what is hungary like?
What is hungary like?
Other urls found in this thread:
political conservativism
rather fucked up economy
one of the safest countries on the continent
shit political relations with each and every neighboring country
Nearly describes Lithuania. I guess Eastern Europe is mostly like this.
I moved to Hungary, its pretty good. Beautiful girls, nice food, everything is cheap. The economy is weak and any place outside of Budapest looks like a third world country. Even the liberals are openly racist against non-white and gypsies (they really fucking hate gypsies). Overall, its a great country to emigrate to if you want to live a wealthy life style.
i agree this is just a summary of eastern europe.
what is hungary like, specifically...
> political conservitism
you mean cryptofascist populism (békemenet meg hasonlók)
Otherwise, as above.
where did you move from?
Kek. Breakfast of the
It's corrupt and poor and shit and post communist and yet somehow things just work.
>any place outside of Budapest looks like a third world country
wtf, do you even travel bro
>Even the liberals are openly racist against non-white and gypsies
that's not true, the libs are 0/24 licking them migrants' asses while mocking the country
I like A Friend too.
>muh fascism
Don't. He's a notorious index/444 shitposter who jerks off to (You)s. Don't even waste your breath.
Rune platebody is redpilled as fuck.
this was my breakfast the morning i stayed overnight in hungary, was quite delicious
$40USD tho lol
two left-wing hungarian "news" blog with a way too large fanbase
Too late.
filtered lol
It's pretty neat, I like liveing here
can u elaborate?
Not at least a little bit of a military invasion based on lies?
Disappointing. But that is what you get when you live in a country with no easily explitable resources.
well it's a post socialist dump, but other than that it's comfy, there aren't too much shitsking other than gypsies, the left wing is erradicated, we can only hear the echoes in the shilling tv networks, but they has really no impact. The cities are beeutiful, post moderism and socialism didn't destroeyed them. Mots of the population - includeing the woman - are redpilled excpet the city dwelling degenerates. So overall, it has it's own little flaws, but it's neat as I said.
>tfw no busty Hungarian waifu to eat paprika with
you took Őrvidék, and you want our females as well?
isn't there a point where it's enough?
Where did you come from user?
>redpilled women
>low af birthrates
Second-rate bulgars
You'd only wish we were
I heard there is a LOT of depression there. Hungary bros is this true?
West Romanians
>tfw no busty austrian waifu to remake austriahungary again
they're redpilled but selfish as fuck, they're awere of the threat but when it comes to do something they're not willing to, to be fair just like the rest of us.
I'm from Gyöngyös, cmfy little city, perhaps you seen the meme video with the gypo. but I study in Budapest btw
Have as many Austrian waifus as you want, they are all shit tier.
desu this is true and yeah ive seen it been there
btw I thought you were the user who wasnt hungarian
Center of Miskolc.
Dude, look at Avas
I like Gyöngyös tbqh
>tfw only shit tier austrian waifus are availeable
>any place outside of Budapest looks like a third world country
Most small towns are actually pretty comfy. With some exceptions.
I live like 25 mins away from Avas.
There aren't any gyppos anymore, they were all forced out. It became a busy, not-that-comfy-but-liveable part of the city again.
We have a narrow gauge railway in the hills near Budapest that is being operated mostly by children. The locomotives are driven by adults and the stations are under adult supervision, but... ...yes. A railway being run by children.
A lot of kids volunteer. It's fun.
Proud warriors of the khanate
I lack the pic with Hungarian flag, but this'll do I guess
Yeah, but still panel house on panel house
If you think of cute blonde girls with ponytails when thinking about Austrian women you have been brainwashed. That's a distorted picture from fierce racial profiling and recruiting in the police force and not representative at all.
kek, that's almost the sole thing I am jealous of Budapesters, I always wanted to be a railwayman
and I became one partially, but that's complicated
and then what?
have this
How would you know? Aren't a lot of them wearing hijabs and niqabs? Maybe they're blonde underneath.
>I always wanted to be a railwayman
Fellow autist, I salute thee.
Budapest is the most beautiful city I have ever seen and also the cleanest, the people all seemed nice and it was great rarely seeing minorities anywhere
>tfw I live almost next to gyermekvasút
Do come again friend.
Why even live anymore?
Máv Class 301 > Máv Class 424
Slav waifus and busty mud haired Hungarian paprika godesses.
