This picture explains in a fool proof method why capitalism is a failure. When the rich look down all they see is shitheads, when the poor look up all they see are assholes.
Capitalists BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying the most people are in the middle class and not the bottom rung
kek. It's not even because of inequality either, it's because of a lack of production and skills. People used to do things in their spare time that mattered, which is how networking and small companies kicked off, now it's netflix marathons on the couch until 26.
but everyone has been getting richer
Why else would liberals be pushing nonsense like income inequality?
your ideas are as weak as your body.
not everyone
even if you get rid of capitalism do you think the elite miserly fucks at the top who control shit through corruption and crime are just going to magically vanish into thin air?
most people have
This is talking about America/CAnada. Literally everyone is middle class. I haven't even met a poor person since high-school.
WRong. We the working class have been screwed since the begnining of time
They would go to jail
>I use straw men that no economist teaches about mythical theories that do not exist
>WRong. We the working class have been screwed since the begnining of time
Why do they now have cars 2000 sqft homes and iphones?
I live for this m8s
I'm going 100% full blown autismo leaf shitposter
>tfw when I cannot be alive unless I know enemies
S H A R E B L U E ! ! ! !
Who is shitting on the rich?
There is clearly shit there.
Getting real sick of "*insert something leftists hate* BTFO" threads, they comprise like at least a quarter of the catalog
gold post on Twitter
Why don't you tell us why you are a failure in life and perhaps we can give you some suggestions of improving your situation.
Or just sit around crying like a fucking baby and thinking that knocking the legs out from somebody who is successful will somehow improve your lot in life.
That's corporatism, not capitalism
is cumming on birds degenerate?
To make up for the loss of land. Most now don't even own property they have to RENT to survive. In the past they could own land. No amount of fancy tech will change that
You know
Why would cumming on ya girl be degenerate
Stop being a cry-baby and just get a job working for the government
Capitalism corporatism it's all the same.
Canadians are the worst posters.
beat me to it ur gay
Typical leaf, not understanding different economic systems
Letting you have Independence was the worth thing that ever happened to your country
All you fuckers did was let the Fake French people living in your country blow you all up so now you all have to speak French
You are the most cucked nation on the planet, And your fucking flag is a disgrace too.
Now enjoy your cuck leader faggot. Fucking leafs man
Who are they?
Can i get a high velocity overdrive rundown on them?
If the rich bird shits in the middle of the perch then shit wouldn't get on anyone else
Actually in socialism everyone is rich.
>WRong. We the working class have been screwed since the begnining of time
Cave man capitalism was truly brutal times
>To make up for the loss of land. Most now don't even own property they have to RENT to survive. In the past they could own land. No amount of fancy tech will change that
This is because people are mocing to the cities, if you stuff more of the population on a specific piece land they will each own less land and fever will own land at all. Day of the rake cannot come soon enough
>critizing canada for it's relationship with Quebec
You all have to speak French because William the Cuckerner Cucked you guys so hard you were forced to basically become French. So shut the fuck up.
It's not meant to demonstrate the laws of physics
>capitalism explained by capitalists
Forgets to mention that demand doesn't mean how much people demand an item. It means that is how much money people are willing to spend on it. If capitalists make everyone poor there will be no more demand for goods. For example Ireland in the 1800s there was a famine. Everyone demanded food but there was no economic demand since no one had any money for it.
>This is because people are mocing to the cities, if you stuff more of the population on a specific piece land they will each own less land and fever will own land at all. Day of the rake cannot come soon enough
1950s was largest growth period in population and people all lived like kings in their homes.
Nigger William was a Norman who hated the French be quite
And even if he was French, at least he wasn't a type of French that even French people hate
You have to take the bog pill
Then why did he marry a French women?
Socialism is worse than capitalism, look at France. Now look at fucking Switzerland. We fucking rock capitalism
Why are Swiss so fucking proud of their country? I see every Swiss brag about how they are so much superior to Americans. But the only reason you guys are so rich is you stay out of wars and never colonized others.
Well I'm not proud I'm just saying that capitalism can work and work very well. Plus we also eliminate cucks from our country unlike everyone else around us
Have you never played Crusader Kings II? You don't marry for love fool, you marry for power and stability
Yeah but if he hated the French so much he wouldn't ruin his life around someone he absolute hated.
When everybody is poor, nobody will be! Flawless thinking, leaf!
>everybody made rich
>somehow they are poor
>Everybody is rich
>Compared to what?
>Everybody is poor
>Compared to capitalism.
In socialism everyone gets a house car and land
The only way that I can see socialism work is if it is only used at the start of life. Aka everyone is born in the same conditions and then are sent to primary school. After they finish secondary school there is no more reason for everyone to be equal, cause that creates fucken leeches and there is no motivation for competition
Henry Tudor - Henry VII - married someone from the family that killed his father. It's bout power, not love
>Shitty house
>Shitty car
>Shitty land
Everyone gets to have a max income/fortune. Everything over that amount gets distributed amongst those below you.
All world problems solved.
Actually they get top notch everything. It's capitalism where you get cheap China made crap.
>Top notch everything
>For "free"
>Why work?
>Don't work
>Economy plummets
>Back to capitalism
Wouldn't the bird at the top be more frozen due to higher temperature and wind chills?
Because if you don't work you won't be able to pay the bills or buy anything. You won't be able to buy gas.
I was going to post the pic. Fuck leftists. They dont have brain. Their empty skull need a bullet.
