You britbongs sure like wasting parliament time
British Parliament discussing Trump immigration ban
ya cahnt bahn mooslims. islum ees a reeligin ov pees
We need Trump to liberate London and its terrorist mayor
A lot of direct comparisons to the Holocaust and WWII. I expect that out of SJWs and (((others))), but not members of Parliament
>T. Cuckt english
Oh boy first lesson you get once germany has taken over england is how to fix shit on your own.
Pathetic looser.
When petitions reach 300k they are discussed in parliament. Doesnt actually mean anything will come of it.
>when 30% of your voters as Muslim
Who the fuck let Ozzy in here?
You make no sense, Hans. You need to be over 18 to post on this board.
Wait so Trumps can't go to UK now? I thought they left Soros or something
lmao that is retarded. Not gonna lie.
I believe 2 hours were devoted to debating going to war in Iraq while 8 hours was devoted to transgender rights last year.
As retarded as that is, at least it is a discussion on policy and military involvement and not bitching about other countries on policy that doesn't effect you guys
From what I've heard, that isn't the case despite the bitching from leftists.
Is this like when they were discussing banning Trump from the UK a while back, before he was even elected?
That was a fun watch.
>They asked me where I was born!
Pretty much
If it was a Muslim ban then he would have included the other 40-50 Muslim majority countries.
Can't into Brit politics
Who the fuck is the blonde guy? He's flip flopping with ever line , or he like some kind of speaker ?
Boris Johnson, Sec of State on foreign affairs
Glad Boris called them out on their bullshit comparing the ban to the holocaust
Hope Netanyahu condemns those left wing fucks
I really like this Drumpf lookin guy. Whats his name
Wow that's a great use of government resources...
>republican senators warned the bongs about the evil trump administration
Boris Johnson
What a fucking argument.
McCain and Miss Lindsey Graham.
Almost as pussy as Schumer.
Every single one is a cuck. SAD!
> Muh, Holocaust
> Muh, our values
> Muh, it's a muslim ban (even it 90% of muslims don't live in those 7 countries)
Damn, you bongs are really cucked. Those idiots just throw some SJW buzzwords around.
rip feed
jesus fucking christ, it is the same shit over and over again
is this the same parliament that had days dedicated to deciding if they wanted to ban Trump himself from that rain soaked island?
He was born in New York.
Not all, just the opposition,
lol ;^)
>Ban democratically elected leader of the free world
>Allow unvetted Muslim rapists to enter and rape children
Wew lads!
Some >90 year old braindead guy told them something… but the interesting thing is: They didn't even say names!
You do realise those that are coming out with this bullshit are not actually in power right? They are not in power for the reasons you're seeing. They are of cuckoldry, therefore they will not be elected into power like based Boris.
Now learn the science of technology and government or I'll have to kill you all. Do you want that? Do you want me to kill each of you with my erect penis? No I didn't think so, now be silent and respect parliament or you die.
>Almost as pussy as Schumer.
Schumer is such a crybaby.
>Evidence based policy
Does that mean we can make policy based on iq stats?
Why does this infuriate you all so much?
Leftists around the world sign a petition and the four people in Parliament that are around on a Monday night talk about it. Then nobody mentions it again.
Oh for crying out loud... Trump is not nor has he ever or will he ever be banned. These petitions are a fucking joke and need to be stopped because everyone around the world can sign them.
How many times must we go over this, you all know this already you're just choosing to ignore the science.
You're like Islamist's.
Please don't laugh at us, help us. This leftist shit is killing my people off. Brexit was one last jolt of a dying British corpse.
stream went to sjw cucks bitching about the wall
damn it
>open stream
>vile nigger female on megaphone
this is not pork pies
Because they want an excuse to attack the English (it's the hip and trendy thing to do) despite the government that is in power right now (voted in by the English) is actually defending Trump and not banning him.
People on Sup Forums need to sort it out and sort it out quickly.
Parliament don't have the power to ban him anyway, unless the Home Office want to list Trump as a dangerous man who's a threat to the UK, which should go down well with the FCO.
I knew that Scottish are cucks since brexit referendum, but oh my God... The most stupid shit is said with Scottish accent.
It is wasted time that could be used to actually discuss matters that involve Britain. This EC literally doesn't impact you guys at all and all we are hearing is...
>muh holocaust
>muh values
>muh "Trump is psychologically unsound"
Wrong picture
It's not a ban to the UK, it's to stop a state visit and if the Queen wants to meet him, she will, she's met with much worse people.
Mate Parliament barely ever discuss anything, it's mostly one person making a joke then the rest laugh. fuck all gets done unless it's a new law they all want in
British political discussion has been Burger-tier since Blair
Facts don't really matter
You say that like you are okay with that.
So no more stream? I really wanted to hear them talk about this.
I'm not at all, just the way it is, not much I can change about it
our whole fucking country is run by liberal cucks winging about their fee fees and wasting public time and money on stupid debates
Nope, all we can listen to is what was shown. Luckily you can rewind YT streams
>you are okay with that
I think it's more a case that he knows it can't be changed. The people in this country just don't care enough.
Then why do you care if we bitch and make fun of it?
>All those people effectively signing themselves up for the Guilliotine
Can't wait for a purge of MPs lads
Can't fucking wait
the people of this country are fucking pathetic and cant do shit that actually means anything
he was just explaining why parliament is shit
not all the mps are useless its just the majority are and so the ones with genuinely good ideas about shit that matters get shut down and ignored
we can thank American """"""culture"""""
>calling others cucks
It's not even that they get shut down, many are happy enough to live their political career in the comfort of the backbenches
tfw they let the Muslim rape gangs in but debate to let Trump in.
> this fucking world
the liberal cucks of our country have imported the useless american """""""culture""""""" or crying till you get what you want
true, they either get shut down or dont have the balls to stand up and risk hurting someones feelings
and anyone who says otherwise is a racist/sexist/transphobic/homophobic/airphobic bigot
>it's a "British guys blame all their problems on America" episode
Wonder how many senate hearings have been on British policy?
Don't blame us, blame (((propoganda))) that infects both countries
not blaming america, blaming our cuckold politicians
>that based MP calling out drumpf as a facist
the fuck
It's always london and scotland complaining about this stuff.
We should give trump the go ahead to nuke these places.
let trump nuke the whole country, noone will miss up
what the hell is wrong with Canada
His mother was French
Coup when?
Did he threaten to ban cake?
Soon hopefully, i long to see all the cuck politicians hanging from nooses
fucking hell amy shumer is pathetic!
Theresa has once again in Ireland saying that she is not banning Trump.
good this retards will just push trump to nominate the most right-wing Sup Forums tier scotus
good, we need to stop giving into the SJWs
Waiting for the slowpokes to put it on youtube but she announced on stage with Dame Edna Kelly or whatever that IRA guys name is.
what a fucking bunch of grade F fucking morans
omgoogmogogm the skyisfalling
We have the same rule.
I was not prepared for the size of that pigs head.