We did it Reddit!
Martin Schulz just sended us this message:
>english subtitles available
We did it Reddit!
Martin Schulz just sended us this message:
>english subtitles available
Other urls found in this thread:
Is Germany really this cucked?
shhh shhh little bulgaria, we will send you our used clothes soon.
not even MGGA
literally not running for the german people
no more clothes in current year! freikoerperkultur!!
what the fuck
isn't he the kike who is anti white
Reminder that these are the people who support Schulz. Lmao, bunch of fat nu-male cucks want to make europe great again. Meanwhile the EU is crumbling and they're in full denial and suck refugee dick all day.
Schulz should be gassed for treason.
Say it with me Sup Forums:
What do we want? MORE REFUGEES!
When do we want them? ALL THE TIME!
I just went to r/ on reddit... not sure if they are all serious there, are they?
is this guy Apex Jew?
he looks like a merchant comic
Das Internet ist eben KEIN Neuland für den Gottkanzler. Ferkel kennt Reddit noch nicht mal.
Yeah, he's a full blown commie. Anti german and anti white, wants to turn the EU into a giant centralized mega state, wants to raise taxes, wants more rapeniggers... I could go on and on.
But no need to worry, his party is around 20% atm and most people wont vote for him either. The only reason he's running is because no one else wanted because you basically have to step back afterwards. People don't know him and don't care about his ass either.
Hate to say it but at this point no one can stop Merkel from winning again.
But how will you clothe your rapeugees, you Islamophobic bigot?
This Schulz meme shit is going to backfire hard.
Be prepared Anons, we are going to capture their train and spread our message with their help. Just let them grow a little to get a bigger reach.
Can you guys please just vote AfD already? Goddamn
A dry alcoholic, kike loving dude who never saw an university from the inside runs to be the next chancellor of germany and people cheer for him.
That's germany.
Has Germany ever had a Jewish chancellor before? Seems like it will be a great first for progressives!
Because Prof. Dr. Dr. Ferkel did so much good...
Schulz wants to tax the rich kikes and raise wages for the everyman
He is /our guy/
Look at that female in the back. Her eyes cry out for a strong male but there isn't one in sight.
Is this Jew a Boss?
Like some next level harder difficulty Jew?
this guy is literally the eternal scheming Jew trope
in personalized
This has to be a false flag. They can't be that retarded.
Look at their baby faces. They'll vote for the first time, SPD hasn't stabbed their back yet (they will).
>he fell for this
tax the rich goyim, raise wages and open borders!
oh wait the tax earnings go to refugees and the wages have dropped to employ the refugees
vote Schultz :^)
>Martin Schulz just sended
German millennial education
Achmet detected
>not understanding how fucking retarded that is
That's what Bernie talked about, redistribution of wealth does not work.
The only way anyone is going to live truly monetary free is by exploiting a niche in the market, selling a better mousetrap, or being a skilled employee who moves up the corporate ladder.
Higher wages simply means higher prices on goods because nothing else is changing.
It could also easily kill small businesses because employees are their #1 cost, making it harder to compete with mega companies.
Large corporations love this kind of legislation, it means fewer businesses can compete and it gives them a reason to move forward with automation because human employees are more expensive.
Trolling..nice bait
Schulz is as establishment as you can get. Why not troll with Claudia Roth or oppermann? They are as cucked as Schultz...
CHULZ 2017
And this is all the alternative they could muster? Pityful
He wants to do the ONE OF YOU shit haha and that from the islamist marxist party hahaha
But it is good he is already bashing against mama merkel and maybe he will push it too far that they will not create a coali again
Well if china doesnt start WW3 im sure this will
All the Isamic immigrants coming over into there ghettos and keeping their own culture as it slowly spreads and breads across Europe as its people flee the Relgion of peace.
NATO devolves into an Islamic Military Group US and Russia and china now have to form the Pacific Military Alliance.
Im ready.
Schulz is a CETA-cuck and a lobbyist puppet. If you want that, sure vote SPD
The Germans have been held on artificially low wages for decades.
Despite productivity going through the roof.
Merkel is a big business puppet on the issue, the AfD is even worse as they are basically like Merkels party but 10 years ago.
>redistribution of wealth does not work.
It works when it is earned, like in Germany.
stealing trump memes is really stupid because this JUDE has low energy like jeb
>Thank you. Thank you for trusting me. For supporting me. For this day. And from tomorrow on, we'll give the blacks hell!
kek, yeah, let's push those backs out ...
fucking kill me now. He has reddit, how are we ever going to compete ?
pretty racist statement, he should apologize :^)
Based Stoichkov!!
They believe they can do the same like we did with trump because it was so successful.....
but you can't force the meme magic desu.. really pathetic
It's "Chulz", you fools. If you want to meme, do it right.
Time to raid the comments
I can'tr believe they took him anyway... He was only in the EU because no one wanted him in germany anymore.
he is a soros puppet
this fucking guy it cant get worse
This just tells you how fucked the SPD really is, that guy is the best they can do, social democrats across Europe should just get it over with and commit collective suicide.
I called him a faggot in the YT vid
probably got taken down by now though
nope, merkel 2017
we are only rich because the average pleb is piss poor...
no one will buy our shit anymore if we raise the salaries...
better import 5 million chinks to work for 5 bucks a day
So more open borders for Germany
Well, a meme war was a long time coming
So is Merkel /ourgirl/ now? Or is this whole meme thing a false flag to get us to meme for Merkel?
