Without using memes, can you explain to me why open borders would be a bad thing?
>no more wars
>easier to travel
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Why the fuck aren't you for this?
Without using memes, can you explain to me why open borders would be a bad thing?
>no more wars
>easier to travel
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Why the fuck aren't you for this?
I'm racist and I hate brown people
shit skins take jobs for a penny that americans will do for a nickel.
Not an argument. We're all the same species.
Because I could walk up there and gut your fucking family, and easily escape the reach of law enforcement. Borders are necessary.
So what? Americans will have to be more competitive then.
Brown people kill and rape; They're uncivilized.
It only works when it's all white people.
Diversity + Proximity = War
>thousands of shitry countries with people less civilized then cave men
>let them freely shift the demographic of democratic countries
what could go wrong.
no more wars user have you ever heard of etnic conflicts? self intrests?
>culture some cultures are incompatible like islam and homo culture
>knowledge what do you think the internet
does? user
>easier to travel? user you need to check if a person is not doing malicious things first
travel is a privilege not a right
because the white and asian races are superior and we dont want kikes, nogs or muds spreading their shit everywhere
fuck you
britain should stay british you fucking burger
We are the same species but differente race you maggot
I'm veeery fine with open boarders to and from ONLY WHITE country, just gas all the black country and the world will be fine
because during my 21 years I haven't met a single foreign person who values my country and its traditions and culture.
Open borders are like opening all the doors and windows of your house and never closing them
I count all the Nordic countries as home.
Wait, doesn't that mean you'd have to gas South Italy?
>no more wars
You live in a retarded fantasy land
>easier to travel
You won't have the money to travel once you have to work for less than what Indian sweat stop workers make to survive.
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Internet has already done that
darker skin=/=different species. I'm with science on this one.
Conflicting religious beliefs, Until governments stop condoning religion and start treating them like the wide-spread cults they actually are
thought you where talking about race burger my apoligies
Hordes of Muslim aggressors taking over cities and towns, instituting Sharia Law
>Without using memes, can you explain to me why open borders would be a bad thing?
No, if you can't see it by yourself then you'll only realize it when you're getting beheaded by the hordes coming in
Yeah no. Would work everywhere except Israel because we live next to a terrorist pseudo-state.
The interweb is open border enough to see how fucking stupid and degenerate people's knowledge, ideas, ideals and culture truly are.
Why can't people just stay in their goddman countries where they can be as much of a nigger they want insted of intoxicating our quality of life with their shenanigans?
Man, i want to go back to the moon.
Open borders are bad because the United States is a welfare state.
>no more wars
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
We don't live in a Disney film, there will always be wars and conflict. People are better off keeping to their own kind.
like fucking pottery
How do you deduce that there would be no more wars?
welfare state open borders= disaster
all these lazy fuckers are going to go for the gibz
Starvation caused by amerifats crossing the border and eating all the food.
user put out you're proxy
This. If there's unrestricted travel the 1.8B that exist will start locking down key locations and the takeover will occur.
Because 1 right statement dose not mean the other two are right.
1. There will always be war if someone values something more than their life
2. Yes it would be easier to travel if the same world situation exsisted without checking papers.
3. We have the internet already dumb fuck.
Because most of us are not idiots, and those that are, are not upset at being dumb like you.
He isn't dumb.
He's just a ((())).
compare' illegal immigration with a train ride
>if you have no ticked why should the conductor let you in
This would result is tons of low iq from third world countries pouring into 1st world countries. Remember that Africa has more than 1 billion people.
Expect crime and terrorism to become normal, because it will be like Brazil all over the place.
A wide open friendly world where everyone is free to go where they please is just an ideal. It's a dream. Throwing away borders wouldn't end all of the conflicts that currently exist in the world.
What would happen in the Middle East between different Muslim groups and the Jews? What would happen with other world leaders who desire more territory for themselves? What would happen with drug cartels in Mexico and South America?
Without borders all of these people would be free to go where they please to do what they want. And some of them have some very nasty intentions.
Coyotes can interbreed with grey wolves and have fertile offspring.
They are different species.
