When did you realize the pro-life argument for abortion is more morally just?
When did you realize the pro-life argument for abortion is more morally just?
I don't know, somewhere in high school.
About the same time I didn't give a fuck about it being morally just, and became pro-"choice" to keep trash from being born.
When I realized murder is bad
The state has no right to impinge upon the business practices of private clinics
Fuck off ancap trash
>would result in more feral apes roaming the streets robbing decent people
It's only morally just if you still let blacks get abortions
There is no evidence that a fetus is alive, plus at a certain stage it doesn't even have nerves so how can even feel. Pro life just seems like an undeveloped argument
after watching an actual abortion procedure
Good thing or else the Muslim death squads might not be allowed to stomp your stupid face in
Obviously, pulling a kid out of the womb and killing it one day before birth is murder. So where do you draw the line?
In real life?
About the same time i realized that pro choicers dont care thats its immoral
They know what they are doing is evil, they just dont care, or more accuratly, they care more about being able to fufill the carnal needs eithout condequence rather than protect life
They are just evil
Always been in favour of abortions. Only now I am thinking it over again and really question my current ideas about it.
So I'm guessing you're against the death penalty then ?
As soon as the egg is fertilized it's alive you neutral Swiss faggot
pro-life supporter here, I am against the death penatly.
God has not created us for our convenience, we do not end the lives of other unless absolutely necessary.
I respect your consistency
>Kids in the world already starving to death but crying for embryos getting killed.
Yeah ok.
I cant do anything about those people but i can pressure politicians to pass laws
Im for the death penatly
Same time I realized murder is morally abhorrent.
You don't understand the death penalty argument.
The death penalty is the ultimate punishment for the ultimate crime - the taking of human life. As life is sacred, there is no punishment short of killing the murderer that is just.
Society 1: Kills convicted murderers.
Society 2: Gives convicted murderers a candy bar.
Which society would you prefer to live in?
>not end the lives of other unless absolutely necessary.
Unless elected memes tell us so because propaganda?
The only anti abortion faggots are morons. Morals don't exist, the world is too far gone for them to matter. Keep virtue signaling about "muh fetus". Pathetic fags.
interesting that you have a picture of Bane, as abortion is a necessary evil to keep the unwanted poor and minority populations down
>Life is sacred
>Therefore the punishment for murder
>Is taking a life
Fixed it
>life is sacred
>therefore those who would abuse it, and take it from others
>loose their privallage to this great gift
>implying the state should decide
Fuck off statist scum
Sorry, but this is bullshit and derives from muh revenge.
This might've been true in medieval times, but we have the privilige of imprisoning criminals.
Prisons are a tool of re-education, at least they once meant to be somewhere on this world.
I don't care about the life of a murderer, but unless your life is endangered by him, only god should judge over his life.
He will give him the right punishment he deserves.
War is the ultimate sin and the spawn of hatred.
World leaders advocating war are going to get punished in hell.
Absolutely morally just? Yes.
Relatively morally just? Depends.
Abortion concerns the killing of innocent people while the death penalty concerns the killing of guilty people. It is not a contradiction for somebody to be against the killing of innocent people while supporting the killing of guilty people.
Innocent babies > Murderers and rapists
The Bible specifically states that governments are allowed to execute.
when i had a kid. my wife was a full on pro-life liberal until she popped out a baby of her own. i used to not really care.
we're both horrified by abortion now. making a woman a mother is the biggest red pill of all.
Fucking jews
For a country, pro life doesn't help very much. Ideally, poor people wouldn't procreate and the middle and upper class would.
I'm pro death and sterilisation, because we have enough people. There is no moral high ground. Life isn't sacred. No one has the right to live. It's all bullshit.
We need China's 1 child policy for the planet. Especially in Africa and Asia
There's plenty of evidence that the unborn are alive and human from conception onward and you can consult any embryology textbook to verify. Life is defined as a distinct organism that is in the state of development, and the unborn from the moment of conception is a distinct human organism that is growing. It's one thing to ignore this in favor of a purely philosophical definition of life but it's another thing to claim that science doesn't understand when a human life begins. This isn't the year 400. We know for a fact when humans come into existence.
When studies show babies can hear earlier in the womb then we thought & hearing speeches from actual aborted babies who survived.
I'm an atheist.
Until it has been birthed and separated from the umbilical cord it is basically just another organ.
