So just got off the phone with my 64 year old mother. she asked what i would think if she started dating a black man. apparently some black dude asked her out and she hasnt gone out with him yet. I held my tongue from calling her a coal burner immediately. I ended up telling her whatever makes her happy. Im lost Sup Forums. i dont even know what my question is. thoughts, i guess?
So just got off the phone with my 64 year old mother. she asked what i would think if she started dating a black man...
Hahaha say hi to your new dad, nigson.
Holy shit how can you be 64 years old and not realized yet how shitty blacks are?
Matricide is the only answer, user.
Holy shit she would have respected you if you said don't do it it's your fault
>64 years old
>Dating a black man
>Not happily married to her husband
Wew your father better be dead or something because if your 64 year old mother is willing to date a black man, she must've been a complete whore when she was in her 20s.
>64 year old white woman dating a (presumably) 64 year old black man
I'm sure Sup Forums will call me a cuck but old black people tend to be more civilized than young ones. I don't know what it is but usually around the 50 year mark they look back and go "sheeeit" at all the stupid groid shit they did and strive to become human. Plus he probably grew up in an era where civil rights was actually an issue, weigh his personality and decide then.
lol niggers not just taking potential mates from you, now they are fucking the hole you came out too.
well i did say i dont agree with it before i said its your life do whatever makes you happy. with her being her age she has been through 2 marriages and a 13 year relationship that just ended. i hate the thought of her being lonely.
Stone her to death to save yourself from American
t.Dearborn resident
Embarressment *
Fucking government funded smart phones I tell you what
>I don't know what it is but usually around the 50 year mark they look back and go "sheeeit" at all the stupid groid shit they did and strive to become human.
No. Your average thug is dead or in prison for life by the age of 50.
The decent ones manage to stay alive and out of trouble until they're old.
hahaha she married at 19. then remarried at 32 to my father. he cheated on her a fuck ton of times and they divorced when i was 15. then she dated a dude for like 13 years and they broke up a few months back. she didnt want to get married again. but yeah my dad did die a few years back and it fucked with her mentally. she still really loved him but she isnt they kind of woman that hangs around when she gets walked on. i might go this weekend and redpill her a little on the nigger problem
Thats because their test drops
Congratulations on getting your own mother BLACKED. You just lost your right to say anything bad about anyone else on Sup Forums.
sweden i think you lost your right years ago.
To be honest what does it matter at that age? She is not going to be able to get children any more either way.
Coal burning is an issue for breeding aged women only.
The cuck-media brainwashed her. Is now g looking to ride gravytrain on her finances? Side whorrs? Serial murderer?
Odds are...
just make sure he isn't just after her money
Is it some Kris Jenner situation where he's like this 25 year old who just fucks your mom all day and is super loud about?
>64 year old woman asking her Sup Forums posting son for dating advice
Your genes weren't gonna survive anyway user.
Typical "alt-right" faggot. You guys are all pussies IRL.
i guess that is the only silver lining to be seen here. maybe it works out and she wont be alone too. id prefer her to find a decent white guy. next time i talk to her ill say why dont you take him to meet your parents. they are old school south georgia racist. that might make her think twice.
Oh shit. This. Make sure she doesn't give him a dime this is a very common tactic for lazy people and we all know about laziness in blacks thanks to the President
some nigger giving your mom aids isn't an issue?
will do. ill look into this. of course i dont know shit about the guy. i had to get off the phone and contemplate my life
There are old black men and there are bold black men, but there are no old, bold black men.
Dude if she's past breeding age it really doesn't matter.. Let her do what makes her happy.
Well you just got youself a weed dealer in your entourage.
she hasnt even gone out with him yet. i dont know shit about him. i dont live with her so i wouldnt have to listen to that shit anyways. but he better not be some 25 year old dude or i would show up at her house with a gun and tell the nigger to run.
Go watch her fuck his BBC you cuck
ok sand nigger. dont you have a beheading to get to?
>implying anybody gives a shit about coalburning when their ovaries have dried up except end of the spectrum die-hard autists
It's all about the young ones , aka reproductive importance. Noone gives a shit about women doing anything as soon as they pass the age of 40
Cant give givebirth/aren't pretty anymore=old hag=noone gives a reads rats ass=do what you want old hag
Her name isnt Barbara is it?
she's too old to reproduce anyway.
but ask her not to appear in public with nigger, or it may become bad example for some young girl,
Say that to my face, bitch.
hahaha no. know somebody in the same situation?
shes going to attempt to take all of her money
My mom is trying to hook me up with the girl that works down the street at game stop.
