As of 4:30pm yesterday afternoon, Muslim GREEN CARD holders, that is resident LEGAL aliens from certain countries, were prohibited from reentering the country for 90 days if they happened to be traveling. They were detained at airports and prohibited from returning to their homes.
Do you understand what this means?
It means that if you have lived in New Jersey for 20 years with your family and were traveling for business, you are now not allowed to return HOME for 90 days. You will most likely lose your job. Where will you go in the meantime? Will you stay at a hotel?
Or if you are a mother you happened to have gone to your father's funeral abroad at this unlucky time and tried to return home to your children, you are now not allowed to do so for 90 days.
Please don't talk to me about how necessary it is to conduct proper vetting. These people are GREEN CARD holders. A green card holder is a LEGAL alien. He or she has essentially the same rights as a citizen, with respect to residency. They HAVE been properly vetted. These actions against them are 100% ILLEGAL. If it can be them today, it can be you and me tomorrow!
If this doesn't scare you, you are not paying attention. This is not a democracy.
As of 4:30pm yesterday afternoon, Muslim GREEN CARD holders, that is resident LEGAL aliens from certain countries...
A fucking leaf
Good. Fuck them. Not a citizen? Get the fuck out.
Well open your house and your can have them all. Great way to make friends OP.
>This is not a democracy.
Neither is the US. What's the problem?
Sounds great. Fuck Muslims. Take it from us.
Don't be a faggot.
You can't legally loose your job for that, it's like having jury duty.
Anyway small price to pay since it will only affect a handful of people.
There are waivers for them.
And why are they Green Card holders for 20 years?
This is the problem, THEY REFUSE TO ASSIMILATE
Next time think twice before going to a terrorist country. Getting to enter USA is a privilege, not a human right.
>green card
>legal citizen
Pick one.
Fuck liberals and fuck you.
Because we coddle them. My parents have been here on green cards for over thirty years. They can't be bothered with working towards citizenship because the only thing it gives them is the right to vote. There are millions others like them because the United States doesn't value citizenship very much. Is it any wonder patriotism is so low when the state tells everyone that aliens are equal to citizens? Trump is starting to change that dynamic.
Agreed. We're full, fuck off and help your own shit country
Considering every single Muslim should be deported from this country forever, they got off light.
Now call me crazy but isnt this a violation of Habeus corpus?
Not to mention the illlegal detention of a states citizens gives said state the right to sue which is what VA Gov. Terry Mccauliffe was referencing?
May I ask where you find the legal grounds for this?
green carders are citizens you dumb stupid homo
Appeal to Authority fallacy.
There is literally no rational reason why a single Muslim should have ever been allowed in any Western country.
>LEGAL aliens
If there's an executive order in place, then they're not legal.
Lol no. More like probationary citizen. Also no american has any business traveling to these countries.
no they aren't stupid fuck, they are resident aliens
Sucks for them. Sure is comfy here in America.
>1 pump Chump
Boy, Canada must be a virtual paradise if they are worried about the USA..
yup, golly gee, really gets you thinking
Oh boy, is it TIME to capitalize random WORDS.
Because THAT is my favourite thing TO do.
WHILE we're at IT, let's discuss the ABOLITION of all border checks AS any inconvenience SHOULD BE strictly forbidden.
Especially HYPOTHETICAL inconveniences.
>if you have lived in New Jersey for 20 years
You can seriously live in USA for 20 years and never become a citizen? Or is it just "mudslimes are too dumb to apply" kind of thing?
>the only thing it gives them is the right to vote
Participating in democracy is a pretty big deal.
Also not having the risk to be GTFOd by Trump or anyone sounds cool too.
>This is not a democracy.
America isn't a true democracy and hasn't been for a long time you fucking retard. It's a republic with representatives who represent the people's voice.
Even with that said, the fact that muslims are being prohibited from returning is what the people want.
Fuck I just realized something.
>Living for 20 years in America
>Not gaining full citizenship
They asked for it.
Oh look all the paid shills are from leafland .......Again.. gtfo shill
Green card holders aren't citizens.
We can literally revoke them all and throw everyone out if we want to.
Get over it leaf.
yesterday my dad who is a German citizen who still has a green card joked that maybe he should get his citizenship bc Germany might be the next muslim country banned
Though I think our immigration policy and vetting do need a serious overhaul, Trump really fucked up here.
This is gonna cost him big for a long time. Stupid move.
It's not going to cost him shit.
The only people virtue signalling about it are the whiny faggots who already opposed him.
My dad went on a business trip to Yemen and was held at the airport. Fuck Trump's racism.
Not true, there are a lot of people on the right who support him, but think the greed card holder ban was too far.
Spend some time on the Internet in places other than Sup Forums.
What the fuck is your problem?
Give it a rucking rest you deluded libtard.
Check yourself into a mental institution for a while and try to get back to reality.
>green card holder
>living here for 20 years
...what stopped you from applying for citizenship?
>live in New Jersey for 20 years
Why are we taking other countries' mentally ill
American citizenship is one of the worst citizenships on Earth.
Why the fuck would you want it?
How about you get a fucking citizenship then?
Its a fancy working permit you dingus, that can be revoked any time.
Sometimes my leaf, you just get fucked.
Get me a source.
'a lot of people' isn't proof that actual people who support him think that.
I'm a fucking strong borders libertarian you fucking twat. I voted for Trump.
There are wide reports of this temporary ban affecting greed card holders - WHICH IT SHOULDN'T.
That's a fucked up roll out. He moved to fast and people that weren't supposed to get hit, are getting hit.
Take your head out of Trump's ass for one second and be objective.
Personally I don't think a temporary ban is enough and that all of this will amount to jack shit when it comes to who is getting in.
For a country of freedom that hates "de gubmint" telling you how to do shit, you sjre have some funny views.
Double standards bitch. Leftist level fallacy.
KYS scum.
Too bad, they don't belong here.
They are muslim though.
I don't even like trump you retard.
Boohoo a couple of green card holders were temporarily inconvenienced. If you weren't handing them out like candy for fifty years, maybe it wouldn't have become an issue.
There is no right to come live in America unless you're a citizen. They are here at our discretion.
Get over it.
definitely, it's shocking, desu
I liked Trump because of the trade policies not identity politics.
Sup Forums bootlickers are worse than SJWs.
Becoming an American citizen isnt a right, it's a privilege.
>Do you understand what this means?
it means the secret services got wind of an imminent threat
just because your country is fucked, doesn't mean ours need to be
Stay in America or get the fuck out. Fuck your business in other countries, help america.
Quit you're crying. They've got free AirBnB and cushy jobs at Starbucks waiting for them. They'll be just fine.
no retard. they take a plan to germany and then to their country
>If it can be them today, it can be you and me tomorrow!
It's always minorities who are scapegoated. And they know this.
I hate white shit so much.
why the fuck are they travelling if they love America so much?