Ah, you are German. Well ppl like you will get taken over by Muslims who have more babies. Just die out as that's what you wish. Cut off your dick, idgaf
About 8 months ago.
This desu, life isn't sacred, and nobody has an inherent right to exist
That's factually untrue because organs don't have distinct DNA. If the fetus was just part of a woman's body it wouldn't be distinct.
I guess it fits you fags would be pro-life. Not like any of you will ever fuck a girl to get her pregnant anyway.
This guy
>Argument FOR abortion
Pick one
Wow. This is how I feel. Thanks for putting it into words.
Abortion is morally acceptable when one factors in being born into certain conditions and culture.
Bane is 5'9", 205 lbs in that picture
I must look like fucking Dorian Yates
So am I the only Pro Life who really doesn't care about life?
I mean I just want to piss lefties off and take power away from women.
whats the next step of your master plan?
This tbqh famalam.
Abortion is a disgusting act but we would have twice as many niggers without it.
I'm not pro abortion but I am pro choice. I understand it's not my place to tell others what they should do with their bodies. Also no one supports late term abortions so I don't understand why people use them as a pro choice argument.
But those who took the privelege of life from others are killing them all the same.
By supporting the death penalty you are supporting that which you despise.
Guess it's going to be a spooky night again
>man wants babby
>woman doesn't
>ohwell says man
>I understand it's not my place to tell others what they should do with their bodies.
There are restrictions on free speech or religious activities that violate law, prostitution, drug use, selling organs, public urination, and indecent exposure that show there is not absolute right to bodily autonomy. What if I were using my body to stab yours with a knife?
I can't think of any other right that is absolute in the way that defenders of the 'sovereign zone' argument claim that the right to control ones body is absolute.
youre an autist
Lack of precedence doesn't equal lack of validity. One has the right to get any kind of surgical procedure with a doctors consent, which is a close comparison
When a government tells you what to do with your body its tyrany.
>b-but muh dna
my cancer cells also have moderately distinct dna from me, should I bring that to term? How about a bacterial infection on my face?
If it can't survive out of the womb, it should be the mother's choice because it's basically just an organ at that point. We have too many people to hold onto these ancient views.
I'm pro-choice because I believe in smaller government and body autonomy.
every government is tyranny then
>newborns can survive by themselves outside
>>morally just
You're just being emotional, typical conservative
>all this projection
>One has the right to get any kind of surgical procedure with a doctors consent, which is a close comparison
If that's the closest comparison then good because it's easily refuted. There's a condition called apotemnophilia and in extreme cases it will cause people want to cut off their own limbs or have them surgically removed. The patient has no right to an amputation and it would be illegal for a doctor to perform one even if both parties consented.
>kills niggers
>bad thing
>cutting off an arm does nothing but harm
>aborting an unwanted child helps the mother, saves tax payer money, saves the child from a difficult life
No comparison
Cancer cells don't fulfill the 7 life processes so no it's not considered life.
Why does the location of where a child can survive matter? If a 2 year old fell into a swimming pool he can't survive and if Martians captured you and took you to the surface of Mars where you couldn't survive you don't lose your humanity or right to life.
Look it's 50/50. For every rich girl or career woman who got knocked up by Chad that could have successfully raised a child but chose not to there's a ghetto thot 15 year old who's kid would have grown up neglected at best but possibly abused. Whenever you read those fucked upped headlines about some chick throwing her toddler out of a moving car or pimping her daughter you can't help but to think that it would have been better if that kid was aborted.
most fetuses can't survive outside of the womb before 23ish weeks, and that's where most states draw the line for abortions. the choice here really is do you want back alley abortions or medical facilities for abortions because people have been aborting babies since there have been babies.
A couple of months ago. I can't believe I was so bluepilled I thought some dumb bitches "rights" were more important than the life of a human.
This would also factually be untrue. The direct cost of each abortion to society in terms of lost consumption and taxes paid amounts to, on average, $3,720,000.
after being aborted.
this. Its not a good thing but having no abortion would ultimately be worse for society and make crime rates go up
Abortion/Contraception is just as impactful on white birth rates as anyone elses.
Le keep the niggers down is a meme
that sounds like a loaded question?
when did you stop beating your wife?
You're grasping at straws. Do you have a source for that? Unwanted children on the streets/in our abysmal foster care system drain much more from society and that's assuming that those kids don't eventually end up in prison, which costs society even more.
I would disagree with this.