>Be at job, "working"
>Don't do anything all day and still live luxurious life
>Fuck around at home
>Government retards won't stop you
>Government can't get funding
>By capitalists
>MFW you realize Switzerland, Sweden, and Norway, the highest wealth average countries were all socialist
>sit around all day
>don't have a job so money starts to run out
>get a job because you realize socialism won't fuck around
How is that a problem?
>this strawman cleverly disguised as an image macro will be sure to change their minds!
America must be pretty great; I don't find myself ONCE wondering what is happening in Norway in the average week.
if i lived under socialism i would become a huge fucking leech, just like everyone and crash that shit completly
Then you would run out of money pretty fast and if you have a mortgage you would lose your house. If I lived under capitalism I wouldn't work since a big rich guy would just come and steal all my money and torture me.
Spain and Portugal wasn't in USSR wtf?
>Sit around all day
>Socialism fucks around while you drain the economy
>Keep your job because the government doesn't stop you
>Sit around all day
>Employer fires you
>Be jobless
>Get a job
>Get paid
>Get luxury
>Economy grows
>Invade socialist country
>Economy grows more
>Be super rich
>Compared to socialism
>Then you would run out of money pretty fast and if you have a mortgage you would lose your house.
Bulshit in socilam everyone rub's each other dick, they would give me free money
>Spain and Portugal wasn't in USSR wtf?
Left governaments keep ruining us whit bad economic measures
>sit around all day
>employer fires you
>be jobless
>get a job
>get paid
>get luxury
>economy grows
Also if you invade a country that will start a war thus destroying your economy
Meanwhile under capitalism
>get a job
>robber barrons come and torture you and torture and you torture you until you give away all their wealth and then the police come and put you in a camp
Which one is better?
>Bulshit in socilam everyone rub's each other dick, they would give me free money
Yeah but people would stop donating to you pretty quickly if they found out what you did.
>muh money
>muh jewdeepee
>former commie countries have no nogo zones
>aren't feminist shitholes
>aren't cucked beyond belief
>Things that don't happen: the post
Because thankfully no country has been stupid enough to try capitalism. Although Trump might push America over the edge.
>I'm a shitty, selfish twat
>Everybody else is so that's okay
So you'd prefer the minuscule chance of becoming super rich someday over the guaranteed access to food, shelter, and amenities?
When you think about it, the odds of you becoming super rich pale in comparison to the odds of you becoming super poor. Too poor to eat.
Actually stratch that, Somalia is capitalsit.
Canadian """""intellectuals"""""
>american intellectuals
let's be honest, you've never even walked into an economics classroom. Your main beliefs about the economy and "muh class" come from religious canon, which is exemplified in the simplistic, unrealistic ways you describe the economy.
pic related, marxists think capitalism is literally a poop-flinging war between le porky and le proletarian.
You clearly never went to highschool. Capitalist economics have been debunked by keynes since the 30s.
Oh look
The same strawman image as before.
Don't worry goy, you're helping.
You didn't even read the thread, did you?
>american education
>So you'd prefer the minuscule chance of becoming super rich someday over the guaranteed access to food, shelter, and amenities?
you have a distorted view of reality. Something like 60% of all American citizens in one study were in the top 10% of income earners at least once in their lives, and that includes stay at home moms and people who don't report their taxes at all.
let's be honest, it's not a strawman. It very accurately describes the leaf's behavior, and it describes your behavior because you so neglect empiricism.
>implying citizens of the USSR or China actually got access to all of those things all of the time
Citizens of America in the 1950s had all those things. Brits had them, Germans, Scandinavians, any socialist nation has those things it's only in capitalist nations are people eating mud cookies to survive.
draw a picture of the bottom of the pole with a massive pile of dead birds
then, it would be accurate
LOL. Scandanavia was the opposite of socialist in the 50s, idiot.
>Not realizing the irony of "Capitalism explained by Socialists" described by a Capitalist
I'm not even a socialist and this is retarded
Just get an education and a job bro
I am talking about the United States in the 50s idiot
>not realizing it's the utter truth as demonstrated by this thread
my dad gave that image to me when I left home. I still have it on my wall
I don't care what you're talking about anymore. You're an uneducated Marxist zombie who has nothing to contribute, no facts, no well-constructed arguments or counter-arguments, just an ideology based on religious canon. I'm not replying to you anymore
>get an education
Since im not part of the oligarchy I can't just "get an education" and i have a job
The upper middle class is always the one that's affected the most, they're the ones that pay the most taxes by far
>i'm too stupid to get any grant or loan money
kek. Stop pretending you deserve to be rich, you're probably under 100 IQ.
>get a grant
You know that's not enough right? My parents donated 100K to Queens to get me in and they turned me away since i am not a Bush-Rothschild plutocrat.
>capitalism is a failure
Then how can your useless ass afford to sit on a comfy couch and write retarded posts against it on your iPhone 7 instead of standing in a breadline like your socialist utopias?
This picture proves the correct system.
>Our strawman arguments are truth because they're all true
just call me a fucking leaf already, that way you don't need to think too much
Because of socialism dumbass
And it's socialism
If you flip the case upsidedown, there will be much higher shit/person ratio, yaknow.
>Because of socialism
The means of production are privately owned in Canada. Welfare is based on profits generated by the capitalist system.
Hybrid system but yeah.
Hit me with that study, champ.
There is no way that over half of the country has been in the top 10% at one time or another.
>Le Nazis were actually Commies meme!
It's not a "hybrid system", you mental cripple. It's just capitalism with government extortion to fund welfare monkeys. If the means of production are privately owned, it is decidedly not socialism by definition.
Shit is the opposite of capital