>Croats will now have to go to the army or do community work.
Just now?
Literally what weve had to do ever since our independence
yes, we removed it in 2008 because we joined NATO but we will add it again because our politicians don't think the US will help us in a case of an attack.
Is it any good?
čak jelan, a ti mene jebeš ?
istina je
No. It's pussyfooting.
I guess thats what we may just need desu.
why? They talked about the re-introduction of conscription here too.
>join army
=remove kebab
>do community service
=help those removing kebab
God speed Croatbros
>They talked about the re-introduction of conscription here too
WWIII confirmed?
I guess that we just can't rely on other countries anymore, especially since Trump is the president and he wants to dissolve NATO.
i would honestly join the army, at least i would learn how to fight since us croats really are a warrior nation nothing else.
Agreed. Community service makes it sound like you'll be doing menial work and simple chores, pretty boring for a young man to get into
If you're still young and have some balls go learn some army shit, seems the preferable of the two options - Camping around in the Croatian woods with some bros and tools of the military makes for some fun times
>WWIII confirmed?
not really, they need cheap cooks and caregivers for all the wogs
>I guess that we just can't rely on other countries anymore, especially since Trump is the president and he wants to dissolve NATO.
is Serbia about to invade?
Sort of. Its fun to shoot ARs with borderline autistic Bros and have a Bro time innawoods
Then again its really shitty If youre lazy
Community service for us means you'll be emptying out bedpans of dying old people for 12 months.
Yea fuck that, army it is
You wish
>is Serbia about to invade?
probably not,even if they do we would rek em.
>You wish
what I wish is an army like Switzerland has, every abled body is part of the militia. I certainly wish no cannon fodder for the EU elites.
Is this just for the kids who finish high school from now on or everyone who didn't serve from 2008 onwards?
>probably not,even if they do we would rek em.
I know, but maybe you'll join forces and divide Bosnia..
same here susjed
War in Balkans by 2025 confirmed?
I am not really sure we will have to wait a few weeks to see how all of this plays out.
I doubt they will draft 28 year olds...
also, is it again just men who are conscripted?
>War in Balkans by 2025 confirmed?
it wouldn't be balkan if there wasnt a war
>also, is it again just men who are conscripted?
10/10 its happening!
Artillery is for lazy ones... like me :3
If you're white and you wish to serve or you're compelled to serve, then do so, but don't let the kikes fool you into fighting with your brothers. This goes for slavs, romanians, and anglos too. War is the jew's harvest.
top kek
They meme'd the shield maiden into reality.
your asking for an something that's imposible
>how to make our maps look even more retarded
Croatia is rightful Slovenian clay.
>Croatia is rightful Slovenian clay.
Serbia is rightful Turkish clay.
Dude, even other Croats don't give a fuck
she mowed down a shitload of Talibans, sadly ourtside of Norway though