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banned country person
Please be mudslime KEK HEAR ME
Are you one of those aliens in Antarctica?
The white guy will get blamed for brainwashing the other clown.
>be a white guy
>go to a mosque
>with good intentions
does this shit happen even in theory?
Please be mudskin
The people killed in the mosque were Moroccans, Algerians etc., so the Moroccan was almost definitely the witness.
Hahaha they're letting the fucking muzzie go, aren't they? Because clearly only the whites are capable of this.
I wonder who it could be.....
At least that guy is facing his problems.
Naw, his problems are still behind him
The only suspect now is the white guy, Alexandre Bissonnette.
That was completely inappropriate, please delet.
Praise kek
Its not the muslim. Last night the white guy called 911 and turned himself because he felt guilty
nice proxy faggot
The white guy posted this on facebook, this is the facebook the picture the media was using was from. So in otherwords the media rushed to falsely label this guy as the shooter, and plasted his pictures all over the media across the planet, even goign so far as to say he turned hismelf in
my blood is fucking boiling right now
It's the white guy
Morrocan is the witness and whitey is the suspect.
If if was the white guy, you would know straight away.
Does anyone go to a mosque with good intentions?
>apologize after terror attack
A true leaf.
Why are you posting random shit in every thread you proxy fag
Fellow Canadians, are you ready to lose what's left of your internet rights? Sup Forums and 8ch will probably be banned by ISPs when the bill-59 passes.
Hi France congrats on the pageant
I would kill to be named Adolf Hitler
It's clearly the Muslim who is the witness.
Why would a white guy just happen to be hanging around a mosque?
Jesus you guys are fucking retarded
The white guy caved early, given he gave himself up.
Being arrested and not charged he likely admitted guilt early to reduce his charges and sentencing, entered a plea bargain, to let the muzzie save face and the country. This is already being papered over hard.
please kek
>Posts it in French
Quebec needs to be nuked.
That's a different guy. he's pissed that because he has the same nameas the shooter they think its him. This is the actual profile & likes of the guy arrested:
I'm sure the likes of Trump & Marine Le Pen will go down well.
>Canadian government decided to let the muslim go, arresting the apostate.
Die already Justin
That's not him dumbass, that's another guy with the same name.
>convert to islam
>have good intentions
Well, damn. You got me there.
Uber driver.
They did not release the info because uber is dubious legal right now due to taxi lobby
KEK make it happen
Nah, this is a different guy. Go look at his profile, he's fat. His face probably ended up on twitter or something. The pictures being used on news websites are from the actual shooter's profile page, which was removed from facebook a few hours ago.
>trying to make the world safe
>know Muslims are dangerous
>get called a violent racist xenophobe for wanting to deport them peaceful
>can't do nothing cause of liberal governments
>get Trump elected
>starts to get shit done
>people still scream that you're a violent racists xenophobic white male but it's cool cause you haven't actually done that
>then a fucking leaf shoots up a mosque
Nothing makes sense now.
How did we get from three masked shooters to one lone white dude.
>yfw he was paid by the government to do it
What's Canada's end game?
He also liked Richard Dawkins and Agnès Maltais.
you forgot your pic there
Seems like this snow frog is going to be taking his media redpill as a suppository.
>he liked feminism groups and the NDP (our commie party)
>he also liked Donald Trump and Marine LePen
i'm confused, what is he?
Sorry, we'll post it in arabic next time
He's Sup Forums
Chaos? It happens every time there's a mass shooting. Your mind plays tricks on you when you're in those kinds of situations. Also, witnesses often trade info about shooters w/o realizing they're describing the same person.
MFW Canada can't even false flag without it becoming a clusterfuck.
a fucking leaf
how is the population supposed to trust the canadian government after this much fuckery.
>yfw /leftypol/
Good goy.
The mosque won.
it was already confirmed that the suspect in custody is the white guy.
Could a kind stranger catch me up on this? Was there actually a white perp involved, or what?
Have you seen how beta the little leaf is? Probably a convert or fluffer.
>Israel Defense Forces
But they said it was 3 masked shooters?
What happened to the two other shooters?
Nazi white man shot innoccent muslims in Canada
We have always been at war with eastasia.
