Hey Sup Forums, trying to be in a good mood today so I just felt like doing a little time traveling...
Wanna come with?
Hey Sup Forums, trying to be in a good mood today so I just felt like doing a little time traveling...
Wanna come with?
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Kodachrome is the greatest.
the fuck is this ugly azz hoe bitch got teeth and gum that could last for DAYS bitch be looking like the joker and sheeit
>ywn fuck young Marilynbefore the degeneracy
Again, tryin' to be in a good mood today, bruh...
>you will never shoot dice at a segregated casino until 3 a.m. when you cruise out into the desert and watch the A-bomb tests until sun up with a floozie named Franny.
Feels bad, man
We can go back in time....
But only if you become a fashy goy.
Get in here and bump this anons.
Kodachrome Post-War American aesthetic is better than NatSoc aesthetic. No Question.
>posting pictures of a society that only got to that point off the ruins of national socialist Europe and proceeded to launch itself straight into the hands of international Jewry
Are you mad, sad, or just disappointed?
The vast majority of Sup Forums would have been equally disenfranchised during the 50s and 60s, making waifu pillows out of gingham sacks filled with cornsilk.
Based OP,
keep em coming
all of the above
post comfy pictures of traditional things like pic related
Oh man, remember when we didn't need railings everywhere because people were responsible for themselves?
I Really love this picture in particular, the car in the foreground makes for such a great aesthetic.
i memeber
they put railings at niagra because maverick ancaps would try to go over the falls in a barrel
Even this guy fucked.
Very sad!
I did some searching on Google and it didn't look too much different. The railings were higher but you could still climb over if you really wanted to.
great thread OP, read savitri devi and julius evola
And they just might be bringing Kodachrome back photorumors.com