Trans Age is going mainstream

It's 2017. Why aren't you tolerant enough to realize that man handing candy to kids from his van is actually a 8 year old girl?

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What is this, more attempting to normalize Pedophilia? God damn kikes never stop this shit do they.

This was OUR false flag you moron, look at the fucking profile pick sheesh.

I she's 8 then she shouldn't be allowed to drive a van...

Autistic fuck can't spell

>false flag
Liberals will lap this up unironically. We may have shot ourselves in the foot

I'm starting to feel that twitter is actually an application list for the gutter

You faggot probably don't even know how to 5D chess. EVERYTHING is according to our plan.

try 8d chest, faggot.

This guy gets it. Shut up and just let it HAPPEN.

Do you seriously think normies would go for this? The more radicalized the liberals are, the better for us.

why can't people be lgbt without conservatives taking it to the extreme? this is like the extremist liberals who do crimes, throw in a slur and say it was a white dude and hate crime.

there have already been articles normalizing pedos in lefty publications. They may or may not be wanting to push this unironically for when the refugees get here.

Why is this allowed?

whay they are hoping , that parents will give their precius kids for the rape train?


PIZZAGATE. Its back!!!!

I can't even

>Do you seriously think normies would go for this?
"B-but who are we to judge?"

A Kraut judging? Go back to your Merkel dystopia.



before you guys get all deus vult on him just know this guy is a channer troll

when is leftist genocide acceptable?

Yep, this is exactly what these fucking lunatics are trying to do now. The slippery slope is real.

Thanks to the Trump presidency though, I don't see shit like this being able to gain much more traction. I'm hoping that we're going to have a total cultural shit soon so that this retardation will no longer be tolerated.

> shit



My god.

Notice how all the pedos in power are white.


Sup Forums is fighting the good fight.

Shut up pseudorussia!

In 7,6,5...

LGBTQIAPKC isn't a fabrication, or a joke...

It's real...