this is what you get when dutch people grow up in South Africa:
>degeneracy is race based
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Die Antwoord are like the Insane Clown Posse of South Africa.
Fuck you.
Die Antwoord is die bom
yeah it would be comparable if the ICP wasn't braindead.
but that just proves my point
>degenerate whtie trash raise in degenerate environment
hey man I'm a fan myself. but that's beside the point
....sick avante-garde music?
They are lekker as fuck
Reminder that they wrote a space opera and this is an act they put on, individuals of above average intelligence
>this is an act they put on
yeah I know. it's very effective though.
just like how Taylor Swift was doing wholesome country music before the jew record labels found her.
die antwoord is based af though.
It's satire
>Go to south africa once
>this happens
>go to club
>go swimming
Best colonist shithole of the last 300 years i suppose
Yeah that's crazy. Dutch people seem to be generally pretty evolved. Die Antwoord on the other hand look like the lowest of the social order. I don't even care if it is an act, they are still degenerates.
it isn't retard.
>achmed doesn't even know the meaning of satire
your post makes no sense.
they are pandering. it's an act, they were entirely different before the jews got them signed.
it's not satire but you admit that its a act
Echt kkr muziek, hup de gaskamer in.
satire =/= act
also, they live the act now, they have become the characters. they chose this life.
Can we just deport cucks and coalburners to south africa?
I saw them at a show not long ago. Very entertaining, but very degenerate. The degeneracy is part of the show, however, and they put on a great show.
Die Antwoord is pretty badass and catchy, got to admit.
If I was a "clubber" I would love this shit.
They're just acting and made millions with this shit.
Also, Aphex Twin is their ghostproducer.
>Aphex Twin is their ghostproducer.
They knew 'die Antwoord' for success would be pandering to jews
theyre also two functionally retarded wiggers
Ninja's Sony correspondence revealed through Wikileaks is fucking hilarious, the dude's a cringe worthy wigga piece of shit. Also the chick's voice is fucking annoying. I'm suprised both of them haven't been raped and shot yet by niggers
fuck off, russia
>Ninja's Sony correspondence revealed through Wikileaks is fucking hilarious, the dude's a cringe worthy wigga piece of shit
I know he's in the fucking video, the video is full of random "famous" people. that doesn't prove shit.
The working class has just become fucking evil thanks to bullshit like this. Fuck them.
If you knew the guy's history you would realize he's actually quite ahead of the current.
Check out his earliest projects.
He knew degeneracy would become an entertainment commodity decades ago.
The man is making money. I don't agree with the method, nor do I like the music. ?
But you can't blame a guy for seeing a gap and owning it.
can confirm that the background track is an old as fuck Aphex Twin song
idk , it seemed so heavy in irony and humor that its seemed so to me.I dont really know much about them tbqh and you seem a authority in the matter so ill take your word for it
Jews have pushed the degeneracy meme so hard that anybody that plays along is guaranteed a lot of money.
>can confirm that the background track is an old as fuck Aphex Twin song
that kind of shit happens a lot in music. it doesn't mean Aphex is actually working with/for them
Die Antwoord are fucking awesome. I think you missed that it's satirical - they're actually reasonably normal people portraying ultra-trashy characters.
You're full of shit though
However badly things go for white South Africans they always end up better off than the black ones.
Look at these poor, uneducated people and then remember they STILL commit 1/100th as much rape or murder as the local negros
Taken from one of his emails to Amy Pascal
hey kidz
we about to shoot the music video for our 1st big single from our new album
the track's called PITBULL TERRIER
keep it secret
keep it safe
play it fuktup loud!!
so we funding the PITBULL TERRIER video ourselves (as usual)
our current budget is $50k
but this video is turning into a bit of a monster coz it's so fucking cool
check out my mothafukn treatment below just 4 fun...
and if u into it...
lemme know if u kidz wud b in2 dropping an extra $20k in2 it!
>you missed that it's satirical
it's not satire, it's an act of pandering.
No, God.
If you followed their shit for a while you'll realize that their producer ''Dj Hi-Tek'' is a different guy all the time, it's their running gag, nobody knows who's their real producer and it has been rumored to be Aphex Twin long before the Ugly Boy song, so either he is their producer for real or they're just playing with rumors.
