Netanyahu confirmed to be /ourguy/

After claiming Hitler Dindu Nuffin, and supporting Trump's wall, PM Netanyahu calls out the Jew, going on a rant about Leftist media and ((Bolsheviks)) trying to oust him

When will Sup Forums acknowledge Netanyahu as an ally to the White Race?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sure white supremacy is for everyone.


damn son. I un-ironically love Israel now.
This was the plan all along, wasn't it?
Even though it was, im not even mad.
Im just impressed at this point


thank you uncle bibi

Fuck off kike

Weve been saying for months now that Israel will do whatever Master Trump commands

Thats the benefit of being the only friend you have in the entire fucking world.

He's alright.

Sincere nationalist Jews are okay in my book

Netanyahu's gonna be pissed if trump pulls out of syria

They're not. Because they support globalism when they reside in other countries.

A famous french (((journalist))) once said about another (((journalist))) : He's Zola in Paris and Barres in Tel Aviv.

Zola being a left-wing writer, and Barres a nationalist writer. He meant jews are nationalists when it comes to Israel, but support globalism when they live in other countires.

They're all fucking parasites.

Expats are usually a lot more globalist, I mean true Israeli nationalists, not kikes in the western countri, yes those are mostly cancer

>Israel prime minister said Hitler did not do anything wrong
>Sup Forums and JIDF join forces to fight CTR

what fucking time line are we in lads

>Nationalist jews
>in other countries

How can you be a nationalist of a fabricated nation?

its called the international jew...or bolshevik

You mean the country that triggered the refugee wave to Europe by constantly destabilizing the middle east in order to achieve their greater israel project?

That's supposed to be (((ourguy)))?

>when they reside in other countries
but that's not a sincere nationalist

2 jews were killed in Mexico yesterday.


Spain is also fabricated nation, does it matter? All nations are created at some point

No, they develop economically through the unifying force of the market, solidifying territtorial relations through a common language.

Israel is a state, not a nation.

Nationalist, not internationalist. I also don't like internationalist muslims and gooks, they're all kinda similiar when they have their loyalties elsewhere, only that jews are more experienced and better in being annoying minorities.

Basque, Catalonians, Galicians are all their own peoples and have their own languages, yet still are a part of the Spanish nation

This guy is based as fuck

Ding ding ding

>diversity for thee, not for me

Aha, THAT'S the key issue. I'm Galician, and part of the Spanish state, but not part of the Spanish nation, that'd only be possible if Galicia was completely destroyed as a nation and then the Spanish nation would basically take its place through total control.

Jews are red pilled. But that doesn't makes them our allies.

Also he is completely right. This drama exists only because the our media can't stop crying "dat raciss".

Based BiBi

I want to hate Bibi. I really do. But right now I can't. He still has the "genocide is okay when WE do it" mentality of his spiritual liege Bengurion. But right now he just wants to genocide the Muslims, not Westerners. He may be our enemy in the future. He has not gained immunity from Rope Day yet. But at least for today, he's /ourguy/.

If that's the case there is no Spanish nation, just Castilian imperialism and the Castilian nation masquerading as "Spain"

>t-they did it, our shitty voter preferences for open borders leftists had nothing to do with it
funny, how come Europe wasn't overwhelmed by refugees from the colonial wars in the 60s and 70s?

Why are you so surprised, OP?
Nazism is yet another Jewish invention, after all.
They transferred pure-blood German Ashkenazis with their wealth (22 billion $) to Palestine via Haavara Agreement.
Then, (((they))) used the holohoax to give Israel a right to exist.
Also, Hitler was a jew himself. Did anybody saw his corpse? Nope, because he died in Israel.

tl;dr NatSocs are good-willed cucks.

Because the colonial wars were happening far away from Europe?

I mean, how retarded can you be? Iraq, Syria, and Libya are all right next to Europe (and coincidentally, are all threats to Israel if stable).

Life must be tough for a Jew always ass-kissing and sucking up to people to get them to like them.


He's Alt Right!

>muh allies
That's the mindset which killed Hitler.

Right now you just have shared interests, and interests are the strongest unifier.

Frankly supporting Israel gains you an ally against Muslim immigration and opposing Israel gives you another enemy while you need to concentrate on fighting immigration.

>After claiming Hitler Dindu Nuffin,
when was this

Nah it just became Spain. The name is a bit irrelevant, you could say it was born "there" but through historical development it's easier to call it Spain, there are a lot of parts who only speak spanish that are in no way different nations, such as Andalucia, that shit's just local particularities, they speak Spanish and do Spanish shit

>Frankly supporting Israel gains you an ally against Muslim immigration
They are literally causing muslim immigration.

wait when did he say hitler was innocent?

t. Shlomo

I think the Andalusians themselves might differ on that



I've been trying to say this.
A real fascist would admire Israel.
Most of the faggots here are just memeing.

congratulations, you just understood spain and their retarded 'government'

Fuck you. Nationalist jew > every muslim

Holy fucking basedness, Batman.

Enjoy your refugees and an unstable middle east and constant islamic extremism, then.

What do you want me to tell you? That it'll stop if you keep bombing?

Huh, neat.


Separatists seem even worse though, almost all leftists

when did he say hitler did nothing wrong

If only he was willing to help us fight the Jews in our own country. We've helped them enough, they need to support the fight against Jewish Bolshevism in the US.

