Remember this when you cry about BLM, of which the rights to criticize you have lost
Sup Forums BTFO
That's why I believe in #nolivesmatter
>black lives matter
>why do you kill each other so much?
> Lefty Sup Forums BTFO
Literally not arguments. A handful of people within BLM, that you guys cry about, say the same thing, but they are wrong? What makes you guys right and them wrong?
Oh yeah, nothing.
Only White* lives matter
*state of mind
No lives matter is an argument. Your trolling is shameful. I don't care about any of this and if any lifematters activist comes at me they're infringing the NAP and should receive a tomahawk missile to the face.
We aren't saying ALL lives matter, we are saying NO lives matter (or at least very few), now take your shit pic and your faggot THUNDERDOME forum and shove them up your ass
Somebody () just said white lives matter, you fucking racist imbecile, do you not know how to fucking read?
Also OTTHUNDERDOME > Stormfront/Sup Forums
BLM has already disappeared
Trump's win killed it
Don't dare insert the frog girl into your propaganda.
She is pure!
That wasn't me that said that, you SJW cocksucker
Go bitch in shit threads in your shit forum like "AUTISM CONTAINMENT" and stop violating best/pure girl
Fuck off, shill. You're so fucking pathetic for having to go online and make literal pennies to survive.
>what about all these people the left is actively preventing from defending themselves
Really got my noggin joggin
This reeks of the work of letuce dog or whatever the fuck their name is, that autistic tranny trying to make anti-right memes that always come out looking like a legit 10 year old made them
The strawman never really said that he doesn't think ALL lives matter
Piss off, that isn't anti-right
>be some criminal nigger and resist arrest after committing yet another criminal act
I said white* *state of mind.
Maybe you should learn to read you mindless tool. Oh wait, I forgot that retards like you only read what they want to see. You think on only the most basic of all planes like a filthy rodent.
How do you guys feel knowing that you are racist scumbags?
Feels pretty good, now you tell me how it feels like to take dick up your ass
Better than you probably feel, horrible shitbag.
Racism is the lowest form of collectivism. Fuck off, pol is not one person.
So fucking tired of niggers waiting for the love and approval of the whites they so constantly bitch about. If you know evil whitey is racist why the fuck do you want them to acknowledge you?
Who is on the left? They are retarded. So is the person on the right. So are you.
I say I am right. Im going to suit myself.
Not an argument. Try again.
>the frog-girl is the conservative
Feels goodman.
When ordinary blacks are law abiding and ordinary whites are comitting a disproportionate amount of violent crime in any country, I PROMISE to feel like an idiot.
So all lives don't matter. It was never meant to be literal anyway.
OP why do you keep shilling OTthunderdome with this dum shitpost comic
do you keep posting this comic because you want Sup Forums to raid the forum
That one is fucking sad. She was a crazy person that took the internet too seriously.
Wtf why did this dictionary look like a bed to me
My life matters.
What is the point of arguing caricatures...Oh I know to make your "opponent" seem worse than they are a cartoon fictional dragon to slay. You fucking commie faggots need to fuck off already.
>The mother is worse than the children.
They get worse as they get older?
No, I meant the other thing...
Niggetry is a viscous cycle.
Is Jessica Jaglois ourgirl?
My fucking sides.
The thing is that we do not think all lives matter black lives doesnt matter naver have and never will.
Keep posting these, based user
This is now a nigger hate thread
can't argue with anime girls desu senpaitachi
I love it when liberals create their own stupid little scenarios where they're winning arguments.
It's like they dream of having this kind of conversation but since it's never happening they make a little stupid comic of it and post it on social medias.
>of which the rights to criticize you have lost
Pfft... Hah. Look at me. I'm the Jews now.
>black lives matter
>why do you support abortion?
All niggers should be hung and turned into soap desu
I don't hate myself because I was born white and don't have to deal with constantly apologizing to everyone for not being PC enough or by being too masculine in public.
How are you feeling?
>Straw Manning this hard
All lives matter in an absolute sense. A criminal matters in a bad way, an innocent matters in a good way.
thats frog girl on the right. she isnt retarded, considering the fact that she is right. its autistic though, the more and more i read the comic, the more retarded it gets
this is what it looks like, but it looks like a liberal shithole to me personally, so i dont know if they really did it or not. i cant trust faggots like OP
A nigger telling me what rights I have.
You got the right to hang from a three, or should no three be avalibel because of Trumps retarded environment destruction a lamp post or anything suited to keep a nigger strangled and carry his and its familey weight shall be sufficient.
AllLivesMatter fags are normies exposed to edgy right wing memes they like but are in denial about what they know to be true and are slowly realizing. So they compromise with the liberal shlock they've been taught their entire life that's in their head, but still make a point to contest with BLM.
Fags like that Sargon guy and his "classical liberal" friends. They'll come around slowly as the left makes it more and more clear it has no intention of ceasing its full retard mode.
BR police doesn't takes anyone's shit.
Can't resist the gimmiedats
End of the day, she's still better than the rest of them
I'm not crying about BLM. I'm laughing myself sick.
They're the ones who'll be crying like babies when America's finest have the satisfaction of seeing their brothers avenged.
Blue lives matter. Thug lives don't. You've been warned.
>don't burn our shit go burn whitey's shit
>take that shit to the suburbs
Fug, I'm retarded
Slogans aren't arguments. As slogans, both black lives matter and all lives matter are tactically effective. As arguments, they're both retarded.