How do we make women subservient to MEN again?
How do we make women subservient to MEN again?
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>Male men worth following again
It's never the woman's fault, they are followers, they are a reflection of you , and if woman are shit ,is because you were shit first ,
This is the hardest pill to swallow, they are children and should be treated as such.
If you want a good woman, be a good man first and women will follow you.
Remove Jewish corruption. Remove Jews.
Things gravitate towards a family unit when Jews are not in the country. Want proof? Look at any nation where there are no Jews in government. Family units are strong for a country, the building block of a nation. Compare that to a nation with a government full of Jews. It's night and day degeneracy.
gold advice
take a load of this guy
I'm sorry but sauce plz
Alternatively, just create fembots, or competition, as we'll call it.
women are subservient to men literally right now, those men are just not you
so the answer is kill the men who those women are subservient to
Don Alfonso??
You mean like Somalia?
That's bullshit. You can be what you want, if a woman is legally able to steal your money and treat you like shit, she will do it.
>It's never the woman's fault
But of course
Move to Russia, get married, hit your wife when she gets out of line.
>if a woman is legally able to steal your money
and it is men that have allowed this.
Can somebody please tell me the source of this clip plz desperate leaf here
Women are dumb though.
calm down ahmed
I recently got into an argument with my gf, and at one point I raised my hand to touch my own chest to emphasize a point. She nervously looked at the back of my hand and asked, "Are you going to hit me?" KEK! I said, "no," but I kept my hand up like that because she suddenly became subservient and apologetic in our now one-sided conversation. I am going to try it again next time she tries to drag me into an argument.
Remove the welfare state.
We beat them like we used to. We refuse to entertain non virgins and divorced ones. Make it hard and they'll bend.
if youve got to ask here then youre far too useless for it
>How do we make women subservient to MEN again?
Make more money, douchebag. That's what women want.
i'm going to kill you and take your women white boy
Be a MAN, what else
Galatians 5:13 - "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."
Matthew 20:28 - "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Traditional wedding vows according to the Book of Common Prayer:
Bride, "I,_____, take thee, _____, to be my wedded Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.
Groom, placing ring upon bride's finger, "With this Ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
"Men" like you who expect to be obeyed are not "traditional." Most of you are perverts and expect women to follow you AND serve you AND worship the ground you walk on, but you offer nothing in return. You are baby men. You are probably those nonwhite manlets at HWNDU. Take your doctrine of male-supremacist garbage back to your fetish blogs and leave the real traditional movement to make actual progress with the modern damaged woman.
Because you're a stupid baby and fall for her antics. Put a woman in her place and not in a thousand years will she dare backstab you.
Be a man
Women can't follow if you can't lead.
everything else are just made up excuses for being beta