He also supports the wall and blames hajis for the holocaust. I have no idea whats going on

We will soon make you all into good Jews.

that's what we have Trump for akhmed. to tell the saudis what's up so that refugees stay in sandland

The guy who said that 9/11 was "good for Israel" is not our guy.

Netanyahu is becoming more and more my favorite jew.

Hear that kikes... stop being leftist faggots pushing for us to kill our babies and be more like Netanyahu.

I dont care, we do it like Israel. I have enough of your shitty islamic bullshit.

wtf I like Israel now?!


Please at least post the whole thing.

>Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted (((Holocaust scholars))).

You do realise Saudi Arabia is best buds with Israel and that they don't give a single flying fuck about the stability of the region as it only profits them, right?

>Saudi king agrees with Trump to support Syria, Yemen safe zones
They have been fucking bombing Yemen constantly for years now and nobody has said a single thing on the international scene.

>They are literally causing muslim immigration
No, the fucking terrible immigration policy of the EU is.

You're just a Muslim who wants to deflect so all the Achmeds flow in while whites virtue signal about Israel.

If Israel evaporated it would stop zero deaths in gthe Sunni-Shia conflict that's happening in Syria and Iraq. Muslims kill Muslims and then try to blame everyone else for it.

He remembers Delta force. Bibi shitpost's aside has got my support. /pol now may start tearing me a new one.

Fuck it. USA should be a strong partner with Israel at this point.


You're literally posting Soros propaganda

>It's a jew shill thread
>wtf I love isreal now
>1 post by this id


This is a actually tweet for Netanyahu's twitter account.

>You're just a Muslim who wants to deflect so all the Achmeds flow in while whites virtue signal about Israel.

First of all, I'm not muslim in the first place.
There was no massive muslim immigration before the war in Iraq, in Libya, and in Syria, you fucking retard. Muslims want to live in their countries. Nobody was talking about Syrian refugees or subsaharians coming in through Libya before both countries got bombed to hell by NATO and the UN in order to ((((((((liberate)))))))) them. How hard is that to understand?

>If Israel evaporated it would stop zero deaths in gthe Sunni-Shia conflict that's happening in Syria and Iraq. Muslims kill Muslims and then try to blame everyone else for it.
The conflict is not sunni-shia, it is just a free-for-all between forces loyal to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and islamist militias financed by Israel (which admitted to doing it). The ideological justification is just a cover-up.

They've been a lot more common on Sup Forums since the UN decision on Palestine. Seems like JIDF woke up from its long slumber... CTR was almost too easy to notice, compared to these.

Okay here's a kike source

>Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem's Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted (((Holocaust scholars)))
I trust Bibi over (((them))). Don't you?

liar, we have you around since the 1960s

It's globalist vs zionist nationalists. I trust neither. The only thing that should be trusted here is Hitler's word. Are you implying he'd get manipulated this easily by a Jerusalem muslim?

This, there is no "Nationalist" jew.
They are parasitical by nature.

Honestly I believe it's caused more anti-semitism than support for Israel. I feel like the American public liked Israel better one or two decades ago. I'd still like to see some proof of Mossad involvement though

read your fucking haavara agreement and look at the big fat ADOLPH HITLER

י-יכול להיות שאני הולך להצביע לביבי שוב בכל זאת?
ווט דה פאק איי לאב ביבי נאו.

You Dutch cunts are nothing but troublemakers. Every post I see by you is either sarcastic or non-conformist.

Criminally underfuckingrated

Lololol, almost all Galicia votes PP

Jews and Islamics need a civil war.

This needs to happen ASAP. Just fucking fight between yourself to root out your own filth and degeneracy or else the world will do it for you!

עשו לביבי בבחירות הקודמות בדיוק מה שעשו לטראמפ
סקרים מזוייפים, אינסוף כתבות על שטויות נגדו, הרבה כסף זר נכנס למחנה הציוני
ועדיין התקשורת מנסה להפיל אותו

ידו הארוכה של סורוס

What else is there to vote in Spain? Only leftist shit

based bibi

God, the M60 was and still is a e s t h e t i c AF desu senpai

Has it ever stuck you that based Bibi is one of the least jewish looking high-profile jews of all time. The dude looks like he's 100% Russian.

Could he be an ethnic manchurian candidate? A Putinist wolf in jew's clothing, maybe?

Bibi, habibi, what are you doooooing? Do you really want to get involved in this shitshow?

lol that's like quoting CNN on Trump. It's the mouthpiece of the 10% of far leftists who want to flood Israel with shitskins.


Hey habibi

What kinda tank-fu is that?

Merkava Mk IV

An old Vietnam-era M60 cosplaying as a modern MBT in reactive armor

Merkava 2

Honestly if Sup Forums was predominantly from Israel, they'd love Netanyahu.

The leftists there had their own triggering when he won, there were protests in the street, Israeli celebrities were ranting on twitter about how right-wing jews should "swallow cyanide pills", fucking crying from kingdom come.

>Israeli celebrities were ranting on twitter about how right-wing jews should "swallow cyanide pills"
Wait, what? How did I miss this?

Yeah, though. Tel Aviv haaaaaaates Netanyahu. Too bad he's one of the only grown-ups in Israeli politics.