Trump's rhetoric radicalized a fucking Canadian frog into killing 6 innocent Muslims.
Trump's rhetoric radicalized a fucking Canadian frog into killing 6 innocent Muslims
There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
>mfw this was a false flag to allow Trump to build a great northern wall as well
The Emperor protects
> innocent
> muslim
Chess Master confirmed.
>Two susspects
>The white kid dropped the gun and ran
Fucking CTR and Fucking /leftypol/ will keep this retarded line of reasoning for the next two months now.
Fucking hell.
I now wish Antifa existed here so I could beat up some commies.
>Weedman flooding the country with unvetted immigrants
>Implying that isn't excuse enough
I think it's cheaper to just invade Canada.
The Pence Fence will be a second term campaign pledge.
Atlantic Sea Wall 2020, Pacific Redoubt 2024.
I thought all forms of violent radicalism were the result of legitimate political grievances and oppression.
>16 hours
>Claiming they arrested a muslim who turned out to be a witness when the white guy claimed responsibility 15 minutes after
>Witnesses IN THE MOSQUE say they heard Allah Akbar chanted by multiple gunmen
Damage control spook patsy shit by Trudeau, owned by the Muslim Brotherhood and Hillary. Trump needs to get the NSA wiretap on these fuckers so the switcheroo gets exposed.
>multiple people said Allah Akbar in a mosque
Honestly, this.
Most people have no idea how fucking long the border between the US and Canada is. People usually forget about Alaska and don't realize it's huge. Like, ridiculously massive. Nearly 9,000km (5,500mi) massive. Thats 3x the length of the border between US/Mexico. A full 1/3 of it is mountain ranges too so good luck building a wall there. It really would be cheaper just to invade.
They were trespassing on western soil.
>muslims jumping to blame muslims as the gunmen if they're not sure
think for a second
>Trump's rhetoric radicalized a fucking Canadian frog into killing 6 innocent Muslims.
so trudeau has no responsibility here? you cant open the borders to barbarism and get upset when theres pushback
>one crazy white guy goes nuts and shoots some people lone wolf style
>everyone is freaking out about racism and Trump's rhetoric
>everyone has already forgotten about the numerous amount of organized attacks by Muslims on white countries that happened within the last year
you're a moron
what you said is an oxymoron
>Those trips
>that post
Yet he screamed "alluha ackbar" as he and his friend shot up the mosque, not any slogan tying him to Trump's, even though trump ran for no office in Canukistan.