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>An Accident
>a deliberate attack on people with the sole purpose of killing as many people as possible committed by fully aware Adults
Yes that is totally comparable...
Hold on just let met shoot Piers Morgan. Surely that isn't a problem since more than one person was killed by a toddler with a gun.
So what I'm getting from this is that we should stop having children.
arming toddlers is already against the law
what a dumb stance to take
We hate muslims because they are garbage
Since when did toddlers form organised gangs for the sole purpose of murdering those of a differing culture and religion?
By that logic we shouldn't fight any crime but the top crime.
>more people were killed by whites than blacks
>lets not give a shit about black murderers
>more people were killed by blacks than asians
>why ban asian murderers?
wtf, I hate toddlers now
I wonder how many people were killed by muslims in the countries with immigration bans last year?
Are one of those two things not preventable?
Both are preventable. Be a responsible parent, and remove kebab.
It's already illegal to give a gun to a minor ;^)
This logic would mean we would need to wage war against burgers: America's Killer and Closest Ally.
Guns are an American right protected by our Consritution.
Islam and terrorists are not.
Piers shut up.
You didn't have the right to guns back then, that's what you were fighting FOR (the Rights of Englishmen), the right to bear arms came in the constitution.
Here you go.
Ban Toddlers Mr presidente!
right beside the one to ban swimming pools
And let's keep it that way.
>Piers Morgan wants ban on toddlers.
were they black toddlers
he probably got his data from this dumbass image circulating on shitbook
Pretty sure this isn't even true. Like 21 deaths from accidental toddler shootings last year i think. That Omar guy in south beach killed more than that alone. Or is that somehow not terrorist because of some stupid "cuz we say so" form of liberal argument?
Well, what do you know! Trump is finally finished
I didn't know facts angered Sup Forumsacks so much
Et tu, Piers?
Whoops looks like his whole argument just fell apart.
Better luck next time.
>since 9/11
Every time
I hate liberals so much.
if you don't know how figures like that are easily manipulated then you need to lurk more
>9 killed by home grown jihadists
So are we ignoring Orlando?
>try to make me eat my greens again bitch