Fuck Indians and fuck H-1B

Fuck Indians and fuck H-1B
>President Donald Trump's next target in his administration's immigration policy will focus on what Silicon Valley fears most: the work-visa programs that tech companies rely on to hire tens of thousands of workers each year, according to a report by Bloomberg.
>The executive order is still a draft, according to the report, but if enacted, it could mean major overhauls in the way tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon recruit their employees. Under the order, companies would have to prioritize hiring American workers, and if they must hire foreign workers, then they must prioritize the most highly compensated, according to the report.


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>they must prioritize the most highly compensated
what does that mean? they must hire expensive foreigners?

this is better than the muslim ban. lol the leftists have already spent their powder.

Modern day liberal slavery is coming to an end, globalists BTFO'd

Yassssss. Those of us that lived the stem meme are so tired of making coffee for millennials. Let the refugees make the coffee, and we can return to our desks

I feel like he's doing too much too fast and it will cost him the re-election

Fucking poo-in-loos in my compsci REEEEEEEE

There are a few good ones, but most of them get their bullshit CS "degrees", barely learn English, and come here in droves. Stay in your own damn country if you're going to your own universities to learn a trade.

it means that they have to pay pajeet what the job is supposed to make, rather than being able to cut it. therefore there's no point to hiring pajeet

He's getting the ugly out of the way now. 4 years later (if 70 year old trump is still alive) he'll be able to point back to a bright legacy of getting shit done, nobody will remember the rocky first year

You realize that companies don't under pay people working as SEs or any similar position, as long as they're not working IT jobs. Google would pay the same to you that they would to an Indian.

Why should we not have the best and brightest minds here?

>nobody will remember the rocky first year
You say that but the MSM will make sure to keep it in peoples heads

people have a short attention span that is why he is doing all the important stuff right away. Everyone will forget in 4 years

Grind on dat cock tho. Make that pussy wet with some money bro. I really want her but she a slut yo.

pretty much

they aren't allowed to pay a young programmer $0.12/hr if there is a more qualified person available for $10/hr I would imagine

That's politician thinking "I have to leave something to run on"

Let's face it, there are more than enough problems for 8 years of winning.

That guy looks awfully like Anthony Burch.

Aren't you glad you aren't Anthony Burch?

Trump will get us to a Star Trek like post scarcity in 2 years

Once Trump gets his cabinet sorted out I wouldnt be surprised if we see some anti-trust actions taken against the big six media conglomerates. Also privatizing NPR and PBS.

Finally, this is the one I've been waiting for.

He isn't going to completely eliminate it, it's necessary in some regards, but all of the underpaid code monkeys undercutting wages are going to go.

>sending our skilled workers back to India
Trump will make India great again.

Kinda funny that Obama touted jobs like these as the future (innovation, tech, high-skilled!) and yet so many of those jobs are just given to foreign nationals rather than our own labor force. Really activates the almonds.

yep exactly that

the 'skilled workers' would rather dig ditches in america than live in india

You realize that for many foreign workers such as those in the OPT program (tripled in size per year under Paul Ryan) these companies don't pay Medicare or social security taxes? How does that constitute progress toward our liberal utopia?

>Also privatizing NPR and PBS
Now that would be too good to be true

hey fuck you man

NPR is good to get rid of. PBS needs to remain untouched. Canadian and english humor, antique roadshow, they actually still show fucking documentaries. PBS is like crack to me

This is the reason civic nationalism is bullshit.
You cherrypick all good people away from an etnicity/country and send the criminals and retards back.

NPR is absolute garbage I agree. It would just be impossible to get rid of I think.

Off you go young pajeet
Back to the designated programming street

This isn't even a meme

People flee to the states for the money and convenience of established companies

If they're stuck home they're going to have serious motivation to create home grown enterprises

Overturns Obama policy that made first waves with a few high profile companies' IT departments being replaced with entirely lower paid foreign workers. Trump spoke about the 250 Disney workers who had to train their replacements a lot during the campaign.

India was last great when it was ruled by the British. You've done nothing with independence except destroy yourselves

Ban pajeets.

