Can you guys try to convince me why we shouldn't theoretically use race in college admissions? Protip: You can't
Race in College
Because these Niggers exist with their Low IQ and known for irrational violence.
It inherently discriminates against others. Also best candidates are not admitted which is inherently unfair
My college actually did away with this practice, and the percentage of black students admitted plummeted to single digits. Now almost all of the black students are admitted through sports programs.
If you're supporting a system where we discriminate in favor of one group and against another, the burden is on you to convince others.
I support equality under the law. Tell me why I shouldn't.
When I put shouldn't I meant to put should just fyi
Why shouldn't the hardest working and smartest be admitted based on their merrit and not race? Isn't that what racial equality is about? Looking past skin tone?
Yeah but not enough of them are being picked because schools favor white men
Merit only.
Race is racist.
With today's colleges and how the left is, they're starting to accept other races in spite of racism
I'm brown and still had to pay basically full tuition because I'm rich. I thought we got treated better by admissions.
You are discriminating based on race, checkmate leftists
What if a college did the same thing with white people? Gave them a free pass while only the best of the best of nonwhites could get in (or couldn't get in at all)?
This means almost nothing without knowing which college you go to.
When we don't use AA we lower the number of niggers.
protip: you lost.
Those boys look like two fine white Second Amendment enthusiasts to me.
>brown and succesful
You're an uncle Tom.
Let's get to the core here, people stay in college because they're afraid of real life. They've become so used to being taken seriously by academicians -who are generally bottom of barrel trash men- they believe they've actually uncovered some glorious new intellectual insight. You don't like what I just said? Go write an A essay, then go fuck yourself because essay papers are completely meaningless masturbatory and waste of time. Anyone ever pat your back and give you an A for masturbating? Seems like a joke right? Take your useless degree and toss it in the garbage because you're the joke. Go ahead and laugh. Discourse discourse discourse. Let's write important papers on gender studies and sexuality studies and race studies. Important accusations, go fly a kite. Papers papers papers and essays that no one that matters will ever read; only professors programmed for steeping their dumb students in agenda politics. Programmed to program. Egghead Shithead Nothingmaster Nobody Laughingstock Usefulidiots. No one knows, no one cares.
So you mean whites are the hardest working and smartest?
You have no idea how many times I've been told that basically.
>You're Dominican? But you don't talk Dominican...
You should act like a total stereotype or else you're a traitor to your race and nation. Conforming to the white dominant culture shaped in America by RACIST EUROPEANS should be punishable by death. You should be free to express your culture. And by being free I mean it should be compulsory.
But seriously though over here leftists are actually turning on migrants that actually integrate because this implies racism opresses their beautiful culture.
>OMG you're black but don't start rioting and looting over police brutality on the other side of the Atlantic? What's wrong with you?
is a very normal opinion.
Admissions should be based on merit if the school takes any form of my tax dollars
If the school is purely privately funded in all forms, I don't give a SHIT what you do
Because then mostly whites are in the school and thats raycisss