Why is Trump attacking his own party?

This isn't how you make "deals" retard. Making crazy accusations of your fellow party members is a losing strategy...

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These two rhinos deserve everything they get.

Because McCain and Graham are pretty much trying to start world war iii. They're both pure neocons who want as many Americans to die for Israel as possible. Fuck them both.

Perhaps it's because he's trying to whip them into shape. Maybe they deserve criticism.

are you professionally stupid?

>be trump
>entire republican party shits on you constantly and distances themselves from you as much as possible
>never trump
gee i wonder why

maybe because mccain has literally been cheerleading for the usa to jump into every potential war since the 80s

f-four dee chess!


They're traitors to the party. They're openly hostile towards Russia without attempting to understand Russian politics. They deserve to be purged.

McCain needs to die already. He has been worthless for years now.


Draining the swamp. Those are two lifetime politicians

You do know who those two are right?
Nothing crazy about that accusation at all.


Pick one faggot

Thisbis what i said from the beginning. They never shouldve let him on their ticket

they didn't think he would win

>his own party

>his own party
mccain and graham aren't part of it

Because most of republicans are the same scum as democrats.

>fellow party members
Graham's a flaming homo
McCain is a war coward, got caught by gooks

Constantly saying crazy shit is a winning strategy for Trump. It's how he keeps the press too busy to cover what he's doing.

With David "I like hotdogs kept in a dark cellar for a few weeks" Brock signing up 40,000 new Shills for his post CTR "C.R.E.W." thing now...

...yeah he probably is

McCain is the real patriot.
Cruz is real conservative.
Trump supporters are rightards so they were deceived by him and ignored them
but it was a perfectly legal way to destroy REP.

He's probably ctr

>Constantly saying crazy shit is a winning strategy for Trump
I would more go with outlandish than crazy. What he said just now is correct, but it definitely isn't something you usually hear.

It is definitely a winning strategy.

No, don't you see? They aren't traitors to thr party at all. They're very good Republicans. Trump is the traitor to the party.

Hence the party getting BTFO when Trump won. Everyday people who voted Republican were sick of the fags in Washington doing their usual shit so they voted for Trump to change their party.

Basically fuck the neocon Republican party. People want something different so they voted for it. Now hopefully the party sees they cant keep doing what Lindsey Graham and McCain are doing or they'll lose elections.

12 d checkers

>Trump is the traitor to the party.
You're right and the party is a traitor to the American people.

Exactly. I mean it as a good thing.

I know you brainwashed faggots will just call me names, but there is something fucking reckless with the POTUS tweeting about starting WWIII, even if he's pointing fingers at politicians in his own party.

If you say WWIII enough, you may actually speak truth to power. And contrary to what you keyboard warriors say when you talk tough on a Mongolian finger puppet image board, no one wants a full-scale world war. Especially not when all the major combatants are nuclear powers.

What is the Bully pulpit? If people in your party don't get in line, you destroy their credibility and primary them out with someone who is in line with your values.

>asskissing your subordinates is a winning strategy

yeah no

>Why is Trump attacking his own party?
Hey, where have you been the last 2 years?
It's the other way around, his own party is attacking him, he's just saying the truth

>McCain is the real patriot.
Yeah, Sure, fucking TOKYO ROSE MCCAIN is a real patriot.
The man sold out his own troops for medical attention.
Fuck that faggot piece of shit. He deserves to be drawn and quartered.
Trump is absolutely correct. Those faggots need to stand the fuck down.
McCain is a traitorous faggot and a puppet of the same faggots that had JFK killed.

McCain is leaking shit to the mexican government. He helped them to make Trump to shut up about Mexico paying for the wall and now they have reached a deal where Trump will try to up his popularity by now claiming that Cartels will pay for the wall instead of "muh poor illegals".


but why you ask? Because Arizona needs globalist bucks more badly than any other state.


mccain should an hero hes old frail and a fag warmonger

>wow you're so stupid President Billionaire with Supermodel wife that beat the shit out of me t.CTR

really makes me think

Putin is the smartest fuckers alive.

