can we please spam the fuck out of this webpage that just got blasted out to all of the students at my university?
My PC uni
Other urls found in this thread:
Did a few submits, they don't seem to limit so I'll see if I can whip up an auto scritpt
I put in a couple of redpills as the name field
shame we cant see a list of all signers
Hugh Mungus reporting in.
Not your personal army, fag
White Brother Reporting In
I'll bite.
Longdong nogothere, faculty and staff memver since 69 has signed the pledge
Chad Thunderjunk reporting in.
Dirk Diggler, pledging my support.
GRAB THE PUSSY reporting
I just put "Women Are Not People" in the field
Faculty member Dick Indass
Donald J Trump just signed it.
'Jews did 9/11' is a strong supporter of women's rights.
No fuck off with your honeypot.
Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider signed.
Do it over VPN
"Womens'RightsWereAMistake" reporting in
Adolf Hitler is now against sexual assault.
Shlomo Goldbergstein reporting in
Zany Bumfuck reporting in.
Fat'ima Gassem (tribute)
coincidence the adolf i know also signed
I, Mike Hawk, also pledged my support
A. Wyatt Mann reporting in
>Sexual assault "survivor"
In the modern clime even something as minor as getting your butt grabbed is considered sexual assault. They are literally calling people survivors for having had their butt touched by a stranger at a bar.
Adolf Hitler just pleged.
RapeMaster agrees.
this picture offends me on an intellectual level
sjws are not comparable to stalin, mao, and ho chi minh, all of whom accomplished things and were respectable in their own rights (if only it were not for their misinterpretation of the need of authoritarianism)
>OrgName: Utah State University
>OrgId: USU
>Address: Information Technology
>Address: 4410 Old Main Hill
>City: Logan
>StateProv: UT
>PostalCode: 84322-4410
>Country: US
>RegDate: 1987-12-01
>Updated: 2012-10-23
Yes Utah State University is doing a honey pot.
Why should you even use VPN for this?
Their own fault for making this accessible for the whole internet
Graduate student Hymie Noseberg reporting
I did my part...
Hans is right. This isn't considered 'illegal' spam and 1st amendment bitches.
I think I broke it
I really hate the "not your personal army" faggots.
always filter user input
Wyatt a. Mann reporting a in
Rapefugee Abdul reporting in
it's completely wide open to SQL injection
Niggertron reporting in
now it's time for SQL injection!
Oh lawd. Times like this is when I miss old Sup Forums.
I said that I was faculty, my name is "NiggerboiJohn"
Just because they aren't capable doesn't mean that isn't where they are politically. They'd go full Stalin on fucking white males if they had the capacity.
fullon rapist reporting in
Reporting in
Can we put jokes about rapes in the name field? Or names from famous rapists?
Bill "Nigger" Cosby
Just put in whatever is funny and will offend them.
I was just browsing through some forums and came upon your oath which follows:
Take the “I Will” Pledge
Sexual Assault can be prevented when we are all a part of the solution. I pledge to step in and stop sexual assault.
I Will:
Not tolerate jokes, attitudes, or any behavior that perpetuates sexual assault.
Decide now to intervene if consent has not or cannot be given.
Step in if I see warning signs of sexual assault on social media, at parties or in a friend’s relationship.
Not assume someone else will stop sexual assault. I will be the one to step in.
Believe and help survivors of sexual assault.
At first the focus seemed to be righteous and moral however upon actually analyzing it it is a troublesome message and want to provide my POV. The first point in the pledge isn't inherently wrong however it assumes a) that people are so weak willed that a joke will turn them into rapists and b) who decides what perpetuates sexual assault? Is it just dark humor or does it go down to off hand micro aggressions?
The second and third points are solid and at face value seem alright (However going through the 'File a Report' section Im skeptical of what degree this entails.
However the fourth point is what concerns me the most. By listening and believing, you automatically prescribe to a mindset that the accused is guilty until proven innocent which is horribly draconian and undemocratic. You provide a tool that can be easily manipulated as a social weapon to assassinate the reputation of anyones character because an accusation is all it takes to convict them! Furthermore in the 'File a Report' section you state that if one is found innocent that the school can still punish him/her? I don't want to sound pretentious but this feels very McCarthyist and worrying.
-A concerned citizen
>not your personal army
back to rddit cunt
Ass Raper McGee reporting in
We didnt win the election with that attitude
I also signed as Adolf Hitler
fuck i broke it
You break it if your name is too long
now its not as fun
The pledge that saved the world.