Hey Cucknadia, is anyone even asking how an AK-47 even got into your country or if it was full auto? it seems like a pretty important question for a gunlimited country to ask don't you think?
Hey Cucknadia, is anyone even asking how an AK-47 even got into your country or if it was full auto...
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he got it at a walmart in the US
i forgot... it's canada - no thinking required.
With Muslims come AK-47s
I too am interested in how he got an AK-47 since they haven't been produced since 1959 and most have been seized, destroyed or lost.
Yeah, wherever these events occur we're just supposed to accept that any muslim can get a full-auto AK whenever he chooses.
Fucking false-flagging kikes...
full auto is not legal in US nor is smuggling into a foreign country, muhachmed.
my real purpose here is that i am hoping actual journalists are lurking and that maybe they will see this and, y'know, DO SOME FUCKING INVESTIGATIONS instead of just being apologists/propagandists.
if you agree how about bump for some visibility or you can keep being faggots. it's your choice
i now propose an addendum to coulters law, we'll call it user's law
if the weapon is an AK-47 the probability that the perp is a shitskin/commie/leftist increases to greater than statistical chance.
He obviously took it from the US. Canada should be the ones building a wall against you guys.
there is no way that ak was full auto. that would make it a $10,000 weapon at least. no way some 20 year old got ahold of that. semi auto ak recievers can probably be had on the darknet for a few hundred.
>full auto not legal
Maybe in your retarded state
Well it's not that hard to turn a semi rifle in full auto. You can just buy some parts in china, put them in and its a full auto
All you need to do is Change literally one part
Wew lad
Bruh you can click open a new tab, type "buy ak-47 rifle", filter for low price, and order a new ak-47 to be delivered to your doorstep the next day. There are literally hundreds of sites that sell ak's. What are you thinking?
This. And if its an recoil loader (dont know the engl. terms) its even more easier to do it (like the tec-9 before they b& it)
how many one time terrorists turn out to be gun nuts? those people are a lot smarter about it they don't go one one suicide mission they plan shit out.
he probably had some Ukrainian AK that is modified to be legal, it never said it was automatic.
it certainly wasn't and ak 47
>and had an ethnic French last name
How cute, apparently "terrorism has no ethnicity" applies only to muzzies.
mr mahomets family has been in canada for years
Sup Forums doesn't know shit about guns
very unlikely imo.
fully auto wouldn't help you at all in a situation where the people you're shooting are unarmed and unarmored. if you know enough to convert an ak receiver to full auto and you know where to get or machine the part you know its not going to be worth doing anyway.
762 nato full auto recoil is pretty bad for close range no hurry shooting. waste of ammo.
dont the russians and all their soviet satelite states have millions of them in storage
Just a reminder of how bad Canadian Gun Laws are (technically good if you're an idiot).
Also, actually finding a working AK-47*** (1947 pattern) is very rare and the media only calls AKMs, "AK-47" because of Nigger speak.
DESU I got my fingers crossed hoping that the firearm used was a Draco Pistol.
yeah. the middle east is full of them too. still rare in us/canada. full auto ak are super rare in us/canada and cost thousands.
thanks for the bumps! feelsgoodman.jpg
i am glad we are speculating here, that is very positive and all but where are the journalists asking these questions? RCMP? does canada have an fbi or cia or whatever? how about the local quebec popos? who is the detective on this case? are they searching the muzzies online history for ak parts purchase? what about his family? what does his wife know?
Full auto is illegal nation wide unless it's pre-ban and you have a class 3 license
>762 nato
You have mag restrictions 5 round max per magazine for assault rifles cucked
they got to get the spin right before it hits any mainstream outlets.
RT and BB picked up the "allau ackbar" part if thats true then a muzzie did it.
my guess is it wasn't an automatic ak47 but a non restricted semi auto rifle with similar looks to the ak pattern. most cops wouldn't really know the difference.
AK isn't rare in us? Unless you're talking russian made.
>And if its an recoil loader
I think you're referring to "open-bolt" designs.
Open-bolt designs are mostly forbidden in the U.S.