Black hair blue eyes is fine too desu :c
The 424 meme is only high because it's preferred by the MÁV """"Nostalgia""""
I will be there again this summer, my dad is from Budapest but it was the first time I had gone we had a family reunion of sorts
Nice. Very safe. Don't believe those who complain about the economy, we love complaining, if you have useful skill and not a fuckup, life is easy.
The population outside Budapest is very redpilled, and the police especially. I am a police detective, and I never have to hide my powerlevel.
Storytime: When I was a green officer fresh from the academy, my officemate was a young mom with a 3-4 year old kid. So one day she tells me about one of her cases, where a whole family of gypsies (parents and little kids together) broke into the neighbor's toolshed - the dumbasses accidentally dumped a can of paint to the floor, so their footprints was clearly visible.
Because I love a good argument, I thought I try to rustle her jimmies as a "shock and awe" opening to a redpill argument, so I said:
"You know, I think when the time comes, we will have to kill all of them, kids and all, not just the criminal adults"
I figured, because she has a little kid, she will be shocked by this and disagree because of empathy, so I was pretty surprised, when her answer was "Of course!"
Come home Magyar man.
Not that the 424 is not a glorious piece of engineering. But it steals the thunder from others.
>travelling by train no longer has the same magic it used to have ever since steam locomotives disappeared
They make the second best pörkölt in the world.
idk why I am asking this but did the (((greatest ally))) mutilate you?
Who makes the best one?
I, personally am a Diesel loco & narrow gauge fan. But yeah, they have some majesty that cannot be remade.
I have been trying to find a way to live there, my wife loved it there and said if I find a job she would want to live in Hungary. But I still need to find a job and have to figure out how to immigrate.
not the austrian girl i know shes a genius and hot only flaw is excema
circumsize? no my dad wouldn't let me get circumsized
I'll take your word on Hungarian women...don't know much about them.
Slavs seem to have a lot of people shitting on them, everyone says they're gold diggers and no better than Western Women.
>kommunista vasuttoro gecik ITT
My grandmother
About the jobs: almost every middle school welcomes mother tongue English teachers.
Good I knew hungol men were more based than that!
Budapest was a very nice city, I'd recommend it to anyone. Outside of that though the country was Borat tier.
Get dressed. You're coming with us.
the ONLY Austrian girl I know is a cute blonde girl with ponytail
I don't think I could be a teacher, I work in IT now. Also I can get a German passport if the would help with getting a job I just need to learn Hungarian I understand some but can't write it or speak it well
I seriously cannot imagine where did you went outside of Budapest.
I think almost every city over 10,000 people has beautiful parts, even the villages are getting more and more advanced.
Okay paprikas, riddle me this
Lets say I have hungarian name with hungarian and american citizenship
How hard would it be for me to find a job teaching english in hungary?
Well if you are that then I guess you could find a decent paying job
>any place outside of Budapest looks like a third world country
jó nagy fasz vagy. what is Szeged ? what is Pécs ? what is Kaposvár ?
Is your full name hungarian or only your surname?
Full name is hungarian but it's missing the hungarian accents from the letters.
well, I think English as a primary language can easily get you a job in the IT sector in no time as well
serious question, how is Budapest kept so clean all the time? Where ever I went there was no litter anywhere nothing was dirty even in the non tourist areas. I stopped in Amsterdam after and the whole city was extremely dirty
you sure you wanted to reply to me? I stated that it's false as well
so no é á ű ő ú ó ü ö?
as long as you stay in downtown BP it's good, except for the filthy british dorists
but ignore everyone who says """cities""" outside of BP are good, anyone who unironically thinks that is just a butthurt paraszt
oh ok, I have been getting my dad to teach me and my son Hungarian at the same time
Yes, those are missing.
We try dude. Altough I consider Bp to be fucking dirty.
That's strange. We Budapesters consider Budapest to be filthy.
But then again, Budapesters are the New Yorkers of Eastern Europe. We're never satisfied.
Shit sry. Obviously to that dick above
lel where u from m8 I live in BP and everyone here is always bitching about how dirty it is, especially paraszts who can't shut the fuck up about how clean the air in their shitty village is (yet for some reason stay in BP forever)
They wash the streets with gypsy blood.
really? everyone in my family was just constantly saying how clean everything was. That and every older building has a work of art all over it, I was looking up the entire time we walked around