Why do so many europeans on this board suck americuck cock so much?

Why do so many europeans on this board suck americuck cock so much?

It's going to the point of supporting things like racemixing, jews, mentally ill evangelism, crony capitalism, etc just like the americucks do.

Amerishits tell you that a museum must be turned into a shopping center for profit and you blindly do it. Amerishits tell you that cancerigenous plastic food is good for your health and you follow it. And so on.

Shouldn't Europe be better off on it's own without depending on USA's interference? What happened to you? you used to be cool.

Seems like Russia or China should slap your ass to discipline you.

America knows full well that Europe could easily surpass their pathetic nation but they keep Europe down and keep feeding it poison. America is pathetic. I can't wait until we wipe them off the face of the earth.

EU/UK can't control the muzzie hordes from ruining your society, and you think you can take on the US?

Do you actually think if Europe armed itself you would stand a chance? That is why you spend so much on your military. Europe could wipe the floor with your joke of a nation and you know that. kek, Nazi Germany itself would have raped your shithole.

she looks like she sucks a mean cock

Yeah, we'd fucking destroy Europe.

>teaboo thinks he stands a chance


>Do you actually think if Europe armed itself you would stand a chance?
Europe is filled with effeminate men and women in political positions of national defense. Europeans drank the creeping socialism cool-aid many decades ago and will not comprise their free government shit and virtue signaling to form an adequate military force.
>well if we were stronger we'd beat you
but you're not, and by the looks of the near irreparable damage euro's have done to their own nations, you never will.

you're literally making shit up

>Shouldn't Europe be better off on it's own without depending on USA's interference? What happened to you? you used to be cool.
But we hate each other.

Europeans have literally never been able to beat America
at best you can defend yourself if America decides to fuck you up

try it pakistan, lmao

Oh yeah, you really would be capable of going head to head with the most powerful continent on earth. Listen you stupid little mongrelised cunts, why do you think you spend so much on military? Its not because of Russia or China. Its because you fear the rise of Europe.
You speak of damage but yet you are ignorant of your own nation. You call yourself united but you couldn't be farther apart. Have you seen the actual state of your country? It isn't the 1950s anymore. You're in decline. Its over. kek, I guess americunts can't stay on top when the playing field is even.

>effeminate men
Yeah mate, you're the one cutting your dicks off to become women. Every single major city in your country is majority non-white. Your women adore and are obsessed with black men and culture and you think we are the ones that are finished. Topkek

>things like racemixing

like the entire country of Argentina?


The only reason the US and Europe are "allies" is to stand against the third world hordes

Once that's cleared up we'll go back to telling each other to fuck off

>more Muslims
>more mosques
Oh yeah, I'm the Pakistan lmao.
You are a third world horde.

Ohh shit? Britbongs and Achmed SJWs blown the fuck out yet again!

1776 cunt

>French, Spanish and Dutch armies vs British armies
Yep, 1776. Americans were really tough. You were tougher again in 1812 when you didn't have Europe fighting your battles.

>kek kek kek

How blatantly newfag can one be?

europoors have no culture, only refugees

the media people consume today come from the US/Japan

>Europe couldn't singlehandedly-destroy America in a week

TOP KEK AMERISHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Europeans are ITCHING for a war with America. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country.

There wouldn't be a square meter of US soil that has running water, electricity, or hamburgers that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the Swedes and Muslims first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY scooter-ridden american they see.

When Europe is done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it.

>You speak of damage but yet you are ignorant of your own nation.
I have, but after Trump's election their is hope for repair
You think the I give a damn about the week wills of limp wristed leftists crying on the streets about how they lost an election? History will remember them as the fools they are.

>You're in decline.
no we aren't, we are stagnating

>Yeah mate, you're the one cutting your dicks off to become women
pic related

Europe is so far up its own cultural marxists asshole it won't be europe in 50 years

>Its not because of Russia or China. Its because you fear the rise of Europe.
most delusional post of 2017

>you burned down a building
>got beaten back to Canada and fucked off for good

you know real life isn't Chess right? You don't burn down a building and win the game.

If you won the War of 1812 why weren't we a British colony again afterwards?

The Brits and French weren't even as strong as the Germans in WW2, neither of you could have stood up to them alone. You had to ask literally the rest of the developed world for help

>most powerful continent
>"if we were stronger"
If Europe is so full of pansies that the governments can't even spend the asked 2% on defense for NATO of their own volition (with minimal exception), how can they ever rise up.

