Daily reminder.
Daily reminder
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Name the last time the KKK did literally anything bad.
They elected trump
Daily reminder there have been at least 10,000 muslim terror attacks since 9/11.
Daily reminder that on any given day, there is almost certainly a muslim terror attack.
There are scriptures in the Qur'an that reinforce jihad.
There are no bible quotes that promote white supremacy
Say it with me Sup Forums...
... A
Are white burgers really this braindead and in denial to there own crimes?
I said KKK. He's not in the KKK
daily reminder if you still think white males are the reason you're such a fucking retard, you're a fucking retard.
leaf logic
By that logic and denial then the "Muslims" that do the crimes are not Muslims, do you have any actual argument or just more crying and denial?
Yeah, the more than 200 people killed by KKK members in France last year really made me think. I mean the more than 200 people killed by KKK members in America last year. I mean the more than 200 people killed by KKK member in the last ten years. I mean...
They do though, or at least they represent what they should be.
You are not a proud warrior of God if you do not share the KKK's views.
Does the KKK even do anything bad anymore other than say mean things?
Where are the protests against Gold's Gym?
not to mention he's otherwise wearing the uniform of a mexican construction worker
I hate kids.
Daily reminder Protestants aren't Christians
Daily reminder that mainstream Catholics completely reject the KKK, while >90% of Muslims SUPPORT Islamic Terrorism.
See the difference now?
What the fuck are you even trying to say?
God I hate bait threads because they're just so retarded. If you fags actually used logic....
Kike media says that shit all the time. Get a new talking point, sage bait threads
>nigger hangings were unjustified
wow faggot have you considered that they raped back then too?
What's the date on that pic?
citation needed
Yeah. And I own a Nazi flag and a Gadsden Flag. If I shoot someone which conflicting ideology of those two are you going to blame it on? Nazism or Libertarianism?
It's almost like pieces of cloth are really cheap and easy to get your hands on.
Now try again faggot.
And how long ago was that?
Meanwhile the next mudslime terrorist attacks will happen in 3... 2... 1...
>Own towel
>put it on head sometimes
>live in Canada
>suddenly muslim, regardless of other factors
This is your logic. KYS, you stupid fucking disgrace.
More like
>Name the last time the KKK did literally anything
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You should also remember that quran ask for the death of kuffars, where bible ask for the love of everybody.
You can't compare Isis and KKK, because Isis is bascially following the quran, when KKK do not follow the bible.
Islam is the cancer.
Again what is your point? That because we have retards we have to be nice with the retards of other civilizations/races/religions?
What kind of retarded logic is that?
The kkk follows the bible
Wow definitely not nazi because in your small little peanut brains they were the good guys that didn't do anything right!
They were never racist or tried to holocaust a whole religion or anything!
Kek, I wish a american ww2 soldier would give you the good slapping you deserve you cuck, your country fought against the same thing you neck beards for some reason fetishize. Disgusting to even call yourself an american.
Is that picture from the fucking 1950s?
This year literally started with a Muslim terrorist attack on day one.
kek every time white people
Daily reminder
1) Kill anyone who insults Islam or Mohammad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3) Koran can't be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5) Muslims must fight (jihad) infidels, even if they don't want to. (Koran 3.151/8,12/2;216).
6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7) Muslims cannot be friends with Infidels. (Koran.5;51).
8) We the Infidels are sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9) Infidels can be raped as sex slaves. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10) Infidels the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11) Muslims must terrorize us (Infidels). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (Infidels). Koran.8;12/47;4).
14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (Infidels) (Koran.47;4).
15) Muslims are guaranteed heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20) Muslims must lie to us (Infidels) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106)..
So KKK kills in the name of christianity? The more you know...
They just go into the middle of the woods in their robes and burn shit...basically camping
So you'll blame Nazism or Libertarianism? They're extremely conflicting ideologies and I haven't voiced which one I like if either or why.
Maybe I just really like the history behind both flags and also think they look cool in their own right so I bought cheap flags.
>bible says kill black people for the lulz
i doubt it
Breivik is why you guys need to be stopped.
Not him, but even an American ww2 soldier would wish we'd lost the war, if he saw people like you.
Don't pull that "you bring shame to soldiers" bulshit. They all love Trump.
It's disgusting to believe you exist, that someone hates free speech that much.
Have you ever wondered why women in your country can't walk alone at night anymore.
So you missed the part where I was referring to djihadists as retards? Do you have ADD or something? It was just one sentence friend.
>They're extremely conflicting ideologies
>burger education
Oh boy, if you can show me direct evidence that shows a DIRECT link between libertarian ideology and mass murder and holocaust such as the Nazi ideology, then we can blame libertarian. Other then that if you just wanna whine and have no argument you need to just stop.
Hope that bouncer does life
>even an American ww2 soldier would wish we'd lost the war
>Sup Forums neckbeards in charge of WW2 fantasies
Would you be able to even provide one pathetic american soldier that would say that?
>19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses.
i'm starting to think this one isn't such a bad idea tbqh
So you'll blame Nazism? Why'd you pick that one? What if don't even like Nazism and am just a really big history buff and just find Hitler's rise to power and all the factors leading up to it extremely interesting. Maybe I bought a flag because I think it's really aesthetically pleasing and like the history. Or maybe I do WWII reenactments and I want to be prepared to play the role of the Germans if it's my turn.
