How do you guys feel about Marine Le Pen?
Marine Life
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Power hungry.
Demagogue without ideas.
And the worst part is, she is far from our worst possibility.
Points out good problems, offers no concrete solutions to fix them.
A stupid whore. I don't think I've ever seen a post with a french flag talking her up.
Don't like her but the closest we have to "nationalism" with more than 0.1% chance of winning.
She must have 0.5% chance
Is she going to deport illegals and muslims? I'd love that for happen to France.
Not as dumb as her father, still fucking dumb.
Too left economically. A dirty politician.
She is shit just like Fillon is, the next elections are hopeless
See, nobody likes her!
White trash cunt that should be erased from life.
ok face
maybe more attractive if lose a bit of weight
not even close to Ivanka on the ''Would fuck'' scale
Who will win for the next presidential election in France?
far from great but will do frexit so still the less cucked option
Much like our (and many others in Europe) anti-Islam politician, points out what's wrong, has no real way to fix said problems, rest of political plan is weak.
Any baguettes give us a rundown of political parties in France? Like how similar is your Republicans to ours
Not very I can tell you that much.
Probably Hamon or Fillon, but that won't change much in all cases. It's just for show.
*Macron, Hamon hardly passes 10% in the first round in most polls.
Kek isn't behind her, that is a fact
Surely the maximum liberal butthurt option? Also would destroy the eu.
For those that don't know. France has a 2nd round for the presidential ellections rendering them completely boring and useless.
Basically Le Pen will be the biggest, but then there's a 2nd round and the entire country can vote for the other guy.
Marine Le Pen desserve France but France don't desserve Marine Le Pen.
Most of French people are too cucks, they cryed for the victory of Trump even in a big part of the "far right" because they are too much fags .. So what we can do ? Refugees welcome to France, that's all. Same problem in Belgium and Germany.
If digits you're chatting merde
If digits you're chatting merde
How many and which French candidates are for Frexit
LOVE HER! She is the Anti-Merkel.
RAMZPAUL puts it all in perspective.
When a county has to change its behavior because of a terroristic threat, it takes away the country's identity.
Whats to hate about her? Does France really have any other anti-immigration options?
She'll probably suck Trump's dick, which is good. She'll contribute to uncucking Europe
France and Germany are the most worthless countries in Europe when it comes to political change. Don't expect anything shocking to come out of their elections ever.
Just Le Pen and maybe Dupont Aignan but this one will do 3% or 4% at best.
2017 Marine-Trump porn with the Belgian EU leader Farage roasted being cucked.
between the 5 main ones, 1 is for leaving, 2 are for basically tearing it down to rebuild it and 2 are for leaving it as is.
Are you stupid?
Fillon is tanking. Le Pen is assured of 2nd turn.
1st round goes something like
>Le Pen 28%
>Macron 22%
>Fillon 20%
>Melenchon 16%
>Hamon 10%
2nd round is obvious
>Macron 60%
>Le Pen 40%
Yay, globalism
Never trust a woman.
whether you like her or not is irrelevant what matters is whether you hate or like the EU because France leaving is it's death sentence.
she's almost just like all the other establishment candidates
it just takes one thing to confirm it entirely without any doubt left: her election
which will still not happen this time
a total good goyess
Is orange face now mandatory for politicians?
Not judging, I just wonder if I see a pattern here.
I love the French system. It allows for the media and liberals to amass as many people as possible to let their guy win even though they lost the 1st round.
Silent af atm while the other parties are crashing with no survivors
This. Media want Le Pen versus Rothschild Macron. This is the reason for what's happened to Fillon this week.
At the end Rothschild always win, especially in a post democracy country like France or Germany.
She will win
Screencap this.
if you go in with a defeatist attitude you'll never get anywhere. Europe always cucks itself because it has this mindset and the people don't go around trying to convince people to push towards something new like America.
in one word, just another cunt
a pussy
cant do anything but lick the biggest dick, and you know who it belongs to
Russian cuck
Liked her for years. Hope she wins, even though I don't think there's a chance in hell she will thanks to the system.
fucking french need her more then I do.
That would be Lesquen but he's a meme
Can we meme Le Pen to victory, Sup Forums?
The media is pushing too hard Macron, every day we have his name being spoken out. He has even had someone in national TV when the Socialists were electing their representant to propagandize Macron on TV saying : hey loosers from the left, come invade Rusia with us.
I hope people can see through before it's too late and vote Le Pen.