There are thousands of such examples.
A forensic scientist can tell what race a corpse is just by examining the skull (forensic students can tell after their first day of class).
False premises.
Literally just insults.
You are a fucking idiot.
My country did that.
Guess what happened.
Pic related.
Borders dont cause wars, borders form because of wars.
There is nothing worse for liberty than to be ruled by someone who does not identify you, who doesn't get their power from you and who can't be held accountable by you.
That's one reason why countries are better.
4% of the white genome is not present in blacks
we aren't by any stretch of science the same species
no kidding we are more closely related to chimpanzees than we are to each other genetically. chromosomally we are similar though so we can breed with each other
> open borders
> uncertainty and chaos
> Kek likes chaos
> win
Do you want to live in a world where black children are beaten and set on fire or hacked to death with machetes by a black mob out in public in broaddaylight because that is their culture?
>Without using memes
I think you fail to understand how to relate complex problems with rational logical statements.
Identify with you*
>dude open borders is how we stop war lmao it's literally that simple
I'd love to say that this Is bait but with how retarded liberals are acting lately I'm not so sure
We live in a world of finite resources.
Oh fuck yes
>Open borders
The very definition is a fallacy and requires a Jesus tier miracle, can open borders feed and accommodate 4 billion people in our current geopolitical climate? Would it be possible to provide a western style of life for 4 billion people? Of course not, western society would collapse
>Without using memes, can you explain to me why open borders would be a bad thing?
>no more wars
>easier to travel
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
>Why the fuck aren't you for this?
when all humans have equal intelligence and share the same culture and ideology we can remove all borders.
till then i don't want retarded central african voodoo niggers who rape toddlers or child fucking muslim suicide bombers in my country.
clean the degeneration from this planet and we will talk again.
open borders is an oxymoron
>you cant have a border and have it be open
>its like having open walls
>They're just brainwashed sheep who follow political dogma and do everything their shepherds command!
That's absolutely true. Everything else is memery
cuz of global financial collapse? anarchy? etc?
Open borders would create a massive influx of people. Every person from every shithole in the world would be on your doorstep. Countries would be turned to complete shit in a matter of months if not weeks. Now your country is a 3rd world shithole. Enjoy.
the border is literally the only reason you are paying taxes. if the government doesnt protect your public property built by taxes and your personal property as well as your security they are not allowed to tax you. in a primitive border less society you pay your taxes to the warlord instead and join in on the raids against other neighborhoods.
>easier to commit crime and not get caught
The idea that all people are equal is a myth.
Many people are dangerous, or criminalistic, and borders act as a way to keep them contained.
Having no borders eradicates culture and the things that make people unique.
Borders allow the native working class to be protected from predatory globalist capitalism. Trade protectionism also allows a country to set better standards for the products its citizens produce and consume.
Studies have shown that ethnocentric societies are the most stable. Pic related.
Yeah what could go wrong when all the wealthy nations open their boarders and let in the hordes of poor niggers and radical mudshits?
We all know that cash just grows on trees, and resources are infinite.
Also ignore all the different problems because of the clash between cultures, who cares right?
I mean it is clearly worth it to have monthly terror attacks just so you can feel good about not being called a racist.
Feels good to have no spine, or country left, for that matter.
Fucking commis, I swear...
>like librals and there disney fantasy view of the world
Fact, its pure liberal doublespeak
Because everybody will travel to rich countries to leech off them.
If there were no borders (and by extension, countries) there would have been no difference in culture, ideas and knowledge to begin with.
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
TOP KEK that is what Sup Forums is for you dumb nigger
>no more wars
just no more stopping the enemy
>He hasn't been to mexico
You'll understand once you experience a different culture and population. The general quality of people go down the further away you are from a western/westernized nation. You don't want the negative parts of the world invading civilization.
one reason is enough and that is ethnically homogenous nation state has way higher social cohesion that the usual fear of getting niggered in a segregated/multiculti society that draws in the literal dregs from all over the shitskin world in search of gibs and labour market race to the bottom
I believe that legislation of the future (post-german and post-swedish collapse) will rewrite citizenship nippon style
>>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Easier to suppress native ideas and cultures.
