((Regulations)) forever btfo

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what's up with her hand?

black hanoko

I love it. Trumps the best

it's that tattoo like thing. i think rihanna had it

It's a stripper tattoo

>He will never me my president.

Why though. The jews are just going to take advantage and crash the markets again

Do yall feel it? That's the sensation of Donald J. Trump fundamentally changing our nation for the better.
It's a good feel

Bannon's strategy seems to be to Blitzkrieg the left & the media with so much so fast that they don't have enough time to respond with false narratives.

can someone explain exec orders to me?
I always thought the president had to go through congress or some shit.

trump seems to be acting like a fucking dictator with absolute power these last few days.
can he just be a dictator via exec order for his entire legislative period?

>trump on track to fullfill all his campaign promises in month one
Based. What will he even do in the in the other 47 months?
Also whens hillary special prosecutor

i think it's henna, it looks like henna

"Executive Orders do not require Congressional approval to take effect but they have the same legal weight as laws passed by Congress. The President's source of authority to issue Executive Orders can be found in the Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution which grants to the President the "executive Power.""

Kekkkkerot! My power level is rising

That comments section lmao

An executive order is an action which does not require the approval of the Congress, by the President. It cannot contradict or override any law, but can direct agencies in the executive branch in accordance with law. For example, only the President can issue an Executive Order for a budget sequester, by law. Conservatives are often critical of executive orders for how they bypass the United States Constitutional process for enacting new laws.

It's pretty standard, we have the judiciary to decide if they can go through or not.

The whole point of executive orders is you do NOT need to involve the legislative branch (congress).

However, executive orders are constrained by the laws created by the legislative branch, and they can be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

The reason trump is able to do so much with executive orders is that the democrats and neocons have been pumping up the power of the Executive for the last 30+ years unchecked. Now that someone they don't like is in power they are suffering under the monster they created themselves.

The irony is delicious.

Yes but only certain things can be issued via executive order.

hahaha gtfo tacoposter

12x8=96 months.

I think you mean, what will he do for the other 95 months?

Answer: troll libs on twitter

Also note that Presidential Directives are executive orders with advisement of the national security council and are classified.

it's already been done fuck it

Holy shit, he will truly become the best president in the history of the United States.


>Now that someone they don't like is in power they are suffering under the monster they created themselves.
they're not the only ones suffering, retard.
believe me trump will piss you off soon enough.

>the democrats and neocons have been pumping up the power of the Executive for the last 30+ years
how so?
I do remember thinking of the patriot act as something akin to the reichstagsbrandverordnung zum schutz von volk und staat (the law the nazis enacted after the reichstag burned and that paved the way for true dictatorship)

I am seriously worried that a loose cannon like trump now has way too much power at his disposal

Most of Trump's cabinet isn't even in yet. We will see Hillary behind bars when Sessions gets in, and Obongocare repealed when the health guys gets in

>can someone explain exec orders to me?
the President is the CEO of the executive branch (the executive branch is huge, FBI, DEA, etc).

executive orders are essentially memo's from the boss.

What happens when there's only 1 regulation left?

But individual regulations vary greatly in size and impact

lol idiots

Should he try getting these passed through Congress? Executive orders can just be removed by future Presidents.

Apply for citizenship legally and don't be a piece of shit and maybe one day.

Three branches,

Executive orders have little to do with Congress and Judicial cannot just rule on something without precedent.

Long, complicated, tear-fueled road ahead for the current admin's political opponents.


Exactly their heads are spinning and (((schumer))) can't produce enough fake tears to compensate

>It cannot contradict or override any law,

isn't that exactly what forcing a bunch of regulatory repeals is going to do?

he doesn't care. Trump is actually a really reasonable dude. this "Muslim Ban" is only 90 days. the hiring freeze is only 90 days.

most of these EO's are very short term stop gaps till the administration can come up with something more permanent and equitable. all Trump wants is 8 years of America taking care of America. he isn't trying to become dictator for life or make the US into some nationalist empire.

i really wish people would quit over reacting to this guy.

Regulations are written by unelected beuracrat not written by congress. So yes they can repeal non-law regulations via the executive branch

This plus it's not overriding them by itself, it's a new condition to create new regulations

Obama expanded powers of Executive powers back when the Republicans had him in a grid lock and refused to do anything. And was the President who used more executive actions then any before hand (though that looks like it might change)

Presumably he intended to be handing off to Hilldog boy I bet he regrets it now.

Do you know where you are? Pol is chaos incarnate.

The more conservative of us (in a paleoconserative case) have been warning about the abuse of presidential power for nearly 2 decades. Libertarians included.

Either two things happen, Trump goes full dictator, allowing the people to rightfully revolt and institute a second american republic.

Or, the exectutive branch has its powers scaled back to 0 through amendments.

We literally cant lose


obama added over 20000 regulations in his 8 years

surely there are some even from other presidents that are not relevant anymore

I mean, deregulation is a great idea but this seems to be a fucking stupid way of doing it...