Thank god oceans separate us from you panzy faggots.

And now in 2017 you and whatever countries you managed to get to help you would get utterly curbstomped. Our military dominance is all but guaranteed. You and the rest of western Europe are pathetic.

Yeah but our current president is taking measures to fix that.

Your government isn't doing shit to stop your slide.

Shhhh let the 10% pure white lmao think they have any chance

Laddies. Let them have their manlet fantasies hahahahah.

what flag is this im on mobile

>btfo'd so he calls me newfag
>hope for repair
Are you really this fucking delusional? You needed Trump decades ago. He isn't going to magically white again. Its over for you. The majority of children under 5 in your country are not white.
Europe has cucked Russia since its inception.
We did win the war of 1812 though. Literally everyone thinks this. We even beat you while we were busy with real men in Europe like Napoleon.
Nigger, if you think you'll be on top forever you're on delusional fucking faggot.
I agree. It will be funny when they beg us to liberate them from their shitskin overlords.

>Why do so many europeans on this board suck americuck cock so much?

What? I've noticed the exact opposite. Eurocucks can't pass two minutes without insulting Americans. Whether it's genuine hatred, spite, envy or just banter, I don't know.

Turkey's bitch

trying too hard, paki
will you shit your pants when we leave NATO?

>We did win the war of 1812 though

uhuh. You won a war so hard you... ran away never to step foot on our land again? Strange..

How can a kike bitch have the nerve to call others names when they don't have the balls to even tell jamal to stop fucking their women? And unlike you we actually don't let shitskin do whatever they want and even less in our country.

This isn't a video game, white people don't take any more bullets to kill than any other people.

Have you actually seen your demographics you fucking mong? Keep trying to say I'm the Paki when in reality it is you, shitskin.
Yeah, your capital being conquered by the enemy definitely doesn't count as a loss

don't forget that your country's people can't even own big knives, sanjeet patel.

>burn down a building
>get beaten back and leave our lands

Real life isn't a video game, this isn't Civ 5, you don't beat a country in a war by burning a single building with no one in it down.

How about London then, senpai

Yeah, its called being civilised. We don't need to walk around the streets with weapons to make us feel safe. After all, we don't live in south Africa 2.0 and you do.

But--you are shitskins though, Turk Gypsy JewSalads.

ITT: disarmed paki

*the kikes bitch
Its a good step that you finally admit that youre the melting pot.
Just closing your macdonalds will be enough and you won't understand anything more complex since you think its about taking bullets.

Why are Sup Forumsacks so easy to bait? These aren't even quality shitposts

go smell like trash somewhere else, Gypsy.

Yeah, like I said before. Every single one of your major cities are majority non white. Every single one. Keep thinking you're white, fatty.
>the truth
Alright then, shitskin.


Europe is the heart of the US Empire. Decades of Propaganda (MSM, School, Politics) made us obidient vassals

Good goy.

Yeah, you're the one with a cut up dick to please your Jewish masters, not us.

how does that make me the goy?

the only country that is more cucked by isreal is yours. look at ur dick

That might be you as shown even on the hwndu streams, that whites are literally mixed mongrels.
Kek niggers(you) always smell bad.

>basically every bit of time between 1776 and 1945

Better go clean up the shitting street before your rape bride steps in your recent addition.

>Europe could easily surpass their pathetic nation
europe, doing anything...

top chuckles @ this thread

>pakis talk about shitting streets
btw what's with the myth that there are no whites in the US? I guess I can point at London and call the UK nonwhite, Mehmet

It could. Europe is a powerhouse. Americucks know this and that is why they've orchestrated this "refugee" crisis and they also spread their degeneracy here. They want to destroy their only competition.
Yeah, you're the shitskin in this thread.

Bad goy!

>It could. Europe is a powerhouse.
i'm sorry to say, but europe isn't a powerhouse in anything

too much exposure to american politics

we should have a /europol/ desu

I'm sorry to say that you obviously don't know much about Europe then, do you? Europe is a powerhouse.

Why was political period after that called 'The Era of Good Feelings,' and the party opposed to the war died out if you won?


>He isn't going to magically white again.
you are under the impression that the first goal in white nationalism, when its the end goal. The ideological pendulum is begin its swing toward the right.

