My church recently joined the lawsuit against Trump. If you have a moral bome in your body you have to oppose this evil man and his rhetoric of hate. You cannot be a christian and a Trump supporter.
" Whatever you shall do to the least of these that is what you will do unto me"
My church recently joined the lawsuit against Trump...
Christcucks strike again. They love that nigger dick. Makes them feel morally superior.
Good thing this isn't a Christian imageboard any more, then. Worship kek or get out.
Yesterday the priest of my church talked against Trump too, he compared him to Mussolini lol. Even the pope is against him, he's gonna fall soon.
>My church
Go to Roman Catholic church. It's better option than liberal protestantism
Shut up grease ball.
Kek owns this planet now. No one cares about your Christian coward god.
Kek wills us to greatness.
do yourself a favor by purging the commie pope and reinstalling Italian Fascism. The RCC is a joke and has been for a very long time
Rhetoric of hate? What the fuck man? All he did was to close the borders for 90 days, same as Obama did in 2011. I suggest you start going to another church.
You mad you disgusting fascist piece of shit?
Shut up retard
>RCC is a joke
>not 'Italy is a joke'
Fascist Italy fell in on itself in a matter of days.
You cant be a liberal and Christian at the same time.
>advocate death via abortion
>advocate slavery via eternal gibs in exchange for votes
>advocate degeneracy
>advocate attacking and killing people based on thier political beliefs
self preservation isn't a sin.
they were doing just fine until the war started. il duce just wanted to make his country great again
Abraham go away
>If I am Christian I can't support a man that is helping Christians over the people trying to genocide them
Gas yourself. American Christians are fucking scum and all need to die.
What is with you colonials and fuckng up Christianity, it doesn't even matter the denomination, you are still fucked in the head.
You mean il duce wanted to live the dream of muh 2nd Rome and fucked everything up.
Christianity has already been exterminated you fucking faggot.
Why is it every country but our own can stand up for itself.
I stand with the god emporer I will not have my future daughter stones for being a whore
Calvinism is poison
>Church recently joined lawsuit against Trump
Say bye-bye to your church's nonprofit status. Your church is satanic.
>bible quote about children
OP is a retard
Even my Synagogue is less cucked than this desu
Too many jewcucks and pagancucks ITT
WTF happened to Sup Forums?
We have the right to sue the gov for redress of wrongs. It has nothing to do with tax status or the Little Sisters of the poor wpuldnt have been able to sue Obama.
Read a book you ignorant know nothing
You can fuck directly off with your nice Jesus gatekeeping
at least he tried
Pol is a Christian board dumbass
The new CTR trying to sound right wing, low energy.
Catholics in 'Murica are not much better. They are quite likely to vote for the Democrats, which goes against anything catholicism stands for.
Good thing I'm not Christian. Though it would be nice if we could stop winning just for a day, I need some fucking sleep
>current pope is against Trump
Good, now I know Trump is indeed the Christian choice.
Sounds like your church needs to lose it's tax exempt status
Most of the stuff you hear about christians are based on fake news and jewish hatred.
Jews didnt found christianity, in fact they hate christianity.
Catholics used to kill jews for blood libel.
I think all of the threads calling christians 'cucks' come from jews. We all know that it is the jews that are behind immigration.
Anyone who believes Jesus was a peace loving hippy who would welcome anyone with open arms regardless of their background or mindset is a fucking fool.
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
Trump is clueless. All he is doing is making sure that the next president will be the most retarded SJW cunt ever.
He could have gone about shit in a much more subtle and effective manner..over the 4 year term. Instead he is making pointless and counter productive blunders within days of entering office.
He is damaging the right wing in many ways. Also still sucking Israels dick.
Also supported nazis in the holocaust
Really gets your neurons firing
Christianity is a dead religion for cucks
no one believes in that shit anymore, no one is willing to fight for Christ, they all bow down to the globalist agenda.
90% of Christcucks are open borders pseudo-communist nigger and Muslim worshipping faggots.
Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism literally wrote a book called "The Jews and Their Lies"
I am sick of jewish propaganda to make Christians look bad.
Europe and America leaving Christianity is the WORST thing that ever happened to us.Now our women are nigger loving sluts.
fuck off Paddy kike
Your church sucks. Hope you go bankrupt feeding illegal immigrants and terrorists.