>In the U.S., the BATF made a ruling in 1982 that semi-automatic open-bolt weapons are readily convertible to fully automatic fire, therefore such weapons manufactured after the date of this ruling are classed and controlled as fully automatic weapons (weapons manufactured prior to the ruling are grandfathered and are still considered semi-automatic).[1]
Also this. Dont you get life time in prison if they catch you with a full auto?
You're right about the ammo waste + if you're not trained to shoot with a full auto you wont hit a moving target
thats fuckin sad.
probably a $30 dollar fine for muslims to have a full auto in canada. its part of their religion so i dont see how they can refuse to allow them to have AK's, DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH
yeah sorry not 762 nato but 762x39 still lots of recoil for a full auto weapon. compared to SMG or even 556 full auto its pretty hard to hit shit. thats why k/d against muzzies using full auto AKs is so high they can't hit shit.
>full auto is illegal unless it's legal
gee willikers guess it's not illegal then huh?
Okay. We have no militia, so no need. You can not take restricted firearms, majority of them have a detachable box magazine and are semi automatic, into the woods to go hunting. All you can do is sport shoot at the range for lulz accuracy training. Why would we need anything more than 5/10 rounds?
Hell no hans, you only get 10 years and can be fined up to 250k for illegally owning a full auto, also as a felony you lose your second amendment right.
Why? Because the gun was designed to have more. It's like you ask me why you need a car that can go to 200km/h when you only go at 130max... the round limit is just to stop you from becoming a threat to the government they are trying to lower the round too in the European Union
thats in america there is no legal way to own a fully auto rifle (a machine gun) in canada. period.
in america it is very hard and very very expensive (thousands of sheckles at least)
They don't need to ask because we already know. He just bought the guns in the US. Fully automatic guns can't be bought in stores in the US but you can buy them at gun shows. That's obviously where he got the guns.
Wait...How did he get that gun?? It's banned. We need more regulation. This can't happen any more. How the FUCK did he get that?!?!
>but you can buy them at gun shows
no you can't. you can buy preban but you still have to do the paperwork for your tax stamp which takes months and lots of personal info given to the government.
Theyre gonn a push to ban ALL guns in cuckada now. Perfect FUCKING situation for 1984 right now
rural canadians wont let it happen. lot of hunters up north m8.
Nah we've had worse massacres and didn't go full on Port Arthur
Although if this was a legally purchased SKS or something similar, they might clamp down on some specific restricted models.
>Unlimited capacity on bolt action rifles.
So say I had a really nice rifle, it also had a detachable box magazine. Now I'm not steel fabricator but I am sure you could...
To the point, I was only joking with my reply. You can't take it seriously with what I had said.
It's not hard to remove a rivet.
On another note
>Full automatic fire
What a waste. Just pick your shots, no need to hip fire in trench warfare.
>the round limit is just to stop you from becoming a threat to the government
Yeah, they don't give two shits about us killing each other with handguns. It's the 30rd rifles that a 12yo girl can shoot, that they're really concerned about. Rifles are used in about 4% of our gun crimes and military style weapons are a very small percentage of that.
Also, good luck hitting shit with a full-auto AK.
AK-47 full-auto @ 6:20
>American M16 vs Soviet AK-47
You're thinking of the AKM or the AK74 and derivatives.
The Chinese also liked to produce AK pattern rifles and disperse them so there are plenty of Type 56 rifles floating around.
Who knows?? ;^)
>>You have to drive the speed limit unless it's an emergency.
How could this happen in a country with such stringent gun control laws?
>Full auto is illegal nation wide unless it's pre-ban and you have a class 3 license
Class 3 is not a license. It refers to the Special Occupation Tax category which is a modifier to a Federal Firearms License to manufacture or sell.
What you need is 1. a transferable machine gun which was on the NFA registry prior to the Hughes Amendment and 2. a tax stamp for the transfer which is $200.
right but those are not ak47. thats probably what is was, semi auto ak clone.
people see ak47 and think quintessential ME terrorist gun built by soviets. this is probably some ruger ak look alike you can get at walmart for $400 bucks.
I mean, really, there can't be any connection. I'm sure it's all incredibly coincidental.
in america. in canada there is no legal way to get full auto.
How can AKs be banned in the US? Haven't you guns to kill politicians who would propose such a ban?
The other user doesn't realize that the AK47 is a very specific historical model of AK. Which was why I responded explaining.
>in america.