And I've yet to find a nice way to say, no she's too black. Any black is too much black.
since you wont be allowed over here ill come see you when i use your country as a tourist destination and have you make me some kebabs for 25 cents
They aren't going to reproduce at that age so, Sup Forums, do you have a problem with this?
Yeah kek, former crossing guard at a school near me. Real nice lady.
Can't be doin' with that.
Good satire, fellows! You're indistinguishable from actual degenerates.
why the fuck don't white women see color? look at all these mixed race babies with white mothers.
OP, how old is the negro? if he is her age then its no worry. However if its a younger dude hes probably gonna make her sign him into her will.
naw my mom owns her own business. doesnt make a fuck ton but is well off. especially with social security coming up. ill ask her who this nigroid is and what he does. i didnt ask alot of questions about her last bf because he was white but if life has taught me anything its around blacks, never relax
If a black guy survives to 30 it means he was smart enough to avoid jail or death. Probably not a bad guy OP but your call
i dont know. i didnt ask any questions. it was a real shock so i just got off the phone. i plan on calling her back later when i have my thoughts together
Dude shes only asking now because its her turn to host. Shes been on the coal train for years.
quints of truth?
plus, a nigger that age is not a good nigger. it just means theyve served their time already. probably raped a white woman and served 25 years. And, dont forget, the nigger has nigger relatives you will have to deal with.
Mr cucked's got a tounge, I see. Too bad it only works online. Say hi to Mommy's new bf for us.
And 25 cents will only get you the finest of donkey kebabs, bitch. You'll have to pay at least a buck for the edible stuff.
You are a cuck.
You can't confront your mom.
If the guy is 60-something too, he's probably not a nigger because he's still alive and not in prison. So I'd also say, whatever makes her happy.
She's 64, who cares? Not like she's gonna have kids.
hahahaha. like a dollar makes it any better. youve already been cucked by israel.
She's too old to breed, he's not.
She's taking nigger sperm out of the gene pool.
God bless your mother, OP.
I'm less concerned about your mom being BLACKED and more concerned about her shitty decision making abilities with regards to life partners if she's been divorced twice. Honestly, the black guy is probably better off not dating your mom because she's the real nignog in this situation
Also she can't breed any ways and shes old so meh.
I hate niggers but I think you did the right thing in telling her to do whatever makes her happy.
You can't really do anything to combat old age, and a lot of older women are really self conscious of being old, they know their looks have faded and they'll become more prone to depression.
If I were you I'd just tell her to be smart about it. If this is a respectable black guy with a job and of similar age to her (give or take 10 years) who isn't just in it for shits and giggles then she should go for it.
Israel this, Israel that. Wasn't your country cucked by the jews first? You know, the reason a black guy is even allowed to go near your mother?
god damn rare. do you knkow niggers in the us? they make extremely poor decisions. my mom is a saint compared to them
She's too late to pollute the gene pool already anyways.
Well, she isnt going to racemix so I guess its not that bad.
>do you knkow niggers in the us?
You're speaking to one muthafugga. I'm just vacationing in Cambodia. Your mom is only a step better than single moms in the black community seeing as though she can't keep a decent man around
>I don't even know what my question is
Cognitive dissonance from racist trash and you decided to retreat to poll so you could reinforce your echo chamber rather than confronting that part of yourself head on because any semblance of humanity scares you shitless.
nigger who vacations to cambodia? visiting your tribe? you can drive to kansas to see dirt
still better though. at least she is old age and not 23 with 4 kids by 5 different guys
How about letting your mother be happy for a change you fucking loser?
You're a pussy. If she thought it was right she wouldn't have asked you.
Call her right now and say you'll lose all respect for her if she dates a Nigger.
Say Nigger to her too so you demonstrate where you stand.
To everyone else reading this: your ideology should be influencing the people around you.
first australia post best post
she cant give birth to a porch monkey, plus will not live long enough to make it a problem.
Backpacking with all this bank that I make son.
Nah. Looks like she raised a NEET who browses pol and doesn't have the balls to tell her not to date negros
Ah, So she has shitty taste in men.
Okay, carry on.
>cousin ran off to the middle east and married some brown guy
>the Canadian government won't let him immigrate
Haves memes gone too far?
>you can call me daddy now, user-kun.
>My mom is trying to hook me up with the girl
>that works down the street at game stop.
Sup Forums
>letting your mom get murdered
Bad son.