30 minutes to ayy reveal, get in here
30 minutes to ayy reveal, get in here
Other urls found in this thread:
Pls be my qt alien waifu
>Sean Spicer
It's fucking nothing. No ayys. Fuck.
sean needs some spice in his life.
It's fucking nothing.
Dad works for Nintindo. Ayylmaos confirmed
You wish it was true
Got my coffee lets get comfy
i don't think its ayys now, but it's press trashing time motherfucker
Nazi Shibe Ayys when?
>pikachu necklace
Ayys or not, could still be spicy.
My cousin's father in law, twice removed works for Starfleet. Romulans confirmend.
People think someone is gonna say something about ayys because Sup Forums wants to believe
Is there actually something happening or what?
30 mins until Christfucks learn life exists outside of Earth and that Gods do not exist. A great day for humanity
In 2005 I was working in eastern Europe. A beautiful blonde entered the bar I was in. Time seemed to slow and in had deja vu. I knew we would be together. I asked her if i could guess her birthday could I buy her a drink. She said yes. I told her the date of her birthday and favorite drink (southern comfort and lemonade, not that popular in Bucharest). We had sex later that week and continued for the next 6 months. Two of my colleagues watched it in awe. We had a running joke where they would try it.
>faggots spam ayy happening hoax thread yesterday
>people believe them
>there is a white house announcement in 20 minutes and /x/fags think it's ayys
Are we the aliens?
Will nephilim blood line be confirmed
Some ((((insider)))) yesterday told about Trump disclosing ayys today. Today some (((((((((((insider))))))))))))) told about it happening 9 minutes ago.
If ayylmaos I'm going to cry both tears of joy and tears of fear.
Is there an official info on what will the briefing be about, lads?
No. Sup Forums is a bigger drama queen than facebook and tumblr combined.
Literally nowhere in the Bible does it say God didn't create life outside Earth. Faggot.
>slow and in had deja vu
>babby's first lentation
Islam is a religion of Ayyyyys
In all honesty it's probably going to be about something really boring.
But I want to believe.
thread theme?
Ok, but are they white?
life outside earth will tell u a different story.
pls be tru
I'll believe when I see it
If not grey, green, or white they are space niggers and need removing.
>tfw no qt alien gf
>tfw aliens come down to remove degenerate and mudlimes
Seriously, what is this shit? I absolutely do not trust all this hyping over a fucking announcement about aliens.
What the hell is the scam here?
tears of sadness, tears of joy, milky tears from my old boy
If something like this ever happens, it's because project Blue beam would be complete
why ayys laddos? is this just pure trumperoticism.
Hands off her, she's Been My waifu ever since I was 9
ayy to the lmao
i don't get it
what happening?
I have made my decision on who I will nominate for The United States Supreme Court. It will be announced live on Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. It's not Aliens
About fucking time.
Glad to be here with you in this moment, brothers.
Look im getting tired of this shit. Aliens are demons. If you think they are magic space guys you are pants on head retarded and will easily be decieved by project blue beam. Ive no fucking sympathy for you.
excuse me but i believe ive got rightful claims to that waifu
It's monday though lad
Im aliens
Unless Trump makes a surprise appearance there's no way news as big as this would be announced by the press secretary
if it was Trump would do it himself
Mr. trump, I'm Ayy lmao
I'll make a promise user, Ayy lmao reveal will happen
It'll happen in our lifetimes
Most likely within the next 5 years
If it were ayys then Trump would announce it himself.
Disclosure ain't happening
if my ID is xv9v+X+C then aliens will invade us and Trump will become the God Emperor and fight the Xenos
>tfw ayylmao
>tfw no one ever knew
I knew. I knew from when I was 7 and realized I could float and predict the future and will people into doing shit for me just by thinking about it.
Still can't will myself into a happier existence though. :^(
probably just a lucky coincidence from that user yesterday.
this art style reminds me off I, pet goat II
>the inflatable blowup alien toy i had as a kid gets more action than me
Learn mental alchemy.
How do you find out what ID you will be? That's pretty cool.
Nigga you already posted in this thread, fuck off.
This meme is getting old
>2 posts by this ID
Gee, I wonder...
dude what the fuck? i had the same thought and almost posted it.
why does this look like it was filmed durring WW1, colorized in the 50s, lost again for another 50 years, and finally found again sitting in a pile of mud at the base of some warehouse.
1-27-2017 my ass
>2 posts by this ID
>some of you faggots will actually believe he guessed his ID right
He already posted, retard.
literally everyone with 4chanx can see your deleted post user.
give me powers to not be a manlet please
>tfw the world is going to change in a monday
>Make post
>Type down ID
>Delete post and make new one
Keep on wondering, Hans.
Fuck off nigger, i saw your deleted post saying "K"
>Stop your jewish tricks and pay debt.
Do you think aliems play videogames?
I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. Just accept your height. Date an amazon.
I am retarded you're right. I saw "1 post by this ID" and thought that counted.
from previous thread
I've had the power of belief work for me in a lot of weird ways in my life so I've known for a long time it's powerful. I think stuff like the placebo effect is scientific evidence this is true. Anyway whatever you call it, belief, law of attraction or "meme magic" it's very real. When I heard the Tom Delonge interview a while back it really stuck in my head for a while and it all kind of clicked for me. If we can believe something into existence then the "gods with a little g" gain power from us. That is why its so important they have worshippers. And it's also why it is so important that we are extremely careful with our power. I believe Christ's sacrifice freed us from these gods before.
we are the game
My money is on it being nothing
How god like will being a MANLET be of the lmaos turn out to actually be the LITTLE green men?
We'll never hear the end of it
>liberals will push xeno race mixing