“For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.” -Martin Schulz
Good luck Germies
all because of you fucking retard. Otherwise It would have been at 5
yeah that is true.. how big is your "spd" in little germany btw?
MODS !!!!
>obsessed with memes
you are a useless person
>dry alcoholic hauptschüler outsmarting german liberals
I'm keking so hard. They unironically larping as Sup Forums and le Trump reddit board.
>[Godkanzler] Based SCHULZ shows the crooked Anne what proximity to the people is
>taxing the rich
He doesn't even state what rich means. Have fun saving money for your house when the taxes on interests will just get as much taxed as your income taxes. At a time where the ECB is on 0 interests anyway and you get around 1,5% p.a. for a long time saving, taking away more from that interests will make savings obsolete.
That's the long time plan.
Germans are world champions in savings. We save for the future but we shall give out more.
And that's the fucking point we are into now. We should give out more money and less saving but at the same time everything gets cut that could maintain a safe future for the people.
>raising wages
raising wages doesn't mean you will profit from it. For an employer it will just mean you stick to who you got and don't look for new people to hire. People will just work longer times and the rest will suck at the tits of the government. Investments will not be made, because paying your workers will eat up a large amount of money before you can hope it pays out in the end.
And when you made it your company will be taxed more as a big thank you on top of that.
Merkel is really not this bad m8... we are using the entire EU as our slave states and the economy is going bigger and bigger...+ shes anti faggot and many other conservative things...
if the fungi shit gets finally in control everything would be ok again..
Still memeing and voting for AFD jo
Remember how pissed Schulz was when Berlusconi called him a jew (kapos were jewish concentration camp guards)
Our productivity is way ahead of our neighbours, we can afford to slack a bit
Also our private consumption is woeful
Economists have been berating us for an eternity for it, because there is wasted growth potential there
Maybe it wouold also normalize our relationship with other Euros
Parti Socialiste (S&D group) is in 4th place in France polls. kek
Martin "Negerholokaust" Schulz
Wers anne?
Wtf it's full of shitty translated english memes that are supposed to be pro schulz
Ban socialbots now
They poll a bit better, here the SPÖ is the bigger of the two "Volksparteien", they are around 26 - 28% at the moment. ÖVP, our CDU, keeps fucking dying and polls at 20 %, in some polls they are even lower than that and then there is the FPÖ cruising at 32 - 35 % depending on the poll. The old parties are done for in the long run anyway, the ÖVP can't get votes and the SPÖ lacks competent politicians already and their youth is non-existent, I know that might sound crazy, but I honestly believe these parties won't matter in a decade or so.
He wants to tax the middle class until they disappear and he and his cornie kikes are the only ones who own wealth.
For everyone else it's goverment subsidised slave worker jobs in offices and factories so germany can have as many exports as china and the media can lie some more how wealthy germany is because "muh exports" where all the money flows into the pockets of a globalist clique.
Dangerous establishment shill #1
Dangerous establishment shill #2
German democracy.
*Western democracy
>Merkel is really not this bad m8... we are using the entire EU as our slave states and the economy is going bigger and bigger...+ shes anti faggot and many other conservative things...
If with "we" you mean a certain clique of DAX CEO then you are right.
Everyone else is suffering from high costs of living poor quality of life and artificially lowered wages to keep exports flowing.
Fuck off, commie.
größtes Lügenmaul
it's not the productivity that makes us good it is that we pay shit for our average german so other west countries can't compete... we are china of western europe with a AAA quality
but merkel is terminal cancer, not moderate.
> promises to tax rich.... errr... kikes
> ends up taxing (you) of your last meal
Nigger, you should know the basics.
That`s not mutually exclusive conditions.
nice nice for the FPÖ i hope you will get them in power next election.
And the same SPD is dying out the people got so fucked from them they will never recover...-20% when? haha
Will you fucking let socialists to steal your memes Germanons. First they will steal your memes then your money.
You need better organization to meme Frau Petry.
holy fuck this reddit is a giant cancercell. these words mean nothing in their sentences
>Kek Schulz Gottkanzler
i'm cringing to another dimensions
Having a far left candidate win in Germany makes sense though.
They'll let in millions of more refugees that will lead to every other country moving more to the right as a response.
That, in turn, will lead to the EU collapsing.
Germany will turn into a third world country while the rest of us prosper.
Ach willy wonka ok allet klar
Sorry to burst your bubble polacks but they are doing it to show how dumb the_donald sounds
Those will be put to better use covering up your women so Abdul doesn't rape them
Mehr wie kack schulz rotzkanzler
This is the new era of monarchies... fuck the people.. the gdp over everything
they'll just fake the election results you know it
it sounds good when you call donald the God Emperor. It's cringy as fuck when you claim some balding cuck who hasnt achieved anything in life is all of a sudden the god chancelor. Bismarck is turning around in his grave, knowing that a guy like SChultz has any chance of being the chancelor. Sad!
FDP is the best anyway hahahahha "BETA PARTEI DEUTSCHLAND" "BETA" "BETA" hahaha
how can they use such a cuckold word in this day for the party... Beta the word is not phrase for a developing thing anymore... these idiots will never learn
And left is not anal cancer btw they have many good points and would do a pretty good government.... SPD and Green are the real anal cancer here
The people in the op pic look pathetic.
that's true roach
>who hasnt achieved anything in life
He was an alocoholic, managed to drive a business up against the wall and fled to the EU parliament to get fat and rich on taxpayer money.
He cashed in money for 365 days, even when he wasnt even on site.
Dude scammed the taxpayer.