What did she mean by this?
this is what I meant with "they have become the act". they changed themselves (or the jew record labels changed them) to become this thing that is popular.
Die Antwoord is to rap in South Africa as Tenacious D is to rock and metal in the USA, it's just an act
South Africans are very close to Aussies when it comes to their bantz?
>''Dj Hi-Tek'' is a different guy all the time,
yeah I know
>rumored to be
this is what I mean, there's nothing other than shitty rumors they're playing with to gain attention from people.
That whole song is about the dangers of coal burning, especially the part in the video of your .gif related
When her cookie got thumped she realized she'd fucked up
There so pretty
You've got a point there.
My only counter would be that there are thousands of poor people that would do the same if they knew how. But they don't, he did.
It isn't morality that's stopping others from following suit, it's know how.
Further, does /pol ever consider the idea that bands or public figures like these actually push conservatism?
As in people see this extreme form of liberalism and degeneracy and distance themselves from anything related to it?
Could that be why the next generation is actually more conservative than the previous?
They are just normies LARPing the fuck out of a gap in the market
anime come to life
what a crack of shit. They were supposed to be the same person. Religion is bullshit.
It's just a fucking act. Like most music that is supposed to be 'shocking'. Not really anything new.
Shitty linkdump thread
fuck off we're full
What's the difference other than latitude and longitude
terrible grasp of the english language is pretty standard for most brits m8, foreigners always speak it better.
Anglos are retarded by birth, you can't expect them to have a common knowledge of their own language.
bless em
You don't trash mommy in this thread!
English people are pretty vernacular about our language , foreigners are naturally autistic about it. he understands it
afrikaans is like dutch but then for retards who thought dutch was too hard
how many links fo you see mate?
>american """"""""education"""""""""
go back to your jew owner
Have you ever been to Amsterdam aka degeneracy central?
all degenerate (and public) porn is made in your shithole country mate. you daughters are flooding the degeneracy market.
Die Antwoord is literally a visual arts project accompanied by music. If you have listened to anything Watkin Tudor Jones has done before you would know this. Also I think their next album is going to be their last album and they're moving on to something else.
I honestly can't fathom how you could put on a facade like this for a decade though but even in his emails to Sony, Ninja keeps in character. Maybe the character has completely taken him over.
>We're just pretending to be living pieces of human shit!
Oh, as long as they're just pretending, all the time.
>just like how Taylor Swift was doing wholesome country music before the jew record labels found her.
implying jews haven't run Nashville since forever
>in Amsterdam
hardly, it's pretty much a tourist theme park these days
even if it's just a "visual arts" project, it is the act that they actually live. all their retarded tattoos (entire fucking body) and their lifestyle doesn't all get undone when they decide to quit.
yup, the funny thing is, almost all of the prostitutes are czech
Was that Jack Black?
Amsterdam was vibrant and enjoyable when i went.One of the best city's in Europe with a great ethos , you seem like a massive stick in the mud to me
>Amsterdam was vibrant and enjoyable
I know, and it is. but when the czech poster is only focusing on the "degenerate" side, it's funny because most of those whores are Czech.
Amsterdam is pretty great if you don't only stay in the degenerate bubble.
Evil boy 4 life
this is what you get when white people grow up in South Africa
try again kike
ontspannen Daan, dit is /pol
The tattoos are fake too.
citation needed mate.
It's more caused by the farm subsidies that propped up dumb afrikanker sub-subsistance farms since 1920's cape colony but whatever Sup Forums never talks about anything seriously.
he is an ultra liberal along with all the south african actos and musicians in america!!!!
fuck you
It's all a fucking show.
that I know, but you're telling me they have to re-do that guy's fuckign tattoos every time he appears anywhere. CITATION NEEDED
Google the dude's real name (I'm phoneposting and can't recall it) and see for yourself - he doesn't have the tattoos "Ninja" does, but does have others.
he's been critical of the muslim countries ban but he not at an ultra liberal at all
They aren't even Dutch Africans
The man's real name is Watkin Tudor Jones, the woman's real name is Anri du Toit.