>According to Sup Forums most blacks have low IQ.
>Politically speaking, black people tend to be Conservative Democrats
>So doesn't that mean that most conservatives and democrats have low IQ?
>According to Sup Forums most blacks have low IQ.
>Politically speaking, black people tend to be Conservative Democrats
>So doesn't that mean that most conservatives and democrats have low IQ?
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Sup Forums must lack the intelligence to answer.
no.blacks are a minority so it doesn't effect it that much.
Doesn't this imply that IQ is the only thing that affects political belief?
Not very believable
Conservative democrat? Please explain.
no, its just have you no argument
No, this implies that those with certain IQ levels have certain values.
i hate these b8/slide threads. worst part about Sup Forums. sage
>no argument that's easy for me to answer
Read between the lines.
Conservative doesn't mean anything aside from preserving the status quo. For blacks that means endless welfare and crime.
Most average people have a low IQ
We're all surrounded by retards
The most retarded person on Sup Forums has more brain capacity then your average person on the street
Blacks are just the epitome of retardation
Blacks hate homos.
>Politically speaking, black people tend to be Conservative Democrats
Low quality bait. Please hide this slide thread.
>No, this implies that those with certain IQ levels have certain values because of their IQ
I fixed that for you.
And yes, it's just how I wrote it. What if niggers are conservatives for reasons completely unrelated to IQ but that you are not considering?
>So doesn't that mean that most conservatives and democrats have low IQ?
If they are niggers, yea.
95% blacks vote liberal. Therefore they must be conservatives.
Holy shit.
>Conservative Democrats
What the fuck does that even mean?
Do you mean their general anti-gay and Muslim thing?
That's just cause most of them are Christian or from a Christian background. Clearly a lot are not very good practitioners but the ideas are still in there.
Blacks are at heart conservative democrats.
>black people tend to be Conservative Democrats
progressive leftism is too much of an advanced concept for the average nignog, it requires understanding of generalization and a sense of utlitratism and thats beyond jamal and shaneequas powers of imagination.
"Gibs me dat!" is on their level tho!
you really do have shit for brains, don't you?
Conservative as in "ayo nigguh I ain't fuckin wit no gay shit, I ain't no punk"?
That's your definition of conservative?
They tend to be democrats and most dems are dumb. I don't believe that blacks are less intelligent but OP is the stupidest nigga in the whole world.
Actually conservative blacks believe in a vocational lifestyle. It's obvious you have never met any black people.
So does Sup Forums
Why? Because both are conservatives.
>Sup Forums is one person
>unable to identify a whore vs a prom queen
kill yourself retard.
They are "New Coalition Democrats"
Socially conservative, economic moderate, religious, mostly minorities
Yes, blacks are NOT liberals or republicans. Yes, correct.
Bullshit. I'm here all the time and am a left, just not a nuleft fuckwit.
There are plenty of others as well.
Because blacks are the epitome of Conservative Democrats. Yes, correct.
Burgers master the art of sophism
It's not bait, it's facts. Try a better argument.
>>blacks are low Iq
If IQ was a good metric at all and not just baseless b.s.
Koreans have a "high IQ", they still have shit hygeine and eat roach infested food. Doesn't mean a thang baby
Yet they vote in liberals for the gibs.
This is a textbook example of a logical fallacy.
Your link suggest that conservative democrats are socially liberal but believe in conservative policies which is the exact opposite one could take from black community.
The term seems not to match
Everyone does it eventually if you stay here long enough.
Even molecule couldn't refute this.
They stopped teaching logic in schools a long time ago.
Which is why public education is fucking bullshit. They've been sabotaging the curriculum for decades to dumb people down.
>All homosexuals are doctors
>Therefore all doctors are homosexual
nice logic there faggot.
It just means that blacks aren't cucked into believing retarded social justice shit, their special snowflake status allows them to have political opinions without fear of social retribution.
>X belong to Y group
>therefore all not-X in Y also have X's attributes
>oh fug am i stupid for supporting Trumpf?
>wtf i am shill for hill now
>lol i am so much smarter than those Trumpfkins xd
Literally no argument here.
Delete this already.
Had liberals been logical, they would not have been liberals.
Conservatives are the most natural hierarchy, and the closest to national socialism.
We have very clever people at the top: Bannon, Trump etc. but the base is made up of the working class.
Liberals on the other hand have morons at the top: Obama, Clinton etc. although these sadistic morons are controlled by clever jews.
The liberal base are mid IQ to low IQ sociology majors and pretentious (((scientist))) types.
The natural hierarchy of races and peoples is more on the conservative side, because Liberals have placed the most immoral, undeniably clever people at the top of their cabal (jews, masons etc. all those pedo groups) and have abandoned morality altogether.
Bannon esque conservatives emphasize a combination of intellectual talent and morality, something jews lack, and that's why they will ultimately lose out.
96% of blacks voted for Obama.
Yet OP called them conservatives.
Either op is full of shit or they are.
>some X are Y
>does that mean all Y are X?
> according to OP Sup Forumsis one person.
