Instead of banning all Muslims, maybe DRUMPF should ban all straight white males. They're clearly far more dangerous.
Instead of banning all Muslims, maybe DRUMPF should ban all straight white males. They're clearly far more dangerous
Yes. Ban the leaf.
nice bait
>Muslims kill thousands of Christians
> "Not all Muslims, waaahhh"
>Christian kills like 5 Muslims
>"Ban white men, they were innocent people praying!"
Someone translate those french words for me
Woah. Hold on there.
Did you JUST assume his/her gender?
I'm literally shaking
trump isnt banning muslims
hes prioritizing refugess from minority religions in their countrys of origins
mexican muslims, southern africa muslims, European muslims (although not for long) have priority over christians from the same country
still going with this tired meme?
That's what we're going to be hearing for the next few years. Thanks Alexandre you faggot.
"Feminists in Movement of Laval's University"
Did he do it to demonize his race?
>it's been like 12 or 14 hours since the arrest
>they only released information about one of them
Really makes you think what the second one could be.
Probably another white person and not Achmud Al'Mohamchud who converted that guy
This guy had a Moroccan accomplish last I saw this won't last long.
That's pretty racist of you.
You wut?
>should ban all straight white males
>13% of US population
>assuming half are men
White (including Hispanics)
>68% of US population
>assuming half are men
That 6.5% is responsible for
>57% of US homicides
>78% of US armed robberies
>34% of US rapes
yeah... white males are the problem.
Moroccan guy's a witness. It's just the Frenchie.
Maple niggers aren't white
He was cleared
When will Trudeau build a wall and deport trump supporters?
I don't want more Americans coming into our country and converting honest citizens. They are a danger to society as we know it.
No he should ban French-Canadians
>Christian kills like 5 Muslims
what are the 1st and 2nd gulf wars?
what re drone strikes on a daily base?
>French Canadian
Pick one.
Agreed. A peaceful, tolerant, diverse society like Canada that is objectively superior to the Divided States of Drumpfuckistan does not deserve such subhuman filth.
He's got a point
I sense strawman. Show camera footage
finally we have our whiteman boogeyman
Dindus can't handle the truth, most liberals are fucking idiots and ignore facts.
geo-political military engagements.
You don't even want to know what diversity feels like...
Why are all extremist/ Islamist/Right wingers etc always so ugly and beta?
>Crusader Kings
I like this guy.
Right winged/conservative people are more attractive
>geo-political military engagements.
isn't that what isis and other islamic terrorists doing aswell?
Fuck off Ahmed, those are not comparable. They aren't soley based on hate for the other group
>They're clearly far more dangerous.
Yeah, and the libtards think they have a chance of winning in a civil war. Just one guy like Alexander can take on 40 leftards
So it's a right wing guy? Shit, when I left this morning it was two Muslims.
Too bad. Could have been a chance to turn Canada's politics around.
>Implying they didn't let him off 'cos muslims can do no wrong
If there aren't any muslims then they can't shoot up mosques, Trump wins again!
Angry/disenchanted people are more likely to turn to Extrimism of whatever ideology gets their hands on them first
Most ugly people are angry
t. Ugly person
That being said, this guy isn't really ugly, just skinny and beta looking, but he could be good looking if he tried
Right winged/conservative those two are not the same. Conservative people are attractive. Right wingers are not.
French Canadians aren't white.
> but he could be good looking if he tried
mMao nah he cant bro. Manlet are ugly no matter what they do.
it's so unclear. But it does seem to be converging on this guy.
How are the muslims in your country?
>27 year old
>baby face
low test beta leftist teaching racist trump supporters a lesson
>what are the 1st and 2nd gulf wars?
>what re drone strikes on a daily base?
war != terror attack
Why must you be such cucks?
so we are not at war with isis?
Both wars were fought for the Saudis.
America is for WASPs
Your post is pretty dumb.
>so we are not at war with isis?
Germany probably is not. USA is, so their drone attacks are justified. If you're trying some pathetic justification for terrorism, you should just kill yourself. Terrorists are civilians of a non-warzone country, they hide behind other civilians, and they wear no identification, i.e. they commit multiple crimes against humanity the moment they commit their terror attack.
>Terrorists are civilians of a non-warzone country, they hide behind other civilians, and they wear no identification.
so kinda like spies, sabtours and sleeper agents used in ww1 ww2 and cold war?
>How are the muslims in your country?
Violent, lazy, disingenuous. In two years we have had hundreds of casualties because of Islam, and the only thing they worry about is that these attacks will tarnish Islam's image. Or they just say the attack were justified in Charlie Hedbo's case. We got major attacks every six months, and minor attacks every so often. Lately the government has been getting their shit together, at least: no major attack since Nice,and a few attacks prevented. Wouldn't be surprised if we got one soon, though. Tourism is in freefall because of the attacks.
70% of the people in prison are Muslim, despite them being around 10% of the population. They are reproducing faster than the natives. at least we don't get too much immigrants any more, they all want to go to Britain, Germany, or Sweden.
Sure, just like spies. Therefore we can legally start executing Muslims, as spies not entitled to prisoner of war statuses. They are of course also terrorists, since most terror attackers are from countries not currently at war with anyone, and two countries need to be at war for their agents to be considered spies. But I'm fine with executing every single shitskin on sight.
>french canadian
fpbp, dude's a shitskin Muslim.
this wasn't in the US though. Just using the same point libs have been using
>"Feminist University movement of false-flagging cucks"
>68/38 = 2
Sup Forums BTFO
Trumpcucks on suicide watch
We dont need to MuhamMAD.
Stay in cold mexico :^)
Richard Dawkins fan
Since when is Trump the president of Canada, you dumb leftist cuck?
No, I hate that guy
Definitely a Sup Forumstard
he was a feminist
people saying he was a right winger have not provided any proof
oh wow i think i used to know that guy when i was little
smelly fin
So you're telling me that Canadian Nazis had the balls to do to this to Muslims and the ones in the US don't?
The pussification of America is complete.
Where the proof that he is a feminist?
>There is a photo of him wearing a pin with the female symbol on it and he was a fan of a feminist movement. It looks like he was just a radical feminist. I blame Trudeau for normalizing feminist supremacy. Make sense he attacked a symbol of mysoginy, which a mosque exemplifies perfectly.
There is our new narrative
>Atheist Feminist Vigilante
We really need to clamp down on these radicals.
Hitchens book burning would be appropriate.
We need a meme magician to take the pin pic and turn it into an "I'm with her" ad
He wasn't a feminist
See #4
This guy was outspoken about Trump and the alt-right, and he liked those pages on Facebook just to troll them