Are steroids red-pilled?

Are steroids red-pilled?

test is redpilled. roids are for degenerate.

My body is my property.

The government should have no say in what goes into it, and the people should not have to compensate me medically if I fuck myself up.

Have you done it?

I'm a lanklette (155 Pounds, 6'2") and i've been putting serious thought into trying test.


The fuck? How is this possible? Get a few gallons of whole milk, a blender and some fruit and start eating more

>Tfw 6'1 160

No but testicular glandulars are. And natural and safe

you know whats rather funny a tranny of either sex gets pumped up full of hormones on the tax payers dime

but if someone wants to do some steroids to change their body for looks or just to gain more strength wtv its a federal crime

isn't hypocrisy wonderful

Build muscle naturally for a few years before you get into roids.


Abolish the FDA.

If a business accidentally puts cyanide in their products and poisons you, the free market will fix it and drive them out of busiuness. Econ 101 bitches

>wanting small balls and heart attack
can't you just build your muscles naturally? Oh yeah you're American, you hate working

fun fact: when people who go to the hospital for health problems related to drug abuse (including alcohol, steroids, opiates, etc), those medical expenses are immediately disqualified for any form of government-based assistance (medicaid, medicare, disability, etc)

i did health care collections / financial assistance for eight fucking years.

It's actually in the healthy range of BMI. I just happen to look like gumby though.

Not automatically, no.

Knowledge about drugs, what you want to use and why, understanding your own desires as an adult and using your own body however you want is redpilled.

BMI is a meme senpai lrn2bf%

I'm 6'4 210lb my BMI is 25 that makes me overweight yet im pretty skinny

This is all i need

drugs are for degenerates

Implying steroids are magic and youll build muscle by not even going to the gym....

how is something naturally in our bodies a bad thing srsly retard do you think taking vitamins is degenerate

You take medicine, don't you?

Headache pills? Antidepressants? Antibiotics?

Same thing. Steroids are lab made chemicals that people are prescribed every day. If steroids are a "drug," so it everything else the doctor gives you. So you might as well stop taking everything.

With micro doses and proper running down, yes. Going full retard MUH GAINZ!!!, no

>not wanting steroid gains

the leaf has a point

How do you feel about abortions?

test is alright.
tren will fuck up your libido, bad. enjoy not having a boner unless you're geared out of your mind.

TECHNICALLY, you will.

I am going to assume you know at least a little something about it, since you are commenting.

But there have been studies done to prove that sedentary (+testosterone) does build/spare muscle. Although, I will agree that steroids are not magic, and that you still need to train/eat properly to look even half-way decent (/fit standards)
If they are not paid for by the government, do what you fucking want.

enjoy fucking your testosterone for life with your dumb cheating roids

t. natty god

"Trannys" are people born in the wrong body, asshole!

They need our help to transition into the correct gender.

It's a medical emergency to stop them from killing themselves!!!

I'm fucking literally shaking right now.

so are manlets yet they don't get free height enhancement surgery

>wont somebody please think of the manlets

Because that totally happens
And there is totally evidence in your favor
And science doesn't have anything concrete against that

t. natty dicksucker

>what is proper cycling

>tfw i'm a musclefreak in a twink's body

When will they learn, though?
>not BnC until you're dead
It's like you want to be a leftist

No. Start on roids and smash your noob gains out in a month!

Theres more to testosterone than gym-bro-bullshit my friend. Testosterone makes you a man and its chemically reduced in modern population because of all of the shit that food industry uses without even acknowledging it

Well... yeah.

I know that.

I'm just curious as to why someone would put their liver though that stress without making it worthwhile.

How does it feel being a cheat? How does it feel needing a chemical crutch to get your fake body?

>what is dose
not everyone does stupidhigh sterioidfreak amounts


>The government should have no say in what goes into it
Yes, it should. The collective rights of each State
trump muh individual rights.

Just work out 3 times a week you retard. Don't do that to your body.

