Why is there such a high correlation between INTPs and autism?
Do INTPs have truly any place in our societies?
ESTP masterrace btw
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I'm pretty sure you meant ENTJ masterrace
interesting, wanna know too.
Autism is that picture
>Do INTPs have truly any place in our societies?
INTP here. No.
> be intp
> be high iq
> be manlet
> everyone get's angry when you display your intellect
>mfw INTP is the depressed nerd type
>tfw always get INTJ or ENTJ
Am I truly the masterrace of humanity?
I constantly feel like an idiot and an alien
I was never formally diagnosed with autsim... my older sisters would joke when I was young that I never developed my fine motor skills.
So really, probably autistic but kept a secret.
It's not fun, I'm not successful, and dislike human interaction.
>not being INTJ master race
>not being the architect of man
I got no idea, but I'm INTP and schizoid.
Feels content bro.
infp here
i can find my way around Ns normally
i cant stand Ss tho, they are all retards
I don't know but ENTP master race here
Feels good to just bullshit my way through life
>"Wow, do you have a Nepoleon complex, user? Hahaha."
This man speaks the half-truth. Anything with an S is worthless. NF's can be tolerated.
>Introverts isolate themselves from others decreasing ability to develop empathy and social intelligence
>iNtution makes them live within their minds where they can space out endlessly
>Thinking makes them analytical and robot-like in their thinking
>Perceiving makes them unable to follow through on their ideas and unable to structure their surroundings
TLDR: INTPs are autists whose actions reimpose their autism
Istp here
I think im going crazy
> socionix
That picture needs more porn and disgusting fetishes
Because life is fucking serious business!
>conspirational theories
Same here. I wish I could meet people irl who were like me
>be INTP
>Very obviously joke about "my autism" acting up.
>Without fail people ask if I'm actually autistic
INTP here
Picture sums up a lot. Do I have Austism? No, I have a job, a fiance, a normal life?
I worry about the dumbest shit in the universe and have an extensive knowledge on a lot of stuff. A lot of random stuff.
I'm an INTP and was diagnosed with autism 2 weeks ago.
I think you pretty much have to be autistic to be INTP.
I'm 6'1" and within my group I'm a bit like Charles Manson
This. All of you are fucking losers lel.
can confirm. I am a an advanced degenerate
INTP here. It's funny, because I probably am autistic. Never diagnosed but I've had friends makes jokes about it before. So we're supposed to be emotionless awkward autists, right? Well, on the outside yeah that applies to me.
I still like being around people, even though I don't talk as much. I just don't like being at parties and things like that. Probably the autism, but I'm fine around people I know. Just kind of awkward around new people is all. No empathy? Sure I'm the type of person to give advice rather than comfort. But you know what's really sad? Knowing that it doesn't have to be this way.
All of these people that are so angry over nothing, having been tricked by the media. We can all get along, and everything can be so much better. We can improve countries overseas and help them clean their act up instead of importing all that shit over here. If everyone would just have better morals. It's all about pleasure, celebrities, and virtue signaling today. I don't know, man. I grew up in a small white town. Everyone know everyone, I went to church every week, people were friendly.
Whatever, this autistic rant is going on for too long. My point being I have hope for the future and for mankind. There's just something about Trump, and I've heard others say this as well. You feel safe when he talks, like everything's going to be okay. That feeling of safety negates all of the "Well if society is going to shit why have kids? Why start that business?" attitude, and you can begin to move forward and improve yourself.
Sup me.
People who've known me for a long time all joke that I'm going to start a cult. The joke will be on them when they're the first members.
INTP here, can confirm no place. Can do something independently maybe, but also I'm pretty uncompetitive in my nature so meh.
I am an INTP and I only recently realized how much empathy I lack compared to the norm. And yes I exalt truth above all else in life. That's why I hate emotional appeals so God damn much.
If you make them kill someone to start a race war, don't pick Taylor Swift pls
Yep, the seed has been planted and they're all laughing about it.
>Why is there such a high correlation between INTPs and autism?
basically this: en.wikipedia.org
having impared (working) memory also leads to a tendency to use and construct models (INTP shit of thinking) compared to relying on empirical shissl like feelings and faggotry.
source: intp and just took some modafinil. shit triggers autism in me. also I'm probably talking shit.
also I don't know where I initially learned about the link of memory, autism-intpism and blood flow to your frontal lobe, but it sure enough wasn't whatever I just posted and didn't read.