Damage control. This incident could make or break Trudeau's immigration policy; pinning all of the blame on one white guy allows Trudeau to double down on his anti-Trump mass immigration policy.
>Richard Dawkins
>the amorality of atheism
>George Bush
>Christopher Hitchens
>John Paul II
None of this story makes sense.
>3 guys
>then 2
>had an ak
>shouted allah ackbar while killing people
>all those guys on the run
>white dude calls the police half an hour later to say it's him
>somehow nobody saw he was white in the mosquee
>now only one shooter the white guy
I'm as weeb as they come but come the fuck on.
Things are getting a tad fishy lads
Even the witness seem to have had a collective hallucination and synchronized amnesia. Good thing the racist called the police to say he was white and refresh their memories.
That's a pretty strange page.
>John McCain, George W. Bush
>Rob Ford, Parti Québecois, NDP
>Donald J. Trump
>Peter Hitchens, Pope, John Paul II, Hope: preventing euthanasia & assisted suicide
>Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Foundation for Reason and Science, Féministes en mouvement de l'Université Laval FÉMUL
So he's completely torn on issues of religion and morality, and likes both cuckservatives (Bush, McCain) and Trump, and left-wing progressive parties in Canada.
>Omg how dare he communicate with his fellows using his native language
Kill yourself
(((someone))) freed the muslims.
Maybe he's a liberal and just liked Trump & Republican pages to troll them whenever they make a post?
they turned out to be innocent muslims
Guy's probably one of those mentally ill rejects who always admit to committing atrocities in order to get attention. And from the Canadian establishment's point of view, it's probably better to publicly accept his admission in this case and go after the real perps quietly "to avoid upsetting community relations" (i.e. to avoid making Trudeau look like a turbocucked eejit abroad).
Obviously a white guy.
Sup Forums BTFFO
get in here
Could just be a hardcore leftist trying to cover up. In ISIS handbook they tell djihadis to befriend leftist and use them as allies.
I want it to be the white guy, I want them to know we are waking up
- ~ - M E M O R Y H O L E - ~ -
Federal government probably took over the investigation from the start to control the narrative.
The muslim lied through his teeth, or they are spinning it.
Eye witness survivor testimonies mention two shooters. or they say the 'gunmen'. you wouldn't mistake one guy blasting a rifle if there was multiple. these scenes would be overwhelming your mind.
How the fuck do you get an Antarctic IP
>shitposting weeaboo penguin
The simplest explanation is usually the best, though.
Your explanation requires a lot of willpower, planning and self-sacrifice on the side of the idiots whose worst act so far was setting a small Muslim-owned chauffeur service's limousine on fire. My explanation only requires some mentally ill retard contacting the police saying he's the real perpetrator (which happens after practically every murder that hits the media and sometimes does lead to a wrongful conviction) and someone up the chain of command deciding to go with it.
Doesn't matter. Either one it still shows immigration of Muslims is wrong.
Muslim responsible? Provides further evidence of incompatibility of Muslims with Western nations.
White Quebecer responsible? Provides further evidence of incompatibility of Muslims with Western nations.
This is what libtard scum don't get; ANY violence due to immigration lends weight to the argument that immigration needs to be restricted. It doesn't matter if the violence is committed by immigrants or by natives reacting to immigrants - the fact that violence in response to massive immigration occurs shows that massive immigration simply leads to discord and violence.
You are the biggest cucks after Sweden and Germany. It wont change a thing even if it was whitey
Also we can enjoy being totally disarmed after this because MUH GUNS
Alexandre liked to suck american cocks
You're probably right. Though I doubt there will ever be a proper, transparent investigation about this.
How do they even know he was actually there ? Did they find weapons ? Did the fingerprints match or something.
Jesus fucking Christ.
this is the real one
>How do they even know he was actually there ? Did they find weapons ? Did the fingerprints match or something.
This is especially suspect if the local police have fucked up part of the investigation already (I mean, there was widespread speculation on the amount of suspects, suggesting that the authorities are still in the dark about it).
They might never catch everyone involved, and it wouldn't be the first time authorities pinned murders on someone suffering from a mental illness because they can't afford to cause a panic by admitting that the real killers are still out there somewhere in the city.