Which is why I talked about US law.
>Why would we need anything more than 5/10 rounds?
Because Canadians can't shoot.
No, the gunshow loophole means you can buy any gun without any paperwork as long as it's at a registered gunshow. How do you not know this? This is why so many organizations call for a ban on the gunshow loophole... try to educate yourself on the politics in your own friggin country man.
Thank you /k/. fucking no guns! have no fucking clue about the gun law. Most think it takes a few weeks to buy a gun in Texas.
you cannot buy a machine gun without going through the tax stamp loops, no exceptions you moron. if you could i would own several machine guns, trust me.
you don't know shit about american gun laws.
Leafs BTFO
Wow sounds like maybe something a border could fix:^)
Full auto is legal in some states faggot, you just need extra premissions.
1. No all of that is wrong
2.private citizens can sale a non restricted firearm to someone with no background check(no full autos, no sbr, no suppressors)
3. If you are a gun dealer (most people at gun shows) you have to do a full ATF background check
Your a fucking retard if you think they are selling full autos and RPGs at gun shows
>No, the gunshow loophole means you can buy any gun without any paperwork as long as it's at a registered gunshow
>try to educate yourself on the politics in your own friggin country man.
Why don't you educate yourself Sven.
What the "Gun Show Loophole" actually refers to is the ability for US citizens to sell to other US citizens privately.
An FFL (Federal Firearms License) holder, aka a gun merchant, is required to perform a federal NICS background check for every sale regardless of venue. An FFL holder is required to keep track of any transfers in or out in their black book, and that black book and their 4473s (the form you fill out for the background check) are then turned over the BATFE.
And at least 10 grand and a six month back ground check
Only from a private seller. If the seller has an FFL (98% of all vendors at gun shows, the remaining two percent just go to gun shows to pedal their beef jersey and turquoise jewelry) then the buyer must complete a 4473 and pass a background check. Also, in states where private gun sales background checks aren't required, that isn't limited to gun shows only. It's not a loophole.
>are then turned over the BATFE.
Sorry, ended this sentence too early.
Those are turned over to the BATFE when the FFL closes his or her place of business.
And a CLEO signature where applicable.
The "e-file" system got the wait time down to 3-4 months.
T.new suppressor owner
Honestly full auto is effective as long as you know how to aim, they mostly want to ban assault rifle, never pistols shotguns or bolt even tho you can still kill with all of them, the assaut rifle is just better at it. The EU tried to ban AR15 and AK47 but they failed and they want to put a 10 round limit to magazine. I registered to gun club a few week ago, I'll be able to own bolt and shotgun in a few week and assaut rifle and handguns in a few month, I just hope no ban will fuck is because I'm planning on buying a lot of funs.
Set up a trust
no finger prints and no Leo sign off
waiting to see how the hearing protection act panns out but good to know if it doesn't.
When I was applying for my first sbr I had to meet with the sheriff twice and he made me take a drug test.
All so I could put a stock on my 11.5" ar.
EU needs an NRA
This could possibly be the least intelligent post of all time
Me to if it pass I get my $200 back if I understand it. And I'm buying two more one in .22 and one in .308.
This I envy you for that, If i was american I would already have tons of funs
If you set up a trust you don't have to do all that shit plus you can make it so multiple people can have access to the weapon. I put my father on my trust so if I die or want to give home one he won't have to do all that shit
>2.private citizens can sale a non restricted firearm to someone with no background check(no full autos, no sbr, no suppressors)
Provided both parties are residents of the same state.
That's another bit that the "gun show loophole" memers like to leave out.
I didn't know people could live anywhere but Texas
They can't. That's why I said "parties".
People this stupid should be sterilized.
Nice bait (7/10) would reply again
A trust no longer allows one to get around CLEO or fingerprints AFAIK. Per BATFE policy letters last year.
>That's another bit that the "gun show loophole" memers like to leave out.
Because for the vast majority it's an ideological stance, not one based on actual facts or knowledge of the law.
I have met some pro gun people ignorant of the law, but every single anti gun person I've ever met is completely ignorant to US firearms law or gun politics in general. All they know is "NRA is bad" and "muh gun show loophole".
All they know is "NRA is bad" and "muh gun show loophole".
yep its fucking insane. fuck liberals.