's something that will never disappear.
Ideologically, I'm far-right. I think militarization, uniformization and a common ideology is the best way to maintain order and keep the nation strongly together. People are simple beings, give them a common enemy and the feeling of authority and you created the hive mind.
I don't dupport complete state control over the economy. I think the ideal economy would be 40% state controlled 40% businessman controlled from the country and 20% can be foreign controlled.
Now give me your hate.
this can't be accurate
i imagine you hold to liberal vales but reject identity politics and PC culture shit
this is some bullshit
no fucking way it is
i have no idea why politicalcompass.org seems to be the "default" site for taking the test, their test sucks cock and pushes you towards the green square.
What just go around shooting nig nogs that already happened Dylan Roof. Didn't work out too well in the end for him.
kek what the fuck
i meant to put at the end of my first post how the people who make this shitty test are idiots, especially if they publish this fucking chart
le epic XDDD!!!!!!
Political compass puts people who are trligoise fundamentalists in the top right. Trump really shuldent be there.
self defense not autistic screeching
They do, but thats why I'm happy I'm not in it with honest answers
I think we should redistribute the wealth
So whats to stop the Nigs from rioting after I shoot in self defense? The cops? They can't stop shit the National Guard has to be called in to stop the chimping.
The test isn't accurate it doesn't ask the right amount of questions to give an accurate point
Said the cuck
they go to jail
or you deport them
>Universal healthcare
>Safety net/welfare for the poor
>Anti-Federal Reserve
>Anti-PC culture/SJWs/3rd wave Feminism
>For the right of a private business to discriminate for any reason.
>For property rights.
>Non-interventionist foreign policy.
>Anti-TPP/NAFTA and pro-protectionism.
Left master race
I can get behind that Frenchman gg
So when is Tyrone done with your gf?
r8 me
dont get this one tbph
Some of these questions are retarded. Some of them aren't even questions like pic related.Its just a statement
Git right boy, you think she wants a leftist faggot
Mine changes a lot, but last time i took it i ended up here
I've literally never seen a black person in my life .
You should worry about your 56% country instead.
i think you are based
tell me about it. And I thought that I was getting more conservative.
Tax and spend bby :DDD
>red square
Give me one good reason why you shouldn't be thrown from a helicopter (Hint: you can't)
Not knowing it's Hispanics, I don't mind Hispanics
Because Political Compass is a broken and shitty system of evaluating people's actual political beliefs and the website is intentionally weighted to make all but the most extreme of people skewed to the left.
Because you are too poor to buy mirrors, nigger
in red, monke is given his government issued juice and drinks it with his eyes closed because it isn't that good, but what can you expect from communist juice?
in blue, monke has his nice popsicle, and he's taking his time and enjoying it because he earned it and knows that the government will stop anyone from taking it away from him.
in green, monke can be seen with an apple, but true to green-monke's philosophy, he is redistributing the food to another person, or perhaps someone redistributing the apple to him.
as usual, purple has the most meme value. monke is an ancap in purple and has obtained a monopoly on apples so that he may mark up their value and sell them at a later date.
>we should redistribute the wealth
Of jews
>implying I'm a leftist
Also, you think I want a brown eyed slut?
Ah I see now. Thank you.
But the one is a hellenic tat
Right the ducks where I want to be. Free thinker, shill for no one.
Yeah that reminds me. Actually the only black people I've ever seen is niggers in Prague. There were quite a lot of them, selling drugs and giving people flyers.
What about all that other shit?
I think it's my dislike of globalism, corps and personal rights that makes me fall under authoritarian left
spotted the elf