All of the time you spend living in this illusory world of hatred is inevitably going to end with your very own death.

I hope the self-denial and hatred you cling to so dearly are worth it!

Other urls found in this thread:

Teach me the secret to immortality.

Shut your filthy kike mouth

When do I get the whip cream bath?

Don't worry, I'm gonna be dead eventually. That'll pretty much silence me for good.

But you'll be dead too! Most likely before me, I imagine. Isn't that just the darndest thing?

Discovering a new source of energy that can self-perpetuate without altering cell structure/function.

You'll probably be dead long before it is discovered, though. I hope your hatred helps bring your life fulfillment until then!

Goddammit, i can still hear it.

We all die you inbred kike faggot.

We shall see, jew. We shall see.

Everything ends in death, you faggy loser.

You know what? It does. Hating scumbags is healthy and makes me happy.

If I'm going to die earlier, I'll make sure to take you with me.


>hatred is wrong and unfulfilling
>ignores the fact that humans reproduce and teach their offspring
>ignores that he is also a mortal posting on the same board.
you are either projecting super hard or have absolutely no self awareness.

>illusory world
kill yourself retard

Yes, I know! Isn't it wonderful? I'm going to be dead, you're going to be dead- and your was spent being angry at illusions!!

Tell me, friend; how is it to know that everything you think and feel is entirely insignificant? That all of this projection you spout on the internet will ultimately amount to nothing and then you will be as dead as dead can be?

I hope that fantasy of yours helps you live a fulfilling life until the day you stop being able to have any concept of fulfillment (or fantasy, for that matter)!

Because we will be reborn right back into this world friend. Our material form is the illusion. Our consciouness or "soul" is eternal and ever seeking to remember itself and return to the Divine Oneness.

Every thing life is purposeful young buck.

>a leftist reads Lovecraft for the first time

Yes, but they too, will be dead. Just as dead as you will be, my angry friend.

I can only hope that the life you live will somehow manage to leave you feeling at least a little bit less insignificant than the people you actively hate and fear!

Whatever gets you to sleep at night, my insignificant friend. Your metaphysical ideologies may help fool you and many others, but you will be dead someday and that is the absolute truth!

Do not be afraid- at least you had a decent life while you had the chance, right?

if mortality is so important to you why waste time to state the obvious? when did i exhibit anger?


I hope watching videos on the internet brings you great joy and fulfillment until the day you are as dead as those hostages! Please, do not hesitate to feel even more rage. It is that very emotion that is intended to provide you with the illusion of purpose!

>its a 16 year old nihilist pseud starts rambling about spooks thread

You insistence on material reductionism is holding you back friend. Study our philosophic and esoteric traditions and you will be set free.

And to answer your question - yes. I seek to live in harmony and peace and to follow the Divine Law and pursue the Great Work. It's fulfilling.

Also if you arent trolling me, check out the physicist Tom Campbell's work on the subject.

You misspelled keks aka lulz
And death by lulz is just fine by us.
We wouldn't have it any other way.

>and your was spent being angry at illusions!!

You exhibit anger in your every day life! It fills the emotional gaps you experience as a result of the human condition with something to prolong the inevitable!

Do not despair, my friend. Your insignificance is nothing to be afraid of. The world of illusions has us all grasping desperately for significance.

no one cares.

>trying this hard
>muh stirner
you started this thread with a fucking futurama meme you limp dick faggot, enjoy your male pattern baldness.

>enjoy your male pattern baldness.

hahaha, this is so savage
he might not even be bald, what if we go bald my dude

but why waist the time to type that? I already know that humans show anger and people want to be significant, everyone dose. so why hasten your own death by repeating things?

so happy to hate you fag now gtfo

I exhibit a sense of self-superiority and moral righteousness knowing that I know better then the people around me because I take the time to research and question known constructs

Why would you feel anger at animals who live off of a click whirr response and don't know better

>waist the time

Goddammit, burger. Just because you need a week to buckle up your belt, doesn't mean you get to change the meaning of a word.

both being dead, probably never having the last word? that is the darndest thing
that question actually got me thinking like what the fuck, i'm gonna live how I want

>literal grammer nazi

But OP, you're going to die just as easily as I am, what did you mean by this?

What hatred are you talking about you petty passive-agressive plebbit fuccboi?

I don't have any hatred towards foreigners if that is your implication.

I just want to live my life peacefully with my people, in my own country, celebrating my traditions, with low crime and no terrorist attacks, knowing that the time will pass and my people will thrive and live happy in the lands of my ancestors without their identity and way of life being denied by vile foreign ideologies that seek their destruction. I don't think this is too much to ask.

I want to be hateful forever.


Boy, finish your high school degree first, before posting on the internet, alright?

why are these kind of threads a thing lately?

Well yeah, no shit we're all gonna die. The difference is that right now, I'm having fun. Are you?

Nigga da fuck

>how is it to know that everything you think and feel is entirely insignificant?
I don't understand you OP, what elevates you above this?



Fuck you do you even know what grammar is you fucking invalid

it was just a pun. why do Muslims have no sense of humor?


That's precisely the point, user.

That's precisely the point.

>hurr durr just a pun bro

I don't think you know what a pun is.

again why waste the time typing if you are so preoccupied with mortality?

Nice try, but I already went through my existential crisis and now I laugh at my mortality. Bring it on!

Because I fucked ur mum

>I'm just pretending to be retarded, smdh son
Fuck off 60%, as usual your sorry country is utter shit at banter.

oh so you believe in nothing that you've talked about previously and you just want to waist time. that's all i wanted to hear you say