>cares about meeting people
Wait a sec.
Man, read some books on persuasion psychology.
Emotional appeals are far less frustrating/more interesting when you deconstruct the parts and when you can use them yourself.
It's gotten to the point where no one even believes me when I say I'm introverted, because I've spent the last 8 years or so mentally charting out social psychology/behavioral economics/etc.
I'm so much less frustrated by people and society now that I understand why they act as they do.
Our last major strawpoll shows that INTJ an INTP make up like 40% of Sup Forums (yet only like 2% of the real world).
I'm inbetween the two. I also score very high on autism tests but function normally in society.
they're mad because you will never learn
Actually ESTP is the master race as proven by the god emperor himself
t. Borderline ENTP/ENFP
I think INTPs just have the autistic mind.
That is, they think in systems, permutations, and cause and effect. That's neither a good or bad thing, it just is what it is.
Don't get me wrong. I understand why they are used and how to use them. I don't however appreciate when emotional arguments are directed toward me in order to change my stance. I've delved in social psychology many times to try and understand human behavior. The best way to sum it all up is "stupidity."
forgot to say: blending in is actually pretty fun once you figure it out. I dunno, it seems like INTPs have their own little autistic obsessions.
One of my big ones is understanding social order/norms/underlying behavioral psychology. Socializing/hanging out/having friends/etc is basically a nonstop research project for my pet obsession. I also have been acting since I was a child so it's fun to emulate emotional responses/'play characters' in my social life.
Though it's probably more interesting because I live in NYC, so the people I know aren't as boring as they would be in small town.
Test gave me INTP.. fine motor skills and coordination are above average, at least top 2%, communication is fine unless I've already decided you're inept or you are easy to dislike.. had sex over 150 times last year but prefer to be alone. Autistic kids are not defined by their personality type following new age blubbering
Where is a good place to start?
>doesn't include a lot of porn or thinking about the next time (if ever for some) you're going to have sex.
What kind of "graph" is that, OP?
Yeah, just study something conceptual.
I'm a mathematician and I get paid to space out and jerk off in an office all day while fiddling with autistic concepts.
Is it possible to change over time? I was INTP two years ago, most recent tests say ISTJ.
I'm an ISTP. What does that mean? I always see those info graphics portraying them as autistic
>mfw the weaponised autism memes were real
same my nigga
TFW you realize you're INTP.
This whole time I just thought I was crazy or something.
>le smart but lazy but really, I'm
>complete autist, the only time I got close to get a GF I literally stopped talking to her
the only reason I don't commit suicide is because I think a shitty life is better than death
INFP JFMSU reporting in
Dude be careful, I've always made those jokes too and last year I was diagnosed with Aspergers after I got too drunk and got in a huge spergout argument about Hitler with my mom.
Turns out I actually do have autism
Before living with very annoying extroverted idiotic and stupid fucking roommates, whom I have given 60 days and they threatened to beat me up. It's my fucking house faggots and now I'm afraid they're going to break my stuff because he's a 26 year old child.
>Why is there such a high correlation between INTPs and autism
Autism is a lefty meme.
They use it to discredit the more intelligent now. Why is it not about difficulties with learning anymore?
Also bait thread.
>taking a personality quiz made by a completely unqualified woman and her daughter for a laugh as serious as real medical conditions since in america something that happened a hundred years ago is ancient history in their "culture"
And after living with idiot fucking roommates and never having a moment alone, and you rarely sleep because they're always always making fucking noise
i went from ENTP to INTP after i broke up with a really close friend never been back to ENTP but i miss those days when i was
heres to debating against things you believe in for fun
Man fuck their emotions, you don't have to change your stances on anything. Though you can enjoy the game of tuning the context/presentation of your stance so people accept it despite the fact it's the exact same thing.
Bruh I'm totally with you that it's stupidity, but the mistake a lot of /ourguys/ make about it is being reductive.
Emotional appeals and arguments these days are incredibly sophisticated due to the spread of mass media. Humans are inundated with nonstop, highly-tuned emotional appeals all the time. The people writing, directing, and executing these appeals are scientists with an instant data feedback loop trying to maximize profits generated by emotional responses. (They also happen to be jewish).
Anyone with a shred of empathy is an unwitting student in the art of emotional manipulation and that's the baseline for many. You can be frustrated by it (I can't stop ya, freedom is the most important thing), or you can embrace the endlessly expansive art of manipulating mass stupidity.
