Memes and shitposting aside, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, what is your opinion of Trump thus far?

Memes and shitposting aside, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, what is your opinion of Trump thus far?

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He's driving all the right people insane. That's good enough for now.


he hasn't done anything I dissaprove of....yet. so 9/10, cause no one is perfect

Basically this, but I'm gonna give him 10/10 for all the liberal tears ive enjoyed

>entertain men

Amy addams is driving my dick insane. That's good enough for now.

prob 8.5 or 9.

He needs to go after Sorors and antifa as a terrorist organization, then I'll give him a 9.9

trump? 10
most of his cabinet? too many jews

Should ban more ppl/10


>supports nation states
>the pipeline will be build using American steel
>stands by his word
>compassionate to the defeated - thanked Obama for his farewell letter
>Great communication with the people - keeps the public up to date and informed
>Has strong convictions and acts on them
>Cares about his nation - stressed multiple times everyone regardless of skin colour and religion is welcome to contribute
>Creates new jobs and protects existing
>Doesn't take shit from anyone
>Doesn't owe political parasites anything, instead openly derides them
>Left is butthurt

God Emperor will be immortalised on Mt Rushmore

underrated post

He is immediately enacting all of the promises he made on the campaign trail.

That alone makes him better than every president since JFK

For the most part I only care that leftists are pointlessly butthurt. The screeching is tasty.

People only like JFK because of rose tinted glasses and because his head got blown off. He would have no doubt signed the Open Immigration act of 1965.

What is the "don't give a fug" option?

The presidents of the United States don't play a major role in my life neither directly nor indirectly.

The US are an imperialist pro-Jewish force no matter who is in charge so even on ideological level Trump makes zero difference.

Higher every day, off the charts!! He started by deleting the climate change crap from the white house website and went straight to wall and banning refugees, he's glorious

I'm starting to suspect Trump is actually the human incarnation of an ancient Godhead, a divine savior sent to cleanse liberal western civilization

No that's the only reason he's not on the number 1 best president posiion

Fun Fact. JFK was killed by Mafia Hitman (picture of the three hobos) who were contracted by the Israeli government.

JFK wanted Egypt to be our primary partner in the middle east instead of our (((greatest ally))) He was also going after them hard for espionage and their illegal nuclear weapons program.

Everything else is disinformation. The only policies that changed from JFK to LBJ were the Israeli ones and they did a complete 180 degree flip.

She is so fine

ah her tits dude

9/10 hasn't said fuck you to Saudi Arabia,
but he did get them to accept refugees.

I'm surprised at how quickly he is getting things going. One week and the immigration ban is already starting and there are talks about his stand, The Wall.

she's fucking perfect

trump is kek approved 1010


nice lingerie

2D chess
>that id

jesus christ i want her to be my dominatrix so fucking bad


Impressed by how fast he is getting shit done.

Concerned about how his is centralizing powers. Seems like it increases the likelihood of making bad decisions.

9/10 it is going great I just want to see him revoke CNN's press pass.

And LBJ revoked jfks new currency and put the Fed back into power immediately

Wish he was my president/10

Yummy pale milky titties

Please milky mummy


1 post by this id



He's done more good shit in his first few days than Obama has done in 8 years

9/10. Best administration since Teddy.

20/10, couldn't have imagined getting half the shit he's done so far.

Liberals are literally shaking in Australia.

Thats disinformation. The executive order was about the issuance of silver certificates and nothing else.

LBJ was a massive Zionist sympathizer and was the guy who set up the USS liberty to be bombed by the Israeli air-force to drag us into a war with Egypt and it only failed because the pilots were too incompetent to successfully sink the ship and American sailors survived and testified.

He's doing an OK job with the exception of asking mexico to pay for the wall.

I'm giving him a 7 and by the end of the year I'll have a final rating of him based on whether or not he can get congress to follow his lead. It already looks as if McCain is going full on traitor and will try and derail everything.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for him.

>He has driven the liberals into a hysterical crying tantrum every day since he was inaugurated
>Already planning the wall
>Already banned the rapefugees
>Immediately pulled out of the TPP
>Saved a bunch of jobs from being outsourced before he was even sworn in
>Hasn't tried to pass laws through congress or signed laws created by congress; just executive orders

I'm giving him an 8 because he hasn't taken on congress yet.

3/10 for being a president
10/10 for being a fucking brilliant troll.

Obama was a 2/10 president, fyi, OP.

Probably like a 7. I'm so happy he is helping business and BTFO of leftists, but as a medical marijuana patient, I would really like him to legalize it. Also I'm studying environmental science, accounting, and law jointly at a good school. I'm afraid it will lose funding over autistic sanctuary campus shit in addition to not being able to find a fucking job when there are no regulations.

well either way MAGA I regret nothing

8/10 -

He's been too susceptible to being baited by the left and the temporary immigration ban EO roll out was botched, exposing him to more attacks and forcing the administration to be on the defensive, for something that is, at the end of the day, mostly symbolic.

Still hope he learns from these things.

Link to interview?