> MFW, I am conflicted about this.

Overall, the H1-B visa program has been abused beyond all reason for about two decades now. There are India & Bangladesh companies that hoover up a bunch of them every year, then re-sell their indentured slaves to Silicon Valley & Redmond.

The fact that American companies participate in the system like this & lobby Congress for more and more H1-Bs constantly while thousands are wasted every year to enrich pajeet-held companies is something that needed to be stopped under Bush.

Halting the H1-B program entirely and re-inventing it for implementation again in two years would be a Very Good Thing.

However, I seriously doubt anything that rational and smart will be done. It will just be another clusterfuck of stupid and the program will become even more corrupted than it already is.

This will literally help me get a job in 1-2 years when I graduate.

Apparently they are doing more than digging ditches.

Isn't this because tech companies are exploiting some visa loophole to hire Indians at below minimum wage for 6 months before kicking them back home? I remember Disney getting a huge amount of shit for this a few years ago.

It's a completely despicable practice that only benefits the company's profits, but of course, I bet MSM is going to gloss over that and instead focus on "muh racism".

Currently tech companies use H1B to drive wages down. Some estimates are it suppresses wages by as much as 20%

A similar effect as what illegals do to unskilled/low skill wages.

just a couple years ago during the minimum wage debate the Teamsters pointed out how H1Bs suppress engineering wages:

And here's a write up science magazine citing a Harvard study about the same issue:

>This is bad though as these rejects will comeback to us.
>You think these fat boys will ever amount to anything.
>They will run out of people and then he will bend his rules

yes. but once this new system is in place and their household no longer consists of 10 adults living in 4 rooms all working for 1/2 of what an american worker would make, they'll be doing other work rather than going back to india with their 'tech' skills

Get them them all out of the tech recruiting business too.

>Indian staffing firm
full of
>Indian recruiters
finds jobs for
>Indian tech workers


Yes. This is a major labor exploitation that has gone on for years here and literally 99% of Americans have no idea about it. If you're in tech you know full well though.

Reforming the program is an objectively good thing for this country. Maybe not so much for the bottom line of rich ass Silicon Valley giants.

What about us white people? I'm offing myself if I don't get into America by 25. What's the best route to take? I got a computer science degree. I'm not marrying someone to risk losing half my shit. I've heard a lot of people say the best way is to get a job with an international company then request to transfer to USA.

U.K. is the exception to the rule


Silicon Valley tried to SJW-cuck the university system and then it backfired and ended up producing dumb programmers. If we block all further H-1B visas...


Then we take their spoils and the Bay Area dries up and goes the way of Detroid. Let them be hoisted by their own petards.

>Obama policy that made first waves with a few high profile companies' IT departments being replaced with entirely lower paid foreign workers

Things That Did Not Ever Happen.

Total number of H1-B visas issued per year dropped to 65,000 under Obama. Obama regularly put the brakes on Congress trying to increase the numbers.

Under George Bush the total ranged from 85,000 to 100,000 per year.

But don't let Real Facts get in the way of your ALT-Facts.

>If you're in tech you know full well though.
One of the things I love about what's happening is the MSM reports their bullshit, but more and more ordinary people who experience thing first-hand are now saying "Hold on, that's not right." They are digging their own graves.

H-1Bs are destroying the quality of software, and all the dumb programmers are forcing the cucked UX paradigm because they're too stupid to put together anything elaborate or coherent. There are more and more articles on Slashdot with people bitching about the general cucking of software and how it's slowing down productivity.

NPR and PBS would potentially be great propaganda tools though. As long as he purges everyone from the company and hires nothing but loyalists we could make government media great again

Silicon Valley is overwhelmingly pro-immigration and pro-visas because it increases their profit.

That's the bottom line. There is nothing more to it. They are crooks.

Based because I fell for the STEM meme.

>so many of those jobs are just given to foreign nationals rather than our own labor force

Kind'a makes you want to regulate the companies that are doing that.

Why do you hate the free market so much?