Europe continues to embrace its cultural suicide as it antagonizes its own people and imports millions of foreigners with opposing values. In 50 years the US will still have more white people living in it than Europe, and even with all its non whites it will still have a stronger national identity than Europe, well western Europe at least.

France--I don't know how to tell you this, but it's too late for you. You don't exist. You're a ghost.

It is funny how you think you're even relatable to the recently independent america of old. You jackasses brag about "much 1776" but not a single one of you is a full blooded Anglo. I am more related to the founding fathers than you are. How does that make you feel, poof?
>us will still have more white people
You do realise Europe has far more white people than the US, right? And I mean far far more. You make me laugh. You're finished. The damage is done and you can't undo it. Nationalism isn't going to fix it.

>Europe is a powerhouse.
a powerhouse in what ?
military ? can't even reach NATO 2%, few nukes (trident barely works).
economicly ? USA has a higher gdp than the EU and a higher gdp per capita than the EU.
scientificly ? compare what NASA has achieved to what the ESA has achieved, look at noble prize winners and the best universities, look at biggest tech companies...

europe has nothing compared to the USA
ever since WWII europe has become irrelevant

>You do realise Europe has far more white people than the US, right
not as a whole in the very near future

>Amerishits tell you that a museum must be turned into a shopping center for profit and you blindly do it.

Damn right they do. They know what's good for them. Pffft . . . museums, amirite?

>Delusional junkie rant
lolll, Porto Panties in a bunch. What army is supposed to take the US down, exactly?

You tell 'em, achmed.


I wouldn't say irrelevant but yes, we have become less relevant. That's why we need to tell Americans to fuck off and get their bases out of our continent and start to less reliant on them. We've become too fucking soft while they have been poisoning our culture for decades. You're a fool if you think Europe couldn't surpass the US in every single field.

No moron, we will always be whiter than you. A couple of million refugees is nothing compared to the tens of millions of niggers and spics you have. I find it fucking hilarious how you actually think you will even be half as white as we are. Fucking pathetic cunt.

t. extremely frustrated paki

>That's why we need to tell Americans to fuck off and get their bases out of our continent and start to less reliant on them.
i agree that europe should be self-reliant.
>You're a fool if you think Europe couldn't surpass the US in every single field.
europe obviously can't

We're just cheering their idiocy and watch them drive their country into a wall. It's like where this bully makes fun of you all through school and on the last night he says "Oh, no problem, I can drive even after drinking all night long, partying really hard!" and you say "Yeah! You can do it! Here, have another shot!"

I'm not frustrated. I'm just trying to explain to you deluded morons that america is finished.

>You're finished
repeating this in your mind won't make it true

>No moron, we will always be whiter than you.
no you won't
your marxist leaders will stamp out all form of national identity from Europe, including race. Those refugees will produce 5 time the amount of native european babies born per household.

you are on a sinking ship ans your country men are destroying the life boast in the name of social justice and virtue signaling.

I don't rejoice in this, I pity you and mourn the loss of your unique cultures that are being flushed away.

We will bomb your museums and turn them into walmarts.

Holy fucking kek
>this fucking delusion
You're the one on the sinking ship. You'll be majority non-white in 20 years. You'll have a Mexican president in my lifetime.

>Yeah! You can do it! Here, have another shot!"

Thank you. You're a real fine fellow. Don't mind if I do.

*drinks free shot.

Stay mad nonwhite

>Check the flag
>Also 1 post by this ID


lmao at (you) having to band together to fight 1 nation. this is like when the olympics happened and they put the EU at the top just so they could surpass usa. having pride in that is pathetic really.

its ok bong
lashing out in anger is a perfectly reasonable response to an impending demise/ inadequacy.
I understand, but know we aren't your enemy

Good luck trying to convince another nation that they're finished and should bow down in defeat I guess?
You can only find this logic from a keyboard warrior retard.

>comprehending what it means to run a country without foreign monetary assistance.

they should follow argentina instead, it works waaaaay better

>americucks can't compete with a tiny continent

Just stop trying to project your own feelings onto mine for a minute, mate. Just accept the fact, which it is, that you will be non white within 20 years time and the the Europeans you mock on here you'll be begging for them to liberate you. Quite funny really.

whatever you say bonglander

>uk couldn't get enough medals so they had to band with 44 other nations

w-we are winners!

>or hamburgers