This is such a tired argument. Grow up OP.
The liberal base are people who cannot survive without government assistance.
That's why they don't "learn their lessons" and "go away". They require assistance or they die.
I vote die.
But blacks do have a very low average IQ.
they vote democrat, there is no liberal party you stupid nigger retard. niggers and spics are socially conservative. they don't like faggots and all that
Your first fallacy is thinking blacks identify as either Democrat or Republican. They don't know the difference.
It just so happens that interests blacks have (gibs, minority perks, low intellectual individuals) all point to democratic ideals.
Blacks aren't smart enough to comprehend left vs right.
Nobody likes faggots. Not even other faggots. Hardly a litmus test.
I agree, better save 3 healthy capable talented people than 500 worthless shitstained morons.
If they don't know the difference then how come they vote Democrat in high numbers. How ignorant.
It's not "according to /pol" you retard it's "according to science". You do remember science class, right, retard? It's that class in high school you picked your nose through.
>If they don't know the difference then how come they vote Democrat in high numbers
They don't know the difference beyond "these people give me free money, those people are against it and dey ray ciss".
Conservative is a philosophy, Democrat is a party. You're a member of the Democrat party and you hold conservative beliefs. What's not to get?
>Protip: there are liberal Republicans too
Just the black ones
>Conservative is a philosophy, Democrat is a party.
The policies of the Democrat party go against Conservative philosophy, so you can't be a Conservative Democrat as it currently stands in America. The fact that they agree with conservatives on certain issues doesn't make them conservative.
Only reason so many blacks showed up in 2008 and 2012 is because of King Nigger.
Prior to that they don't care.
That isn't what I said. Do better.
meant this one.
You would have to be a low iq conservative to vote for the Democrats so no Niggers don't represent the average conservative
Obama is half-white and specific said he wasn't going to do anything for black people. They knew this and still voted for a conservative democrat candidate anyway.
>Conservative Democrats
just because they hate gay people doesn't make them conservative
Actually they don't, most conservatives tend to have a negroid mentality.
Obama is considered the first black president by Niggers and the media don't try so hard cuck
the only way in which blacks are conservative is their stance on gays.
thats it, they aren't for family, tradition, they evne pretend to be Christian when they don't act in any way Christian.
You're an idiot. Democrats overwhelmingly vote based on emotional and social issues.
You're an idiot if you think the higher black vote turnout in both those years had nothing to do with Obama's skin color. I have to be getting trolled right now..
Now you so btfo your playing subjective games
The average conservative does not vote democratic and therfore the ones that do do not represent conservatives in any way.
This is where your little narrative ends
Actually they do more than hate gay people. If you researched conservative democrats then you would know.
Yea but the fact they vote Democrats is in contrast to the average conservative and therfore don't represent the average what so ever
Most some democrats tend to have conservative views. OMG how dumb are some of you?
Yes and they are a minority of conservatives as a whole.
The average conservatives vote Republican
Like what buddy?
Tell me how Tyrone the crack dealer with 2 babies mommas who doesn't pay child support is Conservative because he hates gay people.
Actually that's not true since some Liberals are Republicans as well. Did you click on the conservapedia website?
No m8 your not disputing anything is said
The majority and therfore average conservative votes Republican period
He's actually a democrat, a conservative democrat.
Selling drugs keeps many countries afloat.
The average conservative votes republican but is not. Some are democrats.
Learn to speak and type the average conservative votes Republican period end of story
>The Republican Party's current ideology is American conservatism, which contrasts with the Democrats' modern liberalism
And how many of these Republican voters are in fact Liberals?
And how many of these Republican voters are in fact Liberals?
>what am logic
There's no such thing as a Conservative Democrat. The policies of the Democratic party go strongly against the principles of conservatism, and if you don't follow the principles of conservatism, you're not a conservative, no matter how many opinions you hold can be derived from principles you reject. Are you black?
A minority based on their polling data on conservative issues.
Your in such a fucking corner right now you want to play stupid
Hahhaahahahaaaha gasp hahahah
Yes the conservative republicans but not the conservative democrats. Yes, correct.
The majority of conservatives period vote Republican.
There is no disputing this
Voting Democrate as a conservative is supporting a party with a opossum ideology
>>The Republican Party's current ideology is American conservatism, which contrasts with the Democrats' modern liberalism
Yes, correct.
I'm glad you can see things my way
So knowing this a low iq nigger conservative voting Democrat does not represent the average conservative in any way
Cool again they are a minority in all of conservatives as we established the average conservatives in general vote Republican
It does in ideology, that's the issue. Your mentality is negrofied.
Your blown out cuck with one simple argument it's over
Conservatives don't vote Democrate on average and those that do by proxy do not represent the average conservative so because Niggers with low iq vote Democrats while being conservative it has no bearing on said average conservative or their iq as they are a minority to the whole.
This is fun
>The Republican Party's current ideology is American conservatism, which contrasts with the Democrats' modern liberalism
You would already have to have low iq to vote democrat as a conservative as theie party ideology conflict with one another.