Lindsay "closet faggot" Graham has never been anything but a Trump hater.

The sooner this faggot is out of government the better for everyone. All he is is an Israeli puppet

I've been saying this for years and it's painfully obvious. Love our president!

>B-BUT trump btfos warmongers

Glad to see the final submission of Anti-Trump cuckolds to the righteous Aryan DICK of white supremacy.

Let's be clear.
I was right, and you were wrong. Period.
I won the argument, and you lost the argument, period.
White Pride, World Wide, Period.
WWIII will not occur under Trump because White Supremacy=Peace, period.

Are we clear? Any contestants are free to offer a rebuttal but watch as none appear.


Americans never had an actual war in the US, so the people have no fucking idea what that's actually like. And especially Trump, who lived a sheltered millionaire life, he has no fucking clue what World War III even means.

And that's the most dangerous part of this whole thing. Not the muslim ban or abortion rights, that's Americas problem, I don't care, you have to deal with that.

But World War III will directly affect me, and if that happens because of your idiot president, I'll be really fucking upset.

and he's absolutely right, i guess you didn't see congress their interview of the CIA director regarding le 400 pound russian hackers a few weeks ago.

it's on youtube if you want to watch it

Look I voted for Trump, but you don't have to be a genius to become rich in the U.S. You just need to be just smart enough to know the right people, trick enough people, and find one thing that works well. A lot of the wealthiest people in the U.S. got there by making some shit they never thought would be viable.

Trump was only a Rebublican on paper

none of those Washington, D.C. leeches are his allies.

Those two a literally the biggest Cucks in the Senate for the GOP. They are exactly what is wrong with the Senate.

> Making crazy accusations of your fellow party members is a losing strategy...

> Let me educate you on how to win, Drumpf

the jokes write themselves

McCain is the original RINO and Graham is a faggot

They both need to be primaried

>you will never play footsies with your bro before licking beer off his hairy chest

why even live

McCain and his faggot buddy Graham need to go.

The Civil War was right here dude. And it killed more Americans than any other war.

And it was only 150 years ago.

>t. a totally legit WHITE SUPREMACIST on FOUR CHANNEL'S POLITICALLY INCORRECT BOARD who is most certainly and definitely a legit poster

Jesus, they've triple-downed from every single direction, haven't they?

McCain and Graham have exposed themselves to the point that it is comical. Wonder how much "pizza" these to neocon faggots have "eaten" with Alfantis?

Oh yeah? Those are some pizza boys?

Drain it.

>unironically defending mccain

jeez the left sure has come far.

>Why is Trump attacking
because having partisan teams is fucking retarded, politicians need to focus on what is best for America and its people not whats best for their political party. And these two in particular are scummy warmongering filth

Hahaha. McCain is still there. In the pit. He never crawled out of it.

Because McCain and Graham are actually gay lovers who like to shit in each others mouths while putting their nips in a vice

Implying that both party politicians are not part of the establishment we elected Trump to fight agianst

>Making crazy accusations of your fellow party members is a losing strategy

Worked pretty well for Hitler in the 30's.

>McCain trying to start WW3

I'm not even suprised.
Just how much power does McCain have?
Or who the hell is his puppet master?
Everywhere the guy appears you have chaos shortly after.

But they are

Trump is not even a real Republican.

>They're traitors to the party.
More like the country.

Failed candidates. Old and irrelevant, not to mention Graham is literally a closeted fag 60 year old virgin.

These two Neocucks are probably some of the worst people in the Senate. The sooner we can get rid of them along with McConnell, the better.

Looking at it right now, Al Baghdadi in the background kinda looks like Mike Stoklasa.

no fuckin dipshit. mccain is an american hero who fought for this great country and has a NO BS foriegn policy that PROTECTS americans. hes experienced and smart. Graham is also strong.. trump is a fucking retard who doesn't kno jack shit about foriegn policy.. Im a real republican and i stand by these two strong men because they are REAL REPUBLICANS. not some new yorker pretending to be a republican. fuck off