8 or 9/10

He hasn't done anything bad yet. I would have preferred an actually ban on Islam like we did with anarchism and Communism, but I'm alright with what's been happening.

If there are federal charges against Hillary and an investigation into Pizzagate it will go to 10.

Real talk. Mnuchin is seriously making me double take.

Keeps all of his promises.
Next I want to see the deportation forces move out and round up the spics.

11. He's destroying the U.S. It's beautiful.

imagine a world without a LBJ presidency...

The oh so progressive city people like getting raped by Muslims and shot by niggers and Obama was enabling their self harm habits. We rural and suburban retards voted to save these city people for their own good by choosing Trump.

Feel like the green card thing was an unforced error. However, the lobbying and regulation EOs are great if they can be enforced. Naming the media as "the opposition party" shows he has the right enemies

9 conditional on the regulation ban being enforced


I'm ready to put his face on mt rushmore at this point desu senpai


The only president to keep his word.


it's early but atm I would say 7 or 8 I don't like he didn't ban countries like Saudi Arabia.

10/10 best president ever

Trump does not give a fuck about any authority or any rules. He's the perfect president.



He is doing what he promised (apart from putting Hillary in prison). But he is a Zionist.

i want to nurse on those tits. 10 / 10 would gladly eat out butthole.

I dislike him, mainly because I live in the American Gardens building on West 81st street. I'm 27 years old. Unlike Trump I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


He has not put black people back in chains, he has not banned all muslims and we have not had violent deportations like I have been told would happen again and again.



Not even kinda joking.

Pfft at the current rate even with Trump I expect Mt Rushmore to be torn down in 30-40 years.

Well...he's not doing anything that directly effects me one way or another so I guess 9 out of 10? Until he invades Chicago then I'm fucked.

7.5/10 but only because I dislike him.

Anyone that can be this ahead of schedule and make so many people assblasted deserves a high rank. Not even the actual racists were this pissed, when Obama won.

Basically a 10.

oh yes, my dear, very nice


I voted for him, not because I like him or agree with him, but because he was going to piss people off and I just wanted to hear liberals scream and cry. So far he's been doing a better job than I thought he would.

9/10. Would have given a 10/10 if he had deregulated some gun laws by now.

8. He's doing some things right but fuck him for sucking Saudi Arabia's brown cock.

>He has not put black people back in chains, he has not banned all muslims and we have not had violent deportations like I have been told would happen again and again.

he also hasn't started WW3 or gassed all the gays. 6/10 is the best i can do tbqh.

this, he's fucked the washington status quo and it was badly needed


8 or 9/10
seems like he really is trying to keep all his promises, only things I didn't like so far are his choices for cabinet members mostly consisting of (((Goldman Sachs))) ppl etc., but if they do their job well, who cares.
He also should put Hillary into prison.


Trump is the real son of Kek.

Shut the fuck up you leafy cuck.

In all honesty, I'd give him a 8.5. Some decisions I'm a little unsure about (i.e. education), but overall he's been stellar.

Compared to Obama, this man is operating at light speed and is getting shit done. The fact a politician actually follows through on their campaign is a refreshing new idea.

I have a huge boner for efficiency, so this is making me leak precum like a sieve.


Although, I am seriously worried that liberals have gotten their way for so long and been catered to in such an extreme way that our country could actually be torn apart. People are freaking out over a temporary travel ban that is intended to create a safer process to make sure foreign nationals have America's best interest at heart when they cross the border. It's so ridiculous. And people are unironically acting like Trump is a holocaust denier because of the way his HOLOCAUST DAT statement read. I can't do 4 more years of this. I don't think they can either. Something's got to give.

10/ 10 so far.

He is a douche. We know it, but you know what he makes us feel like winners. I am in the army and if Hillary won then I was going to do what it took to get kicked out. Now with Trump as President, I am considering reenlistment. I would gladly go on a deployment and help crush our enemies right now. He has made promises and kept them. I want to help him build the wall now.

is amy adams a jewess? i really like her alot

9/10 because fuck the Saudis.

hitler is 10
and obama is 1
he's been triggering all the libshits, which is pretty good sign


Dubyah was at least fun

7/10, I'd like to see a more aggressive push against Obamacare and for tax reform. Also not a fan of some of his Cabinet appointments (Mnuchin, Tillerson, etc.).

Not a Trump supporter or hater. I give him a solid 7 so far.

10 I couldn't have asked for more.

8/10 because I think he really fucked up by alienating the media. If Trump was nice to the media in general they would not spin every story to be anti-Trump. I am NOT saying he shouldn't have gotten angry about the piss thing but I just seem to recall he has made many general statements like calling media liars and thugs.

Its going to be constant hate and strife until Trump can apologize to the media and treat it with more respect.

I am sorry for suggesting he 'bend the knee' but it would really help the atmosphere and outlook of the country if the media could be convinced to do a cease-fire.

>within Jewish framework
>without/outside Jewish framework

this is pretty funny

I love Teddy and I think Trump is a 6/10.

Why do you like both?


Exceeded my expectations in the first week