>reading news
>Israel is making a flying car, done in 2020
>it already flies vertically
Wtf, how a small country can come up with this technology? I am legit curious, specially because I heard it is a shitfest of people killing themselves daily
Israel making a flying car
They have more small business startups per capita than anyone else. They made that desert bloom.
>Wtf, how a small country can come up with this technology?
shekels lots and lots of shekels
The trillions of dollars and free tech they got from Germany and America certainly helped.
This isn't a car
They have a very strong higher ed system with a focus on technology. Also, the IDF trains a lot of people in computer science/engineering, and they leave to work in the tech world after their 2 years are done.
American tech companies like Israel because the cost of labor is much lower than in the US. Engineers over there tend to be pretty good, but they aren't paid much. There's a whole division of Intel over there, I believe they developed either the Core 2 or the I7 from the ground up, I can't remember which.
Israel also has tremendous income inequality. There are lots and lots of rich as fuck israelis (typically dual citizens with the US/UK/Germany/etc) but the bulk of the people there are fairly poor. It's a strange country.
It has been done years ago
There is a town in the US, where inhabitants own planecars andwhere streets are airports lanes
So, they are just sucking money from everyone else and then being the first to develop such technologies?
AirMule will never be available. Generations have grown up with the AirMule being promised and never happening.
You made me feel
More like a helicopter on wheels
it's not a car now, is it?
>Israel making a small aeroplane
based aryan user btfo untermensch jews
You could build one for a few thousand
how do we not have these yet? get the fuck on it somebody.
>how a small country can come uo with this technology?
You seem to not get it. I suppose it is more complex than it seems. Do you need a quick rundowm?
hang a few useless wheels, done
>Do you need a quick rundowm?
honestly I don't and will not give a shit about transportation technology until they invent a teleport
A flying car is no other than a bad plane combined to a bad car. It's like an amphibious vehicle, a bad boat coupled to a bad car...
A flying car is a shit idea.
Israel is bretty gud
>hate mudslimes
>have wall and support our wall
>science and medicine
Flying car my ass. I know a new and improved method of sending "care packages" to Palestine when I see one.
Not that there's anything wrong with that of course.....
she was being an idiot and refusing to comply. those soldiers had no idea if she was a terry that was about to get froggy.
Nice source faggot
This. Making a "flying car" is not horribly difficult -- thinking up any reason why you need the damn thing, that flies worse than a plane and drives worse than a car, THAT"S the hard part.
>50% of jews in israel are ashkenazi jews
>higher avarage IQ than all races
What else would you expect?
>trump signs order to build wall
>literally one day later israel announces flying cars
What? You want my banana news? Here you go: g1.globo.com
I heard it can turn on a dime and pick it up.
>implying Netanyahu disagrees with trumps border policy
woah, jews made an aeroplane with VTOL capabilities, how bright.
Any, the second post is right, it's lots of shekels being pumped into israeli government by the international (())
I heard it can hurl a boulder farther than a catapult
Requires a ridiculous amount of engineering to produce it (expensive), a ridiculous level of training and expertise to fly it, consumes too much fuel and nations would lose the ability to make people "pay for the roads" in toll boots (which are in fat a disguised tax not only use for maintenance).
>will never happen
Hover tech has existed since the 1940s it's just pricey to implement
The trouble with flying cars isn't flight hardware, that's been around for decades, it's computer hardware and software.
People are bad enough at driving cars on the ground, there's no way the general public could be trusted with aircraft.
Thus we've been waiting for computers to catch up and make them fully autonomous.
it's not really that complicated, just a multicopter with concealed rotors.
1. Funding from US and Germany, and international Jews.
2. Tech from US.
3. Relatively smart populace.
4. More use for such a vehicle
5. Income inequality, high end engineers work cheap
6. Da joos
lmao nice marketing slogans shlomo i can't wait to invest in your binary options scam
>ywn be the t-1000 sent back in time to kill the savior of humanity
the only reason air travel is so safe is that it's practically the most regulated industry in the world. pilots require years of training and get re-tested every year. Imagine putting your average florida or boston driver into a flying car, it's going to be the fucking apocalypse
With "free money" and "stolen technology."
never been done before
Once Trump discloses ayy technology we'll have all the energy we need. Engineeeing them will become inexpensive after a while like everything else. Training won't be as intensive as AI's will be put in flying cars to make easier landings, take offs and have an auto pilot feature. Finally the "muh roads" meme will become the "muh landing pads" meme.
They get the technology for free from Germany and the Us. Mystery solved.
Easy, just force these things to get ATC following and put a big tax on it with the excuse that they take up a lot of ATC resources.
There, you got your toll back and now everyone is forced to pay it.
It was fucking impossible to figure out what their cones of vision were.
still hanging on the the "higheraverage IQ" myth I see
That final motorcycle chase on Big Boss mode pissed me off so much
EJSW? Wat?
It's garbage. It's not going to work. They've been trying shit like this since 50s - see Moller skycar
wasnt everything infinite in the last chase though? i remember chaff and stun grenades were basically the way to do it
>Wtf, how a small country can come up with this technology?
>Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year.
really jogged the noggin
Hopefully it crashes into their main sinagoge.
Still hands-down the greatest action movie of all time. It shouldn't even be a question.
We've developed similar things. They never work because at the very least they would require an LSA license, which most people are too retarded to get.
Why call it a car
Implying the US doesn't share it's tech with Israel as well as billions of $.
Come on lad.
Based Israel! How will Sup Forums cucks ever recover?
this XD
This is some of the alien tech that Trump is apparently going to reveal to the world in the coming days. Ever since he's been POTUS he's learned about Area 51 and shit an has decided that humanity can indeed handle the fact that there's life outside of earths atmosphere and sharing the alien tech with other countries is going to be a top priority.
>jew gets a parking ticket
>flying car gets invented the same day
If pouring money was the case, Africa would have had a space elevator by now.
They use their jew magic to float actual cars