BTW --

>>They will run out of people and then he will bend his rules
Yeah, we have plenty of people here. What we "lack" is people that can barely program AND shit in the street. I think we can do fine without that demographic.

NPR in its current form is propoganda already.

also, what was

NPR needs to burn. PBS has 50% decent shit. Just get rid of historical-revisionist shows like Granchester and Downton Abbey and keep things like Antiques Roadshow and Masterpiece and we'll be right as rain.

Top Kek.

>I've heard a lot of people say the best way is to get a job with an international company then request to transfer to USA.

That would be the L-1B visa (or L-1A if you're an exective) and it is probably the easiest way to immigrate to America through skilled work.

USA immigration doesn't do racial/ethnic profiling. (either negative or beneficial) I think Indians and Chinese are exempt from some programs because there's just so fucking many of them.

Consider our poo problem flushed.

If you want to do it legally you need a million dollars to invest in a US company or make one, or have proven expertise that is lacking in the USA.

That's about it. If you don't mind breaking the law, buy a return flight, go out there and destroy your documents. Then apply for small town work. No one will ever suspect you of being an illegal. Amnesty time (there is one every now and again, Trump may even encourage one to show that Mexicans don't even want to go down that route) and you walk in and get your residency.

Not just tech either. I worked in oil and gas and it seemed like very other stem position was occupied by and H-1B visa. Between the Chinese employees stealing every piece of IP they could get there hands on and the Indians taking 50% below market salary for their coding gigs the cost to American workers and American industry is difficult to fathom.

Michael Crichton talked about that once. How any time the media writes/talks about a subject that you personally know about, you get enraged and see how much they get wrong... But then go on to read their words on another subject that you don't know about, and take them at their word, but less so.

nooone remembers the first year of anyone's presidency, trust me

About fucking time someone does something about the artificially depressed wages in the IT sector. Maybe we'll finally stop seeing bullshit where companies want years of experience for entry level jobs and obnoxious requirements like 5+ years of experience in a language that just came out a year ago.

>Be CS major
sweet my wages about to go up

last 3 years google built cash reserves from $$9 to 38 Billion so they can afford to pay workers locally instead of hiring poos

I hope he doesn't hit the TN visa. Then I can never immigrate.

>Then I can never immigrate.
Leafs need to stay in their containment pile(Canada).

*prays fervently*

Trust me, there are /many, many/ low-value-add Indians in tech - especially they take QA jobs that a native with 2 years of junior college could do.

>Aren't you glad you aren't Anthony Burch?
I have legitimately used this thought to get myself out of bed on more than one occasion.

Thank God. The fact that they will be forced to pay visa workers the same as everyone else is especially heartening. I thought that liberals wanted equal pay for equal work?

They don't, though. Foreign labour is incredibly attractive. It's easy to intimidate them and they're totally expendable. Google employs so many because they will do anything for low money and work high hours.

The left is right when they say that companies exploit foreign workers, they do. What they're wrong about is the scale. Most immigrants don't work. The ones that do, however, get shafted by their employers.

Can attest to this so much. They ride off of misinfo so much.

As an American citizen employed in the tech industry I welcome my salary going up.

Thank you Trump.

I'm not a tech guy, but what happened to Southern CA Edison really triggered me, and I'm going to love the tears of the electronic Jew desu.

Nothing against Pajeets though, it's our fault for allowing it in the first place. At least they won't riot in the streets like spics, they're mostly a peaceful people just taking advantage.

Mark my words, my dusky friend, Trump will make you a superpower by 2018.

I've surmised that this issue is one of the lowest hanging fruits to significantly boost American employment and wage increases

It needs a simple reformation, no one went after it because Republicans have always been big business and Democrats have simply been cucked, Trump may be the guy

Why shouldn't the best and brightest Indian minds work on campuses in India?

You'd have to be in SF Bay to know and feel the swarms of fucking Indians.

>"Drumpf wants to crash the silicon valley by banning companies from hiring IT experts!"

Seriously though. All of those borderline college graduates who are decently smart enough but not high achieving and thus underemployed? They could easily do a lot of these routine QA and consulting gigs.