I'm not on roids, but steriods are the fountain of youth, when your test starts to diminish hop on vitamin T

>Be Bicurious for years
>Get into lifting weights
>Get big and strong
>Run Cycle
>Get bigger and stronger
>Get horny
>Explore bisexuality
>Repeat for 3 years
>Think about sucking cock for months now

It CAN be good if you're straight but can really accelerate your homo-ness if you aren't careful.

its all superficial anyway.. the 'mirin is at least.

Who wants to be human anyway?

You can and will pack on more lean muscle on roids not training than natural gym bros in the same amount of time. Its a sad reality.

This. Also for a lanklette food is your friend. Youll have to eat shit tons to gain mass even with steroids, nothing wrong with skinny strong, just life and keep your calories and protein high, roids do work but cause more damage in the long run than its worth unless you have swartzenegger tier genetics

Its pretty simple really. The products that are available today contain approximately 100-400mg of testosterone, and in general men should have around 200-350mg natural production to not be a bitch faggot. If you take supplementary test you have to use anti-estrogens after your cycle to reach your natural max and not get the unnecessary bullshit out of it

You haven't read the studies.

Nah they later take away all your muscles and make you a pussy.

Confirmed for knowing nothing. Its not a fake body unless shit like synthoil is used, actual roids do nothing more than extreme recovery, you still have to lift extreme and eat perfect.

Roids dont build muscle only break down and recovery does this, roids just amp up the recovery part.

Where can I get some test?!

What in fuck are you talking about? Have you even ever ran a cycle? This is some bogdanoff tier Finnish memeing.

>actual roids do nothing more than extreme recovery, you still have to lift extreme and eat perfect.

You haven't read the studies either.

LOYAL gains not OIL

If you are a pro wrestler, yes.

I have run 4 cycles, no gynos, no roidrage, kept the gains. What was wrong with my post?


>believing the jewish lie

No, you don't get a heart attack. Sure if you start using Mr.Olympia amounts you die, but to get ripped normal sized body you don't die.
It's just a jooish lie to keep the men feminine.

>Woman wanting to take estrogen
>"Yey :)! "

>Man wanting to take testosterone
Using small amounts of steroids is the most redpilled thing you can do. The jews hate a masculine men. Steroids make you alpha.

To be exact
-British Dragon Andropen 275
-Bionicfarm Susta/Deca 3000mg x 2
-Malay Tiger Cypionate 150

>Yeah i'm redpilled bra
>Uses the muscle enhancing Jew

How old are you?

If it's younger than 45 I guarantee that your natural test production is fine.

And since you're asking Sup Forums I also guarantee you don't know enough about using PEDs to actually use PEDs.

Like here is another faggot who doesn't know anything about PEDs.

Read about it before shouting stupid shit. Dont take everything on pol for granted, do your own research. Did you know there are slow and fast esters and how do they affect you respectively?

back to faggot

Nah but its irrelevant since I've seen people on the street get fucked up by Steroids. They add muscle and nothing else. Real men work out, Steroids are for pussies who were too weak to work out

Byt thats where you are wrong. As I said, read about it my man. I'm 98% sure that your average meathead abuses testo in ridiculous amounts, thats bound to have negative consequences. But because testosterone levels have dropped dramatically in the last couple of decades, you have more in store than you think, the trick is not to over do it

If you don't have a problem with your balls shrinking, or your clitoris growing out to a dick then I guess there is nothing wrong with them

:)))) not a /fit/izen

>Nah but its irrelevant since I've seen people on the street get fucked up by Steroids

You're from Serbia. Watching your friends guzzle horse piss labeled as "STURRIDS" isn't the same as having actual experience or knowledge of PEDs.

>Steroids are for pussies who were too weak to work out

Like very high level athlete who spends 6+ hours a day training?

>Are steroids red-pilled?

If you want to die from an enlarged heart at 36, then yeah sure..

Happened to a roider I know.

I'm 33.
I know I don't know enough about it to do it just yet, seeing how I don't even know what PEDs are.

I would research the shit out of it befor I put anything like that into my body.

It just sucks being so damn skinny. I eat more than anyone I know and never gain a pound.