Dude both Roosevelts and Wilson passed thousands of executive orders in the early 1900's, nothing is changing

>notices her hand

Typical Swede

She's mad at dad so she's GOMAD for Chad


>I always thought the president had to go through congress or some shit
Onigger expanded executive orders so that he could hand them out like candy whenever he wanted without having to consult congress or the Senate
Trump is just thanking him for the tools to dismantle the Zog sleeper hold on the nation

They have already started barraging Comey for info and whatnot
Special AG will probably be next week or the week after

>>define regulation

Good god OP, it's like conservatives are literally retarded

>They have already started barraging Comey for info and whatnot

its a master persuasion tactic

>Executive orders can just be removed by future Presidents.
Actually they can't once he eliminates all the shit Obama and congress passed expanding his executive orders. When he tanks the Patriot act there will be no recovery

Why are you so right?

hows this stupid
let the people closest to the issues dispose of the least needed regulations because unlike in the entire prior history of governance there has never been an incentive to do so
its the perfect way to do

I didn't save it, ask ptg they've got the letter to Comey requesting stuff

>reddit spaces



Why not hust wholesale cut redundant regulations? Or examine current regs and rewrite them into simpler applications?

Is that not possible in your legislative system? Seems dumb to have an arbitrary 2 FOR 1! approache

I'm no expert in regulations, but I think each different industry and region has their own set of codes, and it would be overly complicated to remove them individually.

Ah right, so this forces each sector to cut their own regs. That's actually pretty clever.

Things people swore were evil under Obama and needed to be gotten rid of, but love now.
Also things that can get pretty easily crushed when Pence takes over for globalism.

Not really, they can make addendums to any set of rules, so they just add them in at any point and split the one back into two and make up for it.
Its pretty easy to make things worse this way.

Alternately, for real fun they kill the regs that are known to be protecting people and say, well common sense should protect people and let the first disaster show proof why the regulations are there.

You know, like how Operation Fire Marshall on here was using regs to force ANTIFA supporters to have to mobilize and fight instead of sitting on the sidelines and ignoring everything in their communes.

Rise up, Mexibro. Get educated and go into politics and be the Great Leader of Mexico. Teach history your name.

Because his orders were obviously shit.

Nice. One of the ways to oppress s population is to accumulate so many laws you can't avoid breaking them, unknowingly.

Clearly, yet you will be hardpressed to find people who will recall them without them having been in the news over Trump, ala the temp ban on immigration with the FBI

Yessssss. Finally. There are too many laws and business regulations. Fuck yes.

Is there not a limit on how many he can make.

Where is this meme from? Obummer did less EO's than GW bush and clinton and not even close to someone like reagan. Go and look up the real stats before regurgitating propaganda like a mindless drone.

I thought you guys hated executive orders but all of a sudden you're okay with it? What happened to muh small government? Ron Paul would not approve.

I wish Russia would close the borders like that too

>inb4 consolidation laws until we only have 1 mega-law

Not an exact number but they can be repealed by a Federal Judge.

But what if there are no regulations left?

Obama didn't even have as many executive orders as George Bush. Do any of you idiots even research things before you speak about them?

then you cant add anymore.

No, issuing EOs is how presidents run the executive branch, which is really their entire job.

But for what it's worth, the current record for EOs by a president is FDR with 3,522.




What the fuck are you talking about? Previous Presidents did a lot more than Obama with executive orders. What's all of the shit Obama did? Only relevant thing was the dreamers shit. What else? Don't bring up gun restrictions because that wasn't even an executive order. Trump has done more serious things with executive orders in 1 week than Obama did in 8 years.

>mexican intellectuals

are you dumb???

He just won't pay attention is all

Oh. I'm being "trolled"

Obama was the only one to call them undemocratic (when he was senator). Then once he got into office they weren't so undemocratic anymore. Fucking hypocrite. None of the other presidents called them undemocratic.

you're trolling me aren't you

maybe read my post

How many regulations are out there to revoke?

Obamas were more broad and basically writing new laws. Some of the EO those presidents you are talking about were more just adjusting something, not changing written laws.

Oh fuck. My bad, tunnel vision.

Trump and every other Republican were flipping out over the EOs by Obama that weren't nearly as big as the ones being signed by Trump. Now it's sealed lips everywhere. So tired of government cucks who won't speak out against their party. Bunch of pussies.

You get what's coming to you and the neoconservatives in both parties wanted a strong executive branch of government, it's great they finally get to reap what they sow

It would be fine if he tried to pass a bill, but the executive branch of the government should not be allowed to subvert the legislative. Obama should be blamed for this, but Trump should be blamed for continuing it. The preservation of the constitution must come at all costs or else the country will fail. There is a reason we have a slow and deliberate system, you may not like it, but is how we are still surviving as a nation after two centuries.

What were all of them? I'll wait, because Obama hardly did anything meaningful. The one the Republicans always go back on is the gun rights which wasn't an executive order, all he did was say he would like the feds to be more diligent in enforcing background checks (something that is the law). FDRs executive orders were so bad he tried to fucking expand the Supreme Court. Bush got rid of government transparency which is how he got away with that NSA garbage. They've all done shit like this.

Whats coming to me? I'm libertarian. In also Canadian so don't lump me in with that.

As far as I understand it executive orders fall in 2 categories

2) Powers for the president expressed in the constitution
3) Powers not expressed in the constitution but given to the president by congress

Oh sorry I misread your post cause no comma. But I don't see why American citizens have to deal with this because a bunch of cunts wanted to expand executive powers.

The real question is can there be a negative regulation?

He was also president longer than is now legal, to be fair.

You can thank Obongo for making the president have so much power, they were expecting Hilary to get in and go full dictator. Trump winning through them on their asses.

Quit crying about it and MMGA.