Is Trump our guy or what?

is Trump our guy or what?

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Should've killed more.

>killing mudshits
damn already skipped to the MWGA


This is bad for a re electiin. I know pol is about lols but in all reality trump shouldve made sure this operation went right, air tight.

I'll translate:
>Civilians: Terrorists who aren't currently holding their guns.
>Women: Jihadi John's wife who regularly walks around with an AK47.
>Children: Men of 'indeterminate' age who are generally 20-30.

they had miserable lives anyway.

They were expecting 30 of them in the wreckage. The fire rises

Be smart and leave it to the russians.

Based trump eliminating the breeders and the mini-terrorists

kill the means of production and future jihadis

I like it

>media reporting figures from iraqi medics
>suddenly we are identifying non combatants correctly again
>this was an Obama operation that trump inherited

I doubt he has given any military orders that deviated from what Obama had already put in motion... fucking funny how no one blamed Obama for the thousands who died in his air raids

killing terrorist's offspring before they come attack us.

yes he's our guy

>Gabriel Samuels

oh noes he "killed" children, he should just stop and resign as supreme overlord

Where do you think you are?

>Obama has been doing the exact same thing for 8 years with drone strikes
>Not a single media news source could identify where those drone strike landed each time they went off rader which was a lot
>Obango's government was at war for 8 years and has probably done 9/11 at least 30 times in the middle east
>Given the peace price

>Trump becomes in power
>Suddenly the media is able to identify this shit


Wasting bombs on children. What a shame.

but he was le relatable cool black man so it's all good thought right

>fucking funny how no one blamed Obama for the thousands who died in his air raids

you being serious?

Killed children while helping Al-CIAda. pol ultra-omegas cheer on white supremacy, lmao.

>"We have to take out their families"

Did people think this was just empty campaign rhetoric or what?

Why is this a headline? Everyone in Syria is a woman or child according to liberals.


obama's killed thousands and thousands of both. king nigger literally blew up hospitals and orphanages

this senpai

no bombs muhammad, you're the ones who strap them to kids

Why do leafs always got to fucking say something about 'Murica?

killing those sand niggers is fine, don't forget (((they))) regularly use little kids to attack our troops.

Only 4 billion more to go

i have never heard my obama-loving friends whine about him killing women and children

how long do you wanna bet i have until ii get a self-righteous earful about this?

you're close, this is just reinforcing the narrative

>when it rains, niggas get wet.
>when you do combat raids vs a terrorist group following a patriarchal culture wherein women and children are literally worthless, they'll die

wtf i hate obama's neocon policy now

It's actually numbers from al Qaeda

A lot of liberals were silent about all the shady shit Obama did. Sure conservatives always pinned him for it, but in the mainstream it was widely ignored. All Im expecting is for the roles to reverse because 95% of media sources in the US lack any credibility.

Nobody spoke up when Obama was dropping bombs and wiping out entire villages.

Trump is Israel's goy.

I have a buddy who spent 4 tours in the sandbox and can confirm all of this. Never believe the lügenpresse.

Oh you mean the raid organised by the Obama administration?


>obama led airstrike hits a hospital
meh mistakes happen

>Trump kicks shit in

Gotta love this
>Servicemen die during Obama-ordered raids
>Oh no, the tragedy!
>Servicemen die during Trump-ordered raid
>Look at what Kloompf did

>i have never heard my obama-loving friends whine about him killing women and children
>A lot of liberals were silent about all the shady shit Obama did. Sure conservatives always pinned him for it, but in the mainstream it was widely ignored. All Im expecting is for the roles to reverse because 95% of media sources in the US lack any credibility.

ITT people who only pay attention when it's convenient

Obama was constantly roasted about the 130 some odd deaths his drone strike brigading consequently brought on

there was a very famous twitter account that documented it day to day

what a cute

have an old meme

>hmm how do we stop people turning to terrorism?
>we better kill lots of civvies lol

american """"""""""logic""""""""""""

best kitchen nightmares girl

>kills 30 civilians
Now Obongo is out the MSM is suddenly aghast at collateral damage from US military strikes once again.

>Obama murders thousands of brown people and no on cares
>Trump does the same and now it's a problem

So this is reverse racism, right?

>Implying Obongo's raids didn't kill any civilians

Unacceptable. I'm sure next time we can make it 100 ((((civilians)))), and hopefully 50 ((((children)))).



To be fair, killing muslims is a pretty solid strategy to end terrorism.

>those digits
kek agrees

>t. someone who believes his interest is everyone else's

your average liberal does not care, you're ignoring reality

Who signed order and if Trump was aware. Things happen have we president or not. Saying he did something is likesaying CEO of KFC is responsible for Ahmed peeing into food of clients in one of the shops.