I wanted to believe in him but he's even more clueless than anticipated
Fowlr what exactly? We arent endorsing a candidate and churches have a well established right to sue. You sound mad people are pointing your Orange God has clay feet.
Just loke Bonhoffer we have a duty and the freedom to speak out against evil.
Fuck off with your atrempts to silence us for speaking the plain truth: Trump is a Nazi and his followers are enablers.
Christians are not for open borders, and the majority voted for Trump.
Fuck off with your propaganda kike.
two non-whites agreeing with each other
how cute
Protestantism and the belief that everyone has the exact same rights regardless of the clay they walk on, the race they were born as, and the blood they are loyal to. The idea that everyone is a winner in the eyes of God, and therefore they have no need to work because the sacrifice of His Son allows them the freedom to do whatever they wish, since they can just tell themselves, "Whoops, I won't do that again," and they are absolved of sin.
Just look at the Pope, he calls for the ending of borders and walls almost daily now.
Go into any church in America that isn't in a rural white town and its like 75% non-white people.
nice argument burger :^)
You are chooaing Donald Fucking Trump as your messiah. Thats how dumb you are.
I am a Kekite now, but I was raised in this:
> 7 Now this he did that he might preserve their hatred towards the Nephites, that he might bring them into subjection to the accomplishment of his designs.
> 8 For behold, his designs were to stir up the Lamanites to anger against the Nephites; this he did that he might usurp great power over them, and also that he might gain power over the Nephites by bringing them into bondage.
> 9 And now the design of the Nephites was to support their lands, and their houses, and their wives, and their children, that they might preserve them from the hands of their enemies; and also that they might preserve their rights and their privileges, yea, and also their liberty, that they might worship God according to their desires.
>45 Nevertheless, the Nephites were inspired by a better cause, for they were not fighting for monarchy nor power but they were fighting for their homes and their liberties, their wives and their children, and their all, yea, for their rites of worship and their church.
> 46 And they were doing that which they felt was the duty which they owed to their God; for the Lord had said unto them, and also unto their fathers, that: Inasmuch as ye are not guilty of the first offense, neither the second, ye shall not suffer yourselves to be slain by the hands of your enemies.
> 47 And again, the Lord has said that: Ye shall defend your families even unto bloodshed. Therefore for this cause were the Nephites contending with the Lamanites, to defend themselves, and their families, and their lands, their country, and their rights, and their religion.
I do not have to let my family or society be destroyed so that people with private security and no foresite can feel better about themselves.
paganism is a million times better than christcuckery
I don't need a bunch of jewish bullshit to find god.
Islam is vacuous pit. For it to survive, everyone around it must conform and ultimately convert. Muslims already have significant territory in the middle east and Africa. They don't need to lay claim the Americas and Europe as well. This is a wise ban, but should be extended. The religion of conquest has gone far enough.
what was your argument?
"Trump stupid omg" ?
Your 90 IQ Arab genes are showing
wrong. I just don't belong to a religion that actively cucks white people and white nations.
I thought digits decided we were the Jews now? I've been scheming like a mother fucker and it's making me feel ill, but the digits have spoken.
Fuck off, LARPer.
For most of American history Catholics had a minority persecution complex. They have similar attitudes to diaspora Jewry as a result. What American Catholics lack in the Calvinist anointed elect mentality (we are the "chosen people", also with Jewish overtones), Catholics make up for with a hatred of hierarchy (ironically), and majority interests.
American Christianity could be described as New Jerusalemism. Calvinists, Catholics, and Mormons all exhibit some characteristic that is almost identical to diaspora Jewry.
>paganism is a million times better than christcuckery
The pope is a jesuit satan worshipper and he looksk jewish too, to be honest.
This current Pope is antichrist and is being used by the jews to give Christians a bad name.
Not all of us are 15 year old newbs to this shit. I have been studying the NWO for 15 years, and it is the jews, stupid... always has been.
>least of these
>supports abortion
feels bad man. i'd hate to be in your shoes, apostate pagan wannabe
Fuck Jesus and Fuck Christians.
By attacking 1 Neo-Latin nation and planning to attack 2 others and puppet the last one.