Full disclosure, I'm a dadaist who's pretty sure nothing really matters. I don't really hold any stances beyond letting people do whatever dumb shit they want because I enjoy observing/recording/predicting the patterns.
>autistics thinking having social communication problems is a good thing
why is everyone glorifying autism like every autistic is a savant?
I'd honestly rather be labled as an autist. The. At least, I'd be able to be like, "he I'm autistic sorry about that, got a little bit of a tism flare." In reality though, I can't do that because I'm not autistic so I just have to say, "sorry, I'm just a fuckin freak, it's like I'm autistic, but I'm not, I'm just a retard." ny other INTPs can't stand normies at all?
> I also have been acting since I was a child so it's fun to emulate emotional responses/'play characters' in my social life.
Yeah, don't INTPs tend to parrot or emulate the people they're talking to very well? I've noticed I do it unconsciously.
INFP reporting in
Nearly got to the point where i'm fonction in society
>tfw INTP
Scientist, philosopher. INTPs are actually capable of seeing reality and objective thought.
same i get really antsy around groups of normies. i feel guilty like a loser fuck when i hang around fellow neckbeard fa/tg/uys but i also feel more at home when im with them. i can be as autismal as i want about why its better to buy full smokes with mac10s then full buy AKs and AWPs
Because they have the tendencies to see through the bullshit better.
1 post by this id
Any good books? /INTP/ here
Robert Cialdini, Dan Ariely, Charles Duhigg.
Also, unironically read the Art of the Deal. Donnie's so fucking good at it that he became president despite the hardest opposition anyone's ever seen.
Kek. I make shill threads and pretend to be a liberal all the fucking time just to argue pointless shit against my own ideology.
It worked great for my college debate team because most the kids on my team were liberal and I didn't mind debating as a fake liberal
do you have unresolved issues with your height, user? hehe BTFO xd
feels good man
Because there is a high relationship between autism intelligence and psychopathy. That's why the future is gonna be full of autists and psychopaths.
Thanks user. You seem like a cool guy. Best of luck to you.
>Myers-Briggs fags
Better take the test that tells you what The Walking Dead character you are.
Let me know what animal, flower, colour, gemstone and cut of ham most matches your personality while you're at it.
INTP. Highly doubt I'm on the spectrum, but at the same time wouldn't be surprised if I was. I'm still a NEET at an unacceptable age and do like my tendies.
Every fucking time.
Entps are probably the most entertaining type to be around imo bc of this.
Body language, tone of voice, word choice, etc is all more examples of infinite meaningless nuance for us to deconstruct and reassemble.
Depends where you want to put them on society and how autistic they are. Doesn't matter how much of an INTP you are, if you got Down's you ain't gonna be a scientist. However, autists are known for being useful with things like science, engineering what normal people don't want to do. So maybe... It depends where you want to take you society
Bright future (INTPs used for progress in STEM fields)
Pure race, best genes(INTP autists removed, eugenics)
> unqualified woman and her daughter
that has been 50 or so years ago. in the meantime they sold their test and had to make sure whatever comes out agrees with reality.
their rationale as to why this test is right is probably as wrong as you can get, but even just by optimising results using trial and error you'd most likely get right outcomes when you're having 50 years to optimise. (and don't forget, there's a vested financial interest there ...)
Typical INTJ response lol
Took that test 6 times; 3 times ENTP, 3 times INTP.
I can fit in well in a group of people, I can be the joker of the crowd but I prefer solitude and my daydreaming over any group of people.
Does the -A stand for anything? Or is that just a quirk from this thing.
I can be pretty captivating in social situations because I foster discussion pretty well and tell really good stories even though most of the time they are really exaggerated.
I think I can also be pretty annoying as well due to my argumentative personality. Depends on who I'm with honestly some people like it others don't.
If you see a shill thread or a bait post where the OP actually answers back with a believable argument post you're probably talking to an ENTP
Funny people still talk about this despite it eing proven to have no scientific merit or value.
MBPTI are bunk and everyone but you knows it.
That being said: INTP master race.
Enjoy your wageslave existence?
Not sure about that.
>t. INTJ-A
ENTP-T Master Race for life, let's make this shit better, quit being a cry baby about it faggot
It's just that test. What they are trying to test if is how confident you are in your own decisions or something like that.
>falling for rebranded astrology
>why are you so quiet
>you should speak up more
>do you think you're too good for us
>he's such a weirdo he just sits there saying nothing lmao