Law professors John R. Lott, Jr. of Yale Law School and John E. Whitley of the University of Adelaide found that legalizing abortion increased murder rates by up to seven percent. They concluded that legalizing abortion is a contributing factor to the great increase in out-of-wedlock births and single parent families, which in turn contribute to increased crime rates. Since 1970, the percentage of single-parent households in the United States has nearly tripled, from 11 percent to 32 percent, and the percentage of out-of-wedlock births has nearly quadrupled, from 11 percent to 43 percent of all children. Children born out-of-wedlock and raised by only one parent have a significantly higher incidence of crime.
>human cells aren't alive because of the reasons that they are alive.
I'm literally making the same argument as you, a human fetus isn't alive because it can't survive outside of a body. If it can't survive in Earth's environment it's not what we would define as life.
blacks and mexicans are too dumb to use condoms and the pill. If some losers want to abort their kids, Im not going to shed any tears or stand in their way
The source is Dr. Brian Clowes, email him [email protected] and ask for Excel spreadsheet F-24-16, “The Economic Impact of Abortion on the United States.
Nations with high abortion rates show a large increase in crime about 18 years after they legalized abortion. Great Britain legalized abortion in 1968 but violent crime has been rising steeply since about 1985--exactly when it should have been declining if abortion were so effective at lowering crime. Another example would be Russia, which has the highest abortion rate on earth but has experienced large amounts of violent crime since the breakup of the Soviet Union. In America the numbers are little more interesting. While the crime rate dropped approximately 18 years after Roe v. Wade, the numbers don't tell the whole story. Statistician David Murray confirmed that young males between the ages of 17 and 25 commit the majority of crimes, but if abortion reduces crime we would have seen a reduction in crime in young people first. Instead, the number of crimes committed by older people dropped first. There was nearly a 60% decline in murder since 1990 involving killers aged 25 and older--people who were born before Roe v. Wade.
These numbers also don't account for why there was so much violent crime that peaked in 1991 to begin with, which was the crack epidemic. The pro-choice Donohue-Levitt study even confirms that the crime rate rose and fell exactly where crack cocaine was most easily available. This is also confirmed by the rise in crime during the time period 1984 to 1991, after a decline from 1980 to 1984. If abortion were the primary cause of a decline in violent crime, the crime rate would have been relatively stable during the time period 1980 to 1991.
Nothing you wrote had anything to do with my post, I'm not sure why you replied to me.
The unborn fetus or embryo is alive because because life is scientifically defined as a distinct organism in the state of development. The unborn from the moment of conception is a distinct organism that is growing and it fulfills the 7 life processes. That is why it is alive and that is why it is distinct from cancer.
Why should the ability to survive outside the uterus matter? Consider the 'problem of deadly transfer'
If it is possible to remove a late-term fetus and keep him alive in an incubator, then, theoretically, if the technology existed, one could take a premature infant from an incubator and transfer him into a woman's uterus. Nearly everyone agrees that it would be wrong to kill the child in the incubator. But according to the sovereign zone argument(I can do whatever I want with my body), it would not be wrong to kill that child after he was transferred back into the sovereign zone of the womb. It is ridiculous that an infant could be treated like a human being in one location (the incubator) and like disposable property in another (the uterus).
let he who is without sin cast the first stone
everyone is guilty, murder is always wrong
the death penalty should not exist
It's impossible to discuss this here. Americans insist on calling fetuses babies and won't care when the procedure (ops, I meant murder!) take place.
You were taking a pragmatic position that abortion leads to less suffering, or children in foster care, or crime when this simply isn't true. Abortion inflames these problems.
Being pro prevention and pro life is red pilled.
"Fetus" is just the Italian word for "little one" which essentially translates into baby. It makes no sense to have a problem calling the unborn a baby while having no problem calling it a fetus.
just call it a child, since a fertilized egg or later is a child
why not call it an adult, as that fertilized egg will grow into a child and will grow into an adult?
>Why should the ability to survive outside the uterus matter?
Because that's two of the seven qualities of life that you keep referencing. It gets all of its food from its mother, and wouldn't be able to grow without her support. If you removed an undeveloped fetus that could not survive out of the mother, out of the mother and placed it into an incubator, then my views would still be consistent. If it can't fulfill the seven qualities you keep referencing it's not life.
If you really want to simplify the language you could just say 'human' instead of referring to the specific stage of development that they're in.