It's like you're just making an argument that doesn't exist. Making false assumptions to fit your desired result....
Are you of African descent, my good sir?
Actually I heard they didn't like Trump.
In fact they stopped being racial supremacist.
come back when the KKK runs multiple countries and forces it's belief on all the citizen
then why the fuck would you want to get two of those groupes? Also musslims is mutch more extreme then christians, some one can probaly post the circles of support for musslims.
"In a Muslim family court, the testimony of a woman is worth half of that of a man.[citation needed]"
in en.wikipedia.org
I don't why a feminist would defend this religion...
Well he isn't kkk but let's say he is to give you a chance.
Are you saying the last thing the kkk did was the Charleston shooting?
That was over a year ago, ISIS has killed hundreds of people since then.
Holy shit are Canadians retarded,no wonder you lot get fucking RICED on the daily baby
Reminder that leaves are not human and should be raked on sight.
Daily reminder that a significant percentage of muslims favor the death penalty for leaving islam.
Daily reminder that islam is an adversarial religion inspiring hostile aggression.
200% Nigger
Daily reminder of a false equivalency that compares an extremely small group many years ago to a very large group present day?
>a fucking leaf
>brings up the literally who klux klan
>and calls it a religion at that
joining the KKK is not as easy as owning guns and waving a confederate flag (which isn't that a democrat flag anyways?)
being a radical muslim is literally as easy as saying you're one then acting, which again is currently and constantly happening
1/10 made me reply to leaf poster
Because they truly believe the bullshit that they're not all like this. They're about as smart as the women who come crawling back to their abuser again and again and tell people "he can be changed!" with a black eye she has to cover with makeup.
They're fucking idiots.
The connection between the doctrine of islam and jihadists is clear and direct.
There is no connection between the doctrine of christianity and the KKK to create a white ethnostate.
Boring muslim apologist argument is boring.
Next please
Post wizards BOY!!!
Yes only if kkk represented 15 to 25 percent of the religion and had committed multiple acts of terrorism throughout the globe not lynch niggers
Say it with me BOY.
Madame president.
>operate for dozens upon dozens of years
>kill niggers in the thousands, always execution based on crime
>went defunct long ago
>recent muslim terrorist cells
>operate for maybe a decade
>kill whities by the tens of thousands, cause terror for no reason, only ever target civillians unrelated to your cause
>gaining traction as we speak
Same thing with Muslims then, your argument goes no where, maybe the guy just has a Quran and Islamic flag because he's interested in it and wants to learn about it.
Your argument falls flat on your own ass. You are basically liberal in the sense that you are admitting that no race or group should ever be blamed for a crime but its that person itself that's the lone criminal.
Nathan Bedford Forrest, original founder of the original KKK, left the organization and called for both races to work together to fix the South.
Has an Imam ever done that and lived?
>The KKK.
And why is that?
That's elementary level style of arguing, joining a cult is no different then joining a religion, I'd say actually joining and understanding a religion is even harder.
Joining KKK is literally just one thing
1. Be white and hate every other coloured person
First of all the Klan did nothing wrong. And second if you can blame the actions of the Klan on all whites then we can blame the actions of ISIS on all Mohammedans.
It's a bullshit comparison.
KKK is not a religion, it's a speratist political/social movement that started out trying to destroy the Republican governments after the Civil War, later ressurected as an anti-immigrant movement, and lastly a refuge for wanna be Nazis and "Race purists".
Islam is a religion. It teaches jihad, and supports and funds it. The doctrine of Islam is world domination. Muslims are taught to fight and kill in the name of Islam to take over the world. Islamic terrorists are following the orders of their leaders, and the so-called "moderate Muslim" lie through their teeth that they're against them, because Islam instructs them to lie to non-believers.
But, if you want to believe bumper-sticker memes, more power to you. You'll be the first in the murder pits, when Islam takes over, because you failed to fight it.
little shit got what he deserved.
you are retarded
The KKK doesn't claim to represent Christianity.
ISIS (the Islamic State) as well as Radical Islamic Terrorism, DO claim to represent Islam.
A more accurate comparison would be:
Westboro Baptist Church -> Christianity
Islamic Terrorists -> Islam
However this makes Muslims look infinitely worse, since the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't kill anyone, hence you'll avoid this comparison and use the group that lynches black people instead, even if it is inaccurate.
Very deceptive in your choice of comparison here. Indicative of malicious, manipulative intent and suppressive, deceitful actions.
The KKK were right all along opposing Jews and non-whites.
Create this slide thread when the KKK wages a 2000yr old global campaign of terror.
30,215 according to jihadwatch.
it's elementary because the fundamentals went right over your head moron
apples to oranges you mongoloid
>the klan
one of these things IS a religion that IS calling for violence that IS supported by it's moderate practitioners that IS relevant and IS active and IS the motivation for hundreds of clandestine terror groups
the other is an irrelevant, obsolete group that exists in obscurity and legend, that recruits slowly and securely to maintain what semblance of an organization is left
MAYBE if you attempted to push that Christianity could be interpreted as violently as Islam we'd have a conversation, but instead you're LARPing and shitposting
daily reminder hillary lost
>Islamic terrorists