Drumpf btfo!
IRAQ bans US passports
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Well there goes my vacation plans
"Aww man, shit now where I'm I suppose to get my isis training now?"
Oh. Who gives a shit.
Really tears me up inside that I won't be able to travel to some desert shithole. What ever will I do?
Transnigger believes letting the world ass fuck you is the definition of peace.
Wtf!! Me and my wife were gonna do some hiking out there! Wow DRUMPF really did it this time!
wow i bet americans are really sad now..especially the african americans who are known for their long hiking trips in iraq
Honestly who the fuck cares about iraq. They cant even govern their own lands and before that they were ruled by a dictator.
Fucking fucktards.
Great. Now I can't go get beheaded on the internet by a wild jahootie.
Lul who the fuck wants to visit Iraq
>Shaun King
>Promoting good will between races
Because they did such a great job stopping us the last two times.
Damn, was really excited about my trip to that terrorist hotspot. Guess I'll have to go a good country now.
Why did my Fellow White Man Shaun King darken his avatar?
I like that the Iraqi banned US citizens from going to Iraq.
Why would your everyday American want to go to Iraq?
>Join ISIS
That dumb cracker implying someone WANTING to go to Iraq
>thinking americans need passports to go to iraq
hahahhaha. I was there 2 times before I ever got my passport. Iraqis btfo.
Does this mean we can pull out our troops an take their oil as payment??
I hope your wife's son is ok.
and in 90 days they'll lift it. so what.
hey buddy, cool it
>tfw actually going to baghdad on holiday this summer
This day I am glad not to be American.
"Oh no! Now I will never be able to visit Iraq"
Said no one.
That's fine, no sane white person wants to go to Iraq anyway.
>hurr world bank puppet government is being cheeky
kill yourself
Too bad, I wanted to get my head chopped this summer.
You'll have to steal the oil from somewhere else.
If only they did that in 2003 we wouldn't be in this mess.
Why is this white nigger still informing me on this? Who the fuck wants to go to Iraq anyway?
hey...make sure you have fun but try not to go crazy and loose your head.
Oh boo hoo now we can't go to Iraq and get our heads cut off? What a travesty, Trump has really ruined the world.
Someone assassinate this wannabe nigger already.
Can you ask them to post the link of your beheading video?
oh no now i won't be able to visit my family in isis
Lol oh no... Can't fly to Iraq .... What ever will we do
Talcum X has spoken Trump BTFO
Australia level reached.
Didn't need passports in 2003.
Frankly a mutual distancing between the US and the Middle East is fine with me. Oil is a completely fungible commodity, we don't need direct trade to benefit from Mideast oil existing.
What a shame.
I wanted to take my glorious white seed there and impregnate hundreds of slave tier females.
Oh well... Guess I'll have to find another class of oppressed women to take my toxic masculinity out on.
Sucks to be you America
Came here hoping to see this
Based Iraq working the Drumpftards into a shoot. Drumpftards on suicide watch
>ISIS exists in Iraq
>Iraq bans US passports
>radicalized youth from the US can no longer go directly to Iraq
>mfw bongs call ISIS training "holiday"
oh no. white people get their own countries to themselves with no niggers again.
how awful.
>lone wolf americans can no longer go to Iraq for ISIS training
if anyone is on suicide watch its the libralcucks
the plan is working
shaun king on lies
talcum x has to shave his forehead to pretend to have a nigger hairline
this, no more self radicalized assholes getting training. another win for the trump tally
And nothing of value was lost. We probably just got safer in the process, anyway.
Wow even Lebanon is btfoing us, guess we're all #hillshills for our Iraqi travel passes.
The only "Americans" who'd even ponder going to that shithole are fucking Iraqi diaspora.
Win fucking win.
Oh shit, I better tell my wife that we need to rethink our honeymoon now.
I don't know what gave you the impression that this was about you.
Last time, you were only fighting scattered sunni tribes, the majority of Iraqis (including the shiite religious establishment which ordered shiites not to fight) were glad USA came in and barely anyone fought them. Today, Iraqi shiites are well-armed,experienced, and will fight like crazy to hold on to the power theyve gained. When ISIS took Mosul, Shiites mobilized 200k fighting men within one week with one word from Sistani. USA would literally be faced with stiff resistance from 100's of thousands of battle-hardened shiites. Sistani is not gonna be so friendly with Americans this time around. Also, there are 1000's of iranian advisers on the ground, a third Iraq War would be a disaster for the USA
>What is sarcasm
Yes user, he was only thinking about himself.
yeah.. nobody cares
Look here Santa, the democrats are not in control anymore. We don't care if we make your whole country glass. Nothing in the middle east is worth saving. Civilian casualties are a must and we don't even have to set foot on the ground.
that's what I was thinking
hundreds of these shitheads have gone to Iraq and Syria, now they can't
Trump finally got the US out of Iraq!
>a fucking tree
I hope the rest will follow. Communists can nolonger travel back to their home to get their jihadi training.
We don't want Americans going to Iraq, you dumb fuck.
Are you retards not understanding this will fuck over the hundreds of businesses making millions in post Saddam Iraq?
Dipshits thinking this is about tourism.
the bantz are real
where will I go to get beheaded now?
Well there goes all the Americans holiday plans then
what is gassing all the survivors???
lots of unused vx gas from the cold war
they could wipe out the m.e just with current stock waiting to be destroyed
How will US citizens survive?
By paying 100 dollars a gallon for fuel.
>battle hardened
Your smoking crack. Those shitheads are some of the biggest pussies when shtf.
Their women make their men look like little girls on the rag
Wait, this just stops people """VISITING FAMILY""" like they do here and in the EU while they go and fight in the middle east.
Good idea.
call us up when that happens Achmed
>1 pump chump
Fuck off with Talcum X's bullshit.
>there are US troops residing in Iraq RIGHT NOW
>somehow they are banning US passports
How are they going to ban the drones?