Is this a coincidence or not?


Pure coincidence.

Oy vey goyim, how could you even insinuate that you fucking racist?

No, jews control everything. Even atoms.

*facepalms eternally*

>implying that's anything like how atoms look in reality

Never trust a physicist who says
>muh einstein
>muh relativity

Kek is monitoring.

Sacred geometry is found in nature

Oy vey burn all scientific books!

>post 1900 and still not using wave functions to represent atoms
Who's anti science now


That's how they looked like in my old textbook from highschool, so it must be true.

are atoms white?

How the flying fuck would you even show an atom given what we now know about electron orbits around nuclei?

Just a ball or?




I have that

someone post the 'shutdown the atoms' pic

Atoms don't actually look like that.

You ever looked at an atom, son?

Judging by the symbol, jews are more edgy.

it's always a (((COINCIDENCE)))

"For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for?" - Elie (((Wiesel))), (((Holocaust survivor and author of Night))), a staple in High School English classes

No our entire universe is built with sacred geometry. The atom is far from the only instance where you see that shape.

Coincidentally, the star has the number "666" encoded within it. The planet Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun, has a hexagonal shaped storm raging on it's surface. The days of the week are named after the planets, and Saturday is the sixth day. It's also the day that the most degeneracy takes place. Saturn in mythology is equated with Apollo who is equated with Helios, Ra, and other sun gods including Baal of Babylon, you know, the one that they used to sacrifice thousands of babies to. Remember that the name "Lucifer" means the light bearer or the morning star. The morning star is also often related to the god Apollo.

Another astonishing coincidence is that Trump, who has a great grandmother with an Ashkenazic surname, has a painting of Apollo chasing Aurora, the dawn. Aurora, or Eos in Greek mythology, is the dawn which is preceded by the morning star. This painting of Trump's is hung in his penthouse on the 66th floor of his 666 foot tall tower.

Oops forgot my picture.

So basically you're telling us that Trump is the antichrist

Yeah fuck off CTR

No, just telling you that like pretty much every influential figure in society, Trump is a Satanic kike.

You can try to deflect by calling me CTR all you want, I know the truth and truth is all that matters.

you are the result of many bad coincidenses

the star is 2 triangles

atom is not


Yeah and the Freemasonry logo isn't two triangles either, but that doesn't mean these aren't the same thing.

ur more right than op

OP is on to something though which is more than 95% of pol can say when it comes to the kikes and satanists that rule our world.

Nice Trump likes them young.

Obviously not, and even less of a coincidence is the fact that atheists use it as a symbol

Do they really? That's hilarious. There is just evil symbolism everywhere on this planet, God dammit.

Ask that same question before, after and at the same time as I asked you this one again and I'll show you.

One of these triangles is "the square" which is obviously 90 degrees.
An equilateral triangle is not

tfw Einstein has been taking us the wrong path in science
>literally trolled by a patent jew

Where is there a 90 degree angle in any of those shapes?


>simplyfied drawing of an outdated atom model has 6 corners
seriously if tis is al Sup Forums has to offer this place is just botled shit

Way to miss the point, what a waste of digits.

no the torah is written with mathematics and geometry in mind but the whole reason jews learn that language is because they want to hoard the ancient knowledge and try to claim its meant for just them. Not for us goys but all religions have facets of hoarding knowledge to give one group an advantage. Its all designed to fuck with your head and make you hate yourself.