But it's a free market user
serious question: are you retarded?
Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
Patrolling on The Wall©, I was looking down
Spics were runnin' for my home and bed
I raised my lovin' gun and filled em' full of lead
Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun
Took a shot of redpill and away they run
Made a good run, but they run too slow
I'll send them, every one, right back to Mexico
Late in the hot joints, burning the Jews
Exploiting niggers for whatever I choose
They said Pepe Lee your name's not Wojack Brown
You're that frog that stomped out every spic in town
Said yes, oh yes my name is Pepe Lee
If you've got a medal just a-give it to me
I stomped them out because they stole my land
The least that you could do is give this frog a hand
When I was awarded I was dressed in green
All that I'd wanted was to make my country clean
and it's clear now that KEK was on my side
I stabbed 300 spics and made it out alive
Early next mornin' bout a half past nine
I spied a nigger coming down the line
Up he looked as he struck my Wall©
He said, "come on mane I thot dis cuntree iz fo' all"
Into the BlackCourt™, his trial began
where blackie swore that he would never again
But every man inside that jury knew
You trust a nigger as much as you'd trust a Jew
In about five minutes in walked the man
Holding the rope proud, 'round his white hands
The verdict read in the first degree
He hollered, "Lawdy Lawdy, but I dindu nuffin!!"
The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen
I said "judge I'll do the honors, just-a tell me when.
99 niggers, we'll put underground;
Call Moonman if you'd want it done without a sound"
Come on spics, gotta listen unto me
Lay off that illegal immigration, and let that Great Wall be.
>americans will have to live third world tier lifestyles to compete with third worlders.
Why do commies have to try and shit up every country on earth?
Because not everyone is equal.
And i am not even talking about genetics but already economical, cultural, religious and social differences are huge between a lot parts of the world.
exactly anglo
>probably an "alternative ""fact""
also culture is tied by country having multiculturalism and a one world gov is lucredus
>So what? Americans will have to be more competitive then
Meaning accept reduced standard of living and wages.
no it isn't, illegal shiskins work the black market, get wealth redistributed to them and don't contribute shit
>no more wars
Many country have internal wars that mean no borders aren't going to stop war.
>easier to travel
would you make your house easy to access?
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Not all ideas and knowledge are compatible with each other i know that, chileans are incompatible with colombians.
Different sub species is a better way of putting it. Like what a chihuahua is to a beagle.
>>no more wars
Let's extend this to have Open Borders for every house.
No locking of doors allowed. Also property communal.
If you build something, it's everyone's. Don't like sharing? Then don't build anything. Win the race to the bottom.
>commies actually believe pic related
why would anyone work hard to improve their life if they can just leave their country and go to the successful ones and get free stuff?
I'm a roach and I don't like humans.
>civil wars
>etnic conflicts
religious conflict muzzies lynching gays
Yes, it's a lot easier to travel and spread wonderful ideas of jihad and terrorism. That's how that terrorist who was gunned down in Munich managed to get so far away from the scene of the crime so quickly. Open borders are great if you're okay with not knowing who is coming into your country, with strange, hostile ideas.
because it will lower the bar of all countries to a third world level
not to mention communism
Look at how cities centralise wealth and drain workforce talent from the local area, London is a prime example.
Now magnify this effect a hundred fold.
Hes right you know, there is only one race: the human race
You will have to work 12 hours for a dollar.
It would be possible if in all countries would be 0 welfare and appoximately similar wages for similar jobs. Then it would work.
>no more wars
Humans have been killing each other since the dawn of time. You are a fucking idiot if you think war would not happen.
>easier to travel
Easier for people who want to do harm to others to travel as well. You would never know who is in your region. Do you really want ISIS, cartels, gangs, and Somali pirates in your area.
>easier to spread knowledge, ideas, and culture
Internet makes a lot of that possible and people, including you, are still dumb as shit.
Who would rule this one world? How would we make sure what they want is for the good of all? How would we stop them from fucking us all?
Open borders is a pants on head retarded idea.