>tfw Captcha had Franco in it
the ten commandments clearly states that illegal immigrants have no business lusting over your wealth, women and country, they are not allowed to steal from you and you are not allowed to give your god given country away to invaders.
shut up potato nigger
>American Christians
This is all coming from the Pope you gyppo
ur mum has a moral bone in her body
Why do you keep expecting the GOVERNMENT to act like the CHURCH? That's the liberal mindset in a nutshell.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
Jews hate Christians you lying peice of shit.
I know you are a jew shill. It is your job to demonize Christians and white people.
Fuck you/.
Fuck off, LARPer.
Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.
Are these people truly Christians if they do not read the book given to them by God?
Good thing America is majority protestant
Muslims are to be cut from you.
They have rejected Christ outright and therefore are not our brothers and sisters.
Christ would have them executed if he were king now.
You wish to help those who would kill your brothers and sisters and crush our faith.
Your church is one of idiots who know none of the details of the faith. You're probably all heretics.
he is against radical islam... radical islam haves Christians... they are against Jesus Christ and...
Matthew 12:30
>Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters
Oh vey.
Fuck Israel.
triggered christcuck detected
Jews and Christians are equally delusional. God is inside all of us.
>I think all of the threads calling christians 'cucks' come from jews
Not all but I'm upset with a lot of Christians lately. Recently I heard a Church in Scotland I believe, allowed a Muslim blaspheme Jesus Christ and one of the priests had to resign his position for speaking out.
That's a cucked church. I'm not a Christian but I love my Christian brothers.
christcucks, always good for a laugh.
religious groups are big benefactors of the refugee resettlement scam.
We spend billions giving handouts to these ungrateful muslime refugees, while americans are homeless and go hungry and are jobless.
>not watching based Charles Lawson on YouTube or going to his church in Tennessee
>being this much of a pushover
>who is Cyrus
>what is Luke 22:36
>what is Psalm 82:4
>not realizing that Christ is the greatest warrior of all time
>not understanding what Islam truly is
You are naïve
Reminder your religion is dying as ahmed shoves his cock up your ass, christcuck
>being a Christcuck
That prohibition foesnt mean we sit back and let evil flourish. We have a right under IS law to express oir beliefs. We have no obligation to sit bac k and let this parody of man turn our nation into a hellscape.
We will oppose him with every legal redress we have and stymie his every action in courts until he ceases his march to fascism
Thats what freedom is. Its expressing your views under the legal system not falling in line and getting behind some cut rate Hitler.
If you dont like this move to the dictatorship of your choosing.
Remeber who owns the media?
Jews will gladly showcase christians that are acting stupid... but they wont show or tell you about the Christians that are for white people and nationalism.
Quit falling for the electronic jew.
>liberal false flag detected
All this BS about "You can't be Christian and support Trump" is just a big liberal scheme to guilt trip God fearing Trump voters.
>greatest warrior of all time
>turn the other cheek
>the meek shall inherit the earth
>go now and give away everything you own
>there is no man or woman, gentile or Jew
he was a cuck
Fuck you goldburger
Did you March for Life too?
Remeber who owns the media?
Jews will gladly showcase christians that are acting stupid... but they wont show or tell you about the Christians that are for white people and nationalism.
Quit falling for the electronic jew.
(oops, I posted to myself. i meant to post to you)
>Christians that are for white people and nationalism.
those exist? Every church I can think of is essentially a race mixing organization
Churches also hand out BLM t-shirts
Really? Becae birth rates indicate evangelical.christians have more kids than any other group.
Atheists are the ones fauling to reproduce.
Lol you Christians have forgotten the faith. You think it's as easy as giving your shit away and going lol I'm like jesus now. Well your not. He had virtues principles.
You have your declared to you shouted into your ears, they you wear you virtues like medals of a war. You're pompous proud and weak willed all at the same time and it's sickening. Christianity is a joke in the media and a joke to the youth.
No one questions when a Muslim says they're a Muslim. But a white person being Christian people laugh and don't get it, its reserved for the old. This is no one's fault but your own.
Your pope if your Catholic isn't far off of asking to suck cock and allowing trans to become priests.
Do not feed the cucks (you)s.
jews are behind immigration, and now they are using their jew owned media to blame their crimes on Christians, their arch-enemies.
All you stupid fucks are falling for it.