>tfw Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
>tfw born with brown eyes
>tfw Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
>tfw born with brown eyes
DNA test m8. your family prob doesnt know shit
Your mom probably had a 3 some with a nigger and ur dad and the nigger dna got into ur dna
I did, 100% white
and also I had blonde hair when I was a kid but it's a brownish-dirty blonde color now
Maybe if your great great great grandmother didn't fuck a nigger like most Americans you would have been white.
european "brown" eyes are tottaly different from the shitskin ones
Shit is shit, Mehmet.
Brown eyed people - especially males - are worthless to society.
found your problem, Anglos are part of the non-white master race
I hate my anglo genes
well mine look like pic related and im 100% bong
just ignore the stormniggers. brown eyes are fine.
like shitaly has room to talk.
But I am a stormnigger
Brown eyes has always been a thing in both Sweden and The UK. It was never common, but has always been a thing
nice trips you mongol cunt
> happened somewhere around the Black Sea between about 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. During that time generations of migrating farmers gradually carried agriculture from the Near East to northern Europe, where blue eyes are most often found.
If you don't have blue or green eyes you've got to fuck off from Europe
Northern Europe maybe. You get zero say about who goes where in Southern Europe, mongoloid.
Same here mate but I also have German ancestry. Other members of my family have blue eyes but I got poop brown
t. controlled opposition
you dumb fuckin 12 year old little faggot more brow eyed people achieved great empires and technological inventions then you snow nigger mondol micro dick fucks
brown eyes were in Europe before blue eyes as far as the archeogenetic record goes
it's just an archaic feature
My mom is from Norway and she has brown eyes
We thought she might be part saami but her DNA test proved inconclusive
i wouldn't be mudblood except some dutch faggot fucked a nigger a few generations back and now here i am 1/84th black. might as well end it.
he isn't no opposite, just a literall we wuz kings snow nigger who's ancestors havent done shit and were raping barbarian shits
only south and central Europe created what we call todays west
fuckboi glorified snownigger mongloid hasnt done shit just like some niggerian
Take Al-Bab already you incompetent fucks.
what color are your nipples?
not that atypical on the western coast of Norway as far as I know
made it!!
am I white?
>>tfw Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
Nah I fucked your mother. Now you know.
>half mexican
>tfw white as fuck
>Tfw anglo face with thick anglo brow
Fuck my life faam.
>Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
>60% flag
This is now an eye-posting/heritage thread.
Really light blue and Irish
brown eyes are more masculine
is my gf white, Sup Forums?
Those are some pretty lashes for a dude
post her tits i'll need to see what color they are to be sure
If you don't have brown eyes you are worthless, this is fact
Go outside in the sun more often you basement dweller
Im not a dude. Im a girl
My mother is German and her family has lived in the same town for over 400 years and several of those family members have brown hair or brown eyes, majority is still blonde and blue, but it's not impossible.
sure you are
sure bud
You know the rule....
Now that we are talking about eugenetics...
Are left handed people superior to right handed?
Also left handed master race reporting in.
Thx buddy :)
am I white?
Thank god another eye thread,
Blue/green rare here
Doesent mean a thing you moron
Show boipussy
>tfw Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
> room temp IQ
no surprises here.
Im posting my eye because everyone else is doing it
Would you please stop this fucking bullshit? Seriously, divide et impera and all that. The more potential enemies of (((globalism))) fight against each other over their iris color, the less time we have to actually do anything.
White like snow
Shut up and post your brown eyes
What colour are my eyes? I can't tell if they're brown, grey or green tbqh.
Are my eyes white tier? And why's there so much feathery stuff?
40% of lefties are gay, it's because of hormonal alteration in utero.
The dark shade of your eyebrow combined with the excess brown pigment in your iris makes me doubt your whiteness.
Mine are exactly like that.
This is also the most common color in Spain.
nice cold eyes sören.
Holy fuck dude im melting with your dreamy eyes. No homo
wow ! goly shir your eyes and eyebrows are incredibly beautifull !!! more plz !!!
Needs more light looks blue with some brownish green, blue usually has grey
What the fuck? I've never even said anything to you asshole, what's your problem?
>yfw not even a fine specimen like Mads is white according to Sup Forums intellectuals
is my eye brown?
I have grey eyes and it's not the point.
he needs to get something done about that underbite his facial profile looks dumb as fuck from the side
>tfw Irish/Scottish ancestry, no drop of kike, nigger or asian blood
>tfw born with green eyes and red hair
feels good man
>falling for the snow-mexicans are whiter than white master race meme
Nigger please. Swedish Empire never left their backdoor, meanwhile Romans, Greeks, Bongs, Spaniards, even the fucking French of all people, had an actual empire that, you know, did shit and took over half the planet.
How you gonna have a worse empire than the most famous bunch of surrendering pussyoles the world has ever known and tell me you're part of the master race? You're worse than niggers with their "we wuz kangs" mentality. Yeah it happened on your continent. No it wasn't your ancestors now off you fuck Sven before I revoke your White card and stick you down where you belong: with the abos.
>>tfw Swedish and Anglo ancestry, no drop of kike or nigger or asian blood
How would you know m8? You're an American, and the fact that you're already of a mixed background implies your family has been in the US for a while now..
Why can't Americans ever just be happy with being American anyway?
It's sad we will see this phenotype die in our lifetime. Rip Sweden. You should've listened.
He is widely considered to be the most handsome man in Norway you autist
>my mom has blue eyes
>my dad has green eyes
>I had blonde hair as a kid and blue eyes, now brown hair brown eyes
>my daughter with a red headed green eyed girl has blonde hair and blue eyes
what the fuck Sup Forums
all those people were nordic tho when they built empires and now they're not white anymore
Third of Anglos are brown eyes, so your dominant Anglo brown eyed gene overrided your blue eyed Swedish gene
I don't think he has an underbite, it's just his lips. He has great facial features.
>most handsome man in Norway is not white
I'm not surprised.
I have brown eyes and dark red hair. Skin is white as fuck but no freckles. What am I?
>the finns didn't have an empire
>no mention of the Portuguese
I'm a bit salty desu.
afaik this is impossible
looks like it's time to start asking questions pal
Where do you get these tests?
Never heard of that combination to be honest.
If we're being optimistic, you could be a half-evolved white whose ancestors didn't evolve all the way.
Who gives a shit. This isn't your blog.
Your 'empire' got rekt by the Dutch though.. And it was tiny.
what about these eyes user?
My mother is an Aryan German with red hair and hazel (sometimes very light green) eyes
2 of my brothers have hazel eyes, my sister has grey.
I was born blonde and I still get single blonde hairs sometimes.
But I got shit brown hair and shit brown eyes now, thanks Spic-Dad
>tfw 100% pureblood mongol master race
Can't be mad lads
Tfw no one commented on your eyes
Not really. The Iberian Union fucked Portugal more than anything else and even still the Portuguese managed to defend Brazil and Macau from the vastly more wealthy demi-Jews, aka Dutch "people".
Check this shit.
Father has blue eyes, reddish/auburn hair
Mother has green eyes, dirty blonde hair
Daughter 1: Redhead with Green Eyes, and can actually catch a tan/isn't pasty white
Daughter 2: Cannot tan, brown hair, brown eyes
Daughter 3: Cannot tan, dirty blonde, blue eyes
Genetics are an amazing crap shoot.
Here's the problem.
something like that
yes olive is brown/green
anglos are brown-eyed you fucking moron
swedish eyes are blue though hahahahaha
Anglos are not white.