Is Sup Forums just a parody of Stormfront?
Is Sup Forums just a parody of Stormfront?
it's satire but it's also all true.
Like Sam Hyde
pls have a dick
Sup Forums used to be Stormfront-tier
Now Sup Forums is Reddit-tier
Sup Forums is literally /r/The_Donald's bitch
not satire... sort of.
Not looking good user
What does that reddit then?
This. Plebbitors rays.
It's basically Stormfront but more open to gays and Jews, Sup Forums also has a younger userbase.
stormfronts looking for love forum is great for a laugh.
How does he always get away with it? Does he have government ties?
No it's just losers. They can't even answer simple questions....
Sup Forums is pretty much the Stormfag farm league.
Sup Forums is one person
If you read selectively because you're shaken by any mention of Nazis and Jews, probably.
Why would we go to the American version, pretty sure each country has their own "stormfront". Also that website looks like shit.
Its the comedy channel of
>Go to news section of Stormfront.
>Every single linked article is from Kikebart.
>Every single fucking one
And they claim to hate jews and to fight against (((their))) influence
He makes that face every time a liberal starts talking.
Stormfront's heart is in the right place, sadly they aren't smart enough to be effectual at all. Then again, neither is Sup Forums
I will never understand how Stormfront got blamed for Sup Forums.
Sup Forums started out as a resurrection of /new/ to contain all the ebil wacists and edgelords. but while a lot of us were genuinely racist, our views weren't that genuinely hardcore. more to the point, we were willing to discuss shit with other ideologies.
then hardcore stubborn anons started appearing, and people started blaming stormfront. i started going to stormfront, and it was actually far more civil than Sup Forums the obvious culprit were alt-right fags, but none of you ever listened to me and stormfrong became the undeserved boogeyman.
The biggest issue with Stormfront for me is that they forget the point of racial purity. It's not about who has the least melanin, it's about who's better. Focusing exclusively on genetics leads to racially pure cucks, like the Swedes or Merkel