Always remind (((them))) of Obama's drone program and how they never pass moral judgement when a Democrat slaughters civilians.

I miss 2013.

God damn right /thread

and you're ignoring history

This coming from the homeland of the Rothschild's

When obama did the same they said nothing. Realy activates my almonds.

Liberals are maybe 30% of the country at most and not even 50% of the democratic party.

Obama was criticized plenty for the drone strikes.

>Obama has been killing thousands of civilians every year for 8 years.
>Trump gets in and does a single raid.
>media shitstorm.
>suddenly liberals care again.

Fuck these two faced faggots. I may have ripped on Obama for a lot of shit, but I at least attempt to not be hypocritical about it. I never condemned Obama for wasting civilians nor will I do it for Trump.

>Obama has been doing the exact same thing for 8 years with drone strikes
Why does Sup Forums always use "but Obama did it" as a counter-argument. You literally voted for the anti-Obama, but Trump copying the Obama playbook to the same negative effect(s) is somehow spun as a good or a neutral thing. Get your head out of your ass.

>fucking funny how no one blamed Obama for the thousands who died in his air raids
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. *Leftists* criticized Obama over drone strikes on hospitals and schools.

>capital city is a caliphate with an elected muslim official mayor

Yeah they should do it your way

cling to whatever makes you feel better

the reporting of civilian casualties was a very niche section of liberal media

this will be mainstream share-on-facebook shit

>media suddenly critical of civilian deaths in a war after 8 years of covering up the slaughter of hundreds of civilians under Obama

You can't make this shit up

I know a few die hard liberals and they always defended Obama.

>drone strikes are more precise but sometimes even they hit the wrong target.
>Obama has to keep fighting the wars bush started.

Now trump is in office I just know they will rediscover their pious morality.

>brown people


Obama has a pretty nifty high score, Trump is just trying to even the odds.

>people who hang out with terrorists
Choose one.

Looks like typical fake news.


Oh man all the "news outlets" that ignored Obama's atrocities are going to come out of the wood work.

>CEO responsible for achmed peeing in food.

Mate you have no idea how bad it is here in America.

The CEO of Hardee's was included in a lawsuit by a woman who claimed to be sexually harassed by a single franchise manager.

Now Drumpf is a true American president

>using yemeni civilians as a source

wew lad

Liberal hypocrisy disgusts me so goddamn much

>hundreds of civilians

youre right we should invite them into europe instead

Right there with you. Shame you won't get a response here because the autist hivemind won't let them think critically.

Still waiting for Trump to stop signing EO/Memos like he shit on Obama for. He's got Congress, fucking use them asshole.

So Trump invades Yemen now.
Tell me how we're getting out of the ME and making Castle America?


its war
shit happens
get over it and be happy youre not on the other side

t. a guy in whos place there are approximately 3 wars every centuray not counting minor conflicts and doesnt act like a complete retard about it

It's not necessarily untrue. The main takeaway is that the press would not report or even lie by omission if it had been Barry O at the helm.
I was hoping the press would cool it's jet after the election but the negative coverage of Pres Trump is unflinching

Don't pretend this is one sided. Liberals have used the "Bush did/started it" defense for 8 years.

these same liberals also spent 2001 to 2009 calling Bush a war criminal and then shut their mouths the instant Obama entered office.


Fuckin this

I've been shitting on Obama for it for ages. Are you kidding me? This sort of bullshit can't be happening. Obama doing it doesn't justify it anyway. Why didn't you vote Hillary if you wanted more Obama?

Well that's just croatia. Poke your dick over the border into Bosnia just a second and it's a rootin tooting good time all over again

Remember that time Obama droned a 16 year old American citizen?

you have to take back the dodjosi, it's not funny anymore, they are ruining everything, you have to take them back

But it makes sense. You get a lot of wives then knock them up and have kids out the ass.
Men wouldn't be so elite if there were too many of them, user.

Who cares? Conservatives should care if they cared about Obama. Wasn't trump elected for reasons like this? Wasn't she called "Killary" for reasons like this?

Obama's not the President. Trump is now.

I didn't know the President goes out an raids buildings. Fuck man the more you know. 10/10 will vote for him again in 4 years simply because he's a badass

but Obama is black.

Finally US military got its testes back. it's been clear for 30 years that little bomb here and there solves nothing. Just kill them all and don't give a fuck about human shields.

>the anti-war left is back


make earth great again


>b-b-but obama is bombing civilians.

Trumpfags needs to be hanged.