Pajeet did not learn to poo in the loo
Now Trump will flush down his H-1B too
His family in Delhi will be starving soon
Because Pajeet would not poo in the loo

No tech support will he have for a job
No American money from greedy CEO snobs
The free ride is over, companies feeling the heat
Because Pajeet would not stop shitting in the street

Trump's bringing back jobs, you better believe
The brown stinky slaves have now got to leave
Through shit-stained hands slips their money like a sieve
All because Pajeet had to poo in the creek

First he came for the Mexicans, and I did nothing, because I want my job back.
Then he came for the Muslims, and I did nothing, because I don't want to be blown up.
Then he came for the Pajeets, and I did nothing, because I want to be able to understand the customer service rep.
And then he came for me, and I gave him a high five, because he Made America Great Again.

That's how it should be. Competition is fair - I just don't want to look at you ugly fucks.

The whole point of H-1B visas was to bring in highly skilled workers that couldn't be found in the USA. Like if there weren't enough really good programmers or enough physicists we could use the H-1B to easily hire more.

Instead what it has become is that companies will find a bullshit reason not to hire any Americans and then they will hire an Indian or Chinese programmer that they can pay substantially less under the H-1B program. Anyone in the tech field knows that the visa program is being abused it's not even a question really.


Posting from Mountain View at Symantec.


They say its for high skill workers but what you see is farms of pajeets with asian or white manager slave masters.

It has nothing to do with 'getting high skill labor'.

Are there not any unions for tech workers? You lads are one block of workers that could benefit from it, to have lawyers investigate cases of abuse.

I do commercial HVAC work up in Cupertino, and I take care of some
Of the Apple buildings. No joke, apple's staff is 90% Ahmeds or pajeets, and the majority of them have a hard time speaking English. When the kids get out of school around here, it's fucking all street shitters..I hope this cleanses Cupertino of smelly Indians.

Ok if he does this, he will be the ultimate God emperor for me.

Pajeet btfo

Not that i know of?

I am fresh out of university. They have been telling me they want to hire more young people because they are as cheap as outsourced. But all i see are more pajeet contractors from HCL and other indian countries.

They already need to pay more for a Pajeet than they would for an American. What they get extra is: Slave. This justifies the premium.

Also they pay less of a migration premium to be able to hire immediately on demand when they hire a Pajeet who is already a migrant worker than they would have to pay an American to leave home and become a migrant worker to meet the immediate demand.

The going rate of 'equivalent' Pajeets is the 'maximum wage' of American skilled workers. If they pay an American as much or more to do the same job, they must raise the pay of all the Pajeets above that first ( or else they are displacing American Workers ). This is why H1B is a maximum wage for Americans.

Trump would raise the Maximum Wage for Americans. It doesn't fix the problem of even HAVING a Maximum Wage, and inflation will mean it needs periodic increasing, which it won't be, but it is better than nothing.

Please be true.

They can and do afford. I don't know what they pay but they don't care about money, they're just extremely picky. Maybe they save money on Indians but that's not their chief concern. Top just want the smartest, from wherever in the world they can find them, any way they can get them. H-1B is just another 'way'.

w-what about me though

I'm nice, have degree. gib job

Jesus man

I cant get a place to live because of pajeets and wealthy zhangs from china with luxury apartments in Cupertino. Even when I was going to DeAnza a lot of chinese kids were driving porsches and bmws.

Now if only we can limit international students...

Good. Fuck them over, Trump.

The H-1B program is anti-American and racist.

Top companies, that is. Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft.

Cheap wipro-tier body shops are a different matter.

Thank God. We get a powerful friend to rival China in the region and get better wages and more jobs and don't have Indians here. Everybody wins.

fuck yes

we're full

Democrats are so retarded. They should be for this instead of against it.Tech companies essentially have slave labor by exploiting pajeet. We won't hear a word from those assholes about this being a good thing though,.

Also the virtue signaling CEO's will be for keeping this, but against Trump because he's le racist.