Bannon commands you to do it user.
fake nationalism isnt an alternative to nationalism, it is its death, its poison, the weapon designed to kill it
the le pen family's job has been to neutralize french nationalism since the 70s
and they've been exceedingly good at it
That was my main question. If she was worth getting behind to troll to victory
marine le pepe
France isn't a normal democracy. The system is rigged against any change. They're lost, just focus on what's important and forget about France, it'll only make you feel sad.
GTFO, UPR troll.
nobody on the french political landscape even has that agenda with any reasonable attempt to implement it
soral's thing is to unite the muzzies to the white christians against the jews. Thank you for eurabia, rabbi soral.
who else is there? noone.
not an argument.
sauce ?
I support marine le pen
The only reason to vote for her is that she is the least worst of all the candidates
She inspires no hope and radiates no energy
>the least worst of all
t. cuck
havent you noticed this is the very way you've been buttfucked since the revolution, you stupid goy?
you must like it
Don't read this troll's posts. He's down with UPR and Asselineau, a pro muslim "nationalist" group made of freaks that never reached 0.8%.
The more importance she gets, the more it will shift the national political compass to the right
Very active on this thread Muhammad, you're a good Asselineau's pet.
this basically
i'd move to the USA tbqh
or to wherever
even to some part of france, provided it offered a real project to live without state meddling
the level of cuckery and socialism over here has always been unfathomable to americans
the immaturity
no you hugh mungus moron, i said nobody has a convincing project, does this make me a guy shilling for a candidate?
you fucking idiot kys
this is how a moron debates
Vote Le Pen, Baguette bros please. Dunno about other Americans, By I have always seen France as out sister.
if le Pen wins, france will leave the EU.
with france and britain gone, the EU will collapse.
this will probably slow their transformation into europistan.
We've had leaders since the revolution that were great
The only redeemable quality of Le Pen is
>teeheehee I'm far right goy
She thinks that we must integrate the muslims in our culture
>this is true
>our entire political system was designed for this purpose
>back then in order to prevent the communists from lucking their way into power and starting their bullshit
>it's now backfiring hard
>Fillon is tanking. Le Pen is assured of 2nd turn.
doesnt matter
le pen is still seen an evil nazi, she makes sure of it BECAUSE THAT IS HER JOB
to associate nationalism to irrational hatred
it has been her dad's job and she's been just as good at it, or even better
The end of the EU, she's automatically good
le pen sucks jewish cock, LITERALLY.
>if le Pen wins, france will leave the EU.
no it wont
her program isnt to leave the EU
even her stated program, pre elected deal, isnt about that
It is what she wants, but it's not sure that even if she is elected she will be quitting the EU.
She said that once elected she would take some time for the people to think and then do a referendum about Frexit.
Even if she gets elected, i'm not sure that 100% of her votes will be votes considered to go for a Frexit.
Not all Jews are bad. The "Everything is caused by the (((Jews))) thing" is wrong. They aren't the only group working against the West.
>Jewish boyfriend
>receives Saudi donation money
>calls herself a nationalist
Nah, French nationalism is dead, DeGaulle isn't coming back. At least vote Fillon so you can have somewhat conservative Catholic rule again and stop the tidal wave of sexual degeneracy.
Would make warrior children with!
We live dark times.
Yeah because the EU wouldn't donate her anything
And cut gibs
The only chance France has had of winning in almost 200 years.
You can always trust all jews. No questions asked.
With jews you win.
t. asselineau bullshit
For the first time in the 5th Republic, the FN has a chance to win.
Va regarder ton gourou qui n'intéresse personne.
>vote Fillon so you can have somewhat conservative Catholic rule again
you must be dumb
fillon was prime minister under Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa
shabbos goy
And he also has the president of Bilderberg as his economy councelor.
Right wing power hungry politician who is willing to accept foreign money to get elected.
Joan D'arc of modern times.
Saviour of Lady Europa.
Why so many non-frenchies like Fillon ?
Do you know that he was the prime minister of Sarkozy ?
How will you vote and what would you recommend to do?
switch Mélenchon and Hamon, recent polls show that Hamon has overpassed him.
I'd hit it!
So far it sounds like she is the French version of a right wing Hilliary Clinton
She is not a warmongering.
She is not a globalist, she wants to restore borders and regain sovereignty.
She is not corrupted by lobbist, since she has barely gotten any real political role.
She is diabolized by the media.
She is more like a French version of Trump.
that is a moron
i named another candidate while i bashed his candidate of choice, therefore all he can see is that i must be shilling for the candidate i named and referenced
you are a moron, a retard, and the reason your country is a herd of cattle
i brought up asselineau because of what he says about le pen
care to debunk his assessment?
you prefer acting like a retarded sportsfan
this is why the jew is killing you: because you choose to behave like cattle