Do Asian men have a negative view of white men/Asian women couples the same way white dudes have for black man/white women couples?
Do Asian men have a negative view of white men/Asian women couples the same way white dudes have for black man/white...
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>Do Asian men have a negative view of white men/Asian women couples
>the same way white dudes have for black man/white women couples?
no one cares in reality
I brought my tiny little Asian teen with me into Koreatown in NYC and didn't get any bad looks. If anything, they treated us especially good -- almost like royalty, actually.
I think Asians look up to the right kind of whites. If you're a fucking loser, no, they don't want you fucking their girls, but if you're a successful alpha man I think they like seeing it. It elevates them.
little chink assholes belong to strong white cock
My bf is Asian.
What about white men/asian men couples?
I cringe at any man/man couple.
>Do Asian men have a negative view of white men/Asian women couples
They fucking HATE it. There's even a subreddit where they do nothing but hate on white men all day long and call the women who date them race traitors and whores
It's actually pretty funny lmao
Alpha couples
hory shit pls link
From personal experience, they're jelly af and will often insult the woman when the guy is not there.
My girlfriend (Chinese) gets a lot of shit from Chinese men. Just recently at Chinese New Year party she was called a slut and made fun of in front of the host's family.
Asian male here. I don't really care. There's like a billion Asian females. That being said I do date outside my race moreso than others, so I can't complain. But like a lot of people here, they get off thinking they're making other races mad by stealing their women.
Yeah well I don't really blame them.
Sup Forums is pretty hypocritical and go all "muh dik" over asian girls but rage about black guys taking white girls.
Of course we do. Wm/af just confirms women are degenerates. Go to an american asian forum, that's all they talk about.
Stop faggoting off and produce babies
I'm Korean and I personally don't care. Asians are the most common race in the world and the race mixing that happens here is statistically negligible in the grand scheme of things
I think it's this one:
It's just crucial that we all avoid niggers like the plague.
But hey, good for them for not wanting race mixing.
usually most asians aren't mad about interracial couples it's more the format of dating and one night stands. Quite often chinese girls have told me to keep quiet about them sleeping over or claimed they usually would never do it but etc etc. White girls never do that.
When will asian men realise that it isn't white men making it hard for them, it's the jews. They smeared them the same way the jew smeared white men with blacked cuckold porn. We are allies.
Anger is misplaced.
read japanese talking about this. didn't care too much. said it's usually the ugly ones, sort of like with wf/bm
sage for not politics race bait thread
I don't get mad mostly because I date and fuck white women
asians who do get mad are betas who feel insecure
made even more hypocritical by the fact that white women interracially date the least (6%) while asian women do it the most (37%)
That's right, bro.
t. east asian
only beta white males marry gooks
It grosses me out.
I dont let it be known or anything.I dont get in their faces about it. But yeah, it grosses me out.
FA cucks that get jealous of others taking ''''''''''''''''their''''''''''''''' women do. That's about it
Case in point. They're probably all 5'4 omega males
Still don't want them going for shitskins though.
No we don't.
well generally that means at least one of the patners has denounced masculinity for some comfort, pleasure, love whatever. Women don't have principles so whatever but men should never be a submissive partner.
>I think Asians look up to the right kind of whites. If you're a fucking loser, no, they don't want you fucking their girls, but if you're a successful alpha man I think they like seeing it. It elevates them.
This. Asians are discriminating. Whites just see the color and react. Like apes.
asian men may feel this, but they don't do anything at all to make themselves more dateable.
but i dont think they do that. while there is still very much racism, its not so overt against whites. whites are boorish and loud, but successful. niggers are just loud and dumb.
WM/AF relationship guy here, if it's an consolidation I don't gloat about it or have the weird idea in my head that I'm cucking you guys or something.
I just get a kick out of making white women angry.
>but men should never be a submissive partner.
Why not?
>unhygenic, fat asian woman
uh huh.....
Don't know why they'd be bothered
Asians genes are dominant as fuck so anything the woman shits out looks like a chink
On top of that asians are already the world majority population wise followed by nigs/indians
Whites are only harming themselves but hypocrites deserve it
>open it
>first thing I see is thread named 'stop waiting for asian jesus'
my sides are already gone
everyone knows Jesus is polish
Trust me, people aren't jealous. Everyone in public sees you as too beta to get a white woman. Fact.
Good job, user
you're part of the problem leaf
Because you are dude from Netherlands that fucks asian boy in the ass. am i missing something you dirty piece of shit?
>I just get a kick out of making white women angry.
never happens, maybe if you live somewhere with a large asian population but generally white women don't give a fuck
Pepper your angus for this. If you want to know how Elliot Rodget came about, ask no more.
Same. I have a gay friend who is cool, but it grosses me out too. Mine has nothing to do with religion.
Good post, Australia.
This. Race-mixing only benefits the landless, rootless kike tribes.
Fuck off tony tan
Yeah kys homo
And yes, racemixing is bad. Doesn't matter the race, racemixing destroys all environmental adaptation and looks.
well it's not a male trait, and it means that you are probably more feminine across the board. Manhood isn't a pick and mix, you can drive trucks all day but if you go home and bend over for a pounding you are still less a man than a desk jockey who doesn't. Don't get me wrong it's not about homosexuality, I'm sure homosexuals could exist with two dominant partners but it just usually isn't the case.
the germany/japan alliance was too strong, the jews are turning natural white/asian allies against each other.
they are destroying asian men like they destroy white men through cuckolding and pro-black/muslim racemixing propaganda to decrease their stock.
white/asian racemixing would only increase each other stock so it must be stopped.
Should I blanda upp with an Asian chick, bros??
Idk ask the reddit boys at Asian Masculinity.
lmfao Why the heck are there so many yellow fever threads on pol?
You guys out-weeb pretty much every other board with this shit.
it benefits them because black-muslim racemixing with white create less intelligent white people. breeding the intelligence out of whites. jews don't racemix so they don't lower themselves and their intelligence.
they destroy the asian male's ability to mate because they are an intelligence threat. asian-white racemixing might be okay.
I consider Europeans equals of Asians. Not all of our women are great, clearly, but they seem better than most White women, so I kinda understand them.
Fetishists are creepy, but if it's just a guy who happened to fall in love with an Asian girl, I have no problem with it.
But of course that's just my point of view as a kid of Franceboo Vietnamese immigrants who raised me how they thought a French child should be raised, though with respect for their culture.
What the fuck happened in these guys' lives to make them bitter like this. Not once in my entire life have I ever felt somehow less masculine than other men.
>white men/asian men couples
this is practically a heterosexual couple
> Asians are the most common race in the world
for now look up africas population growth, they will be the majority of the planet by the end of the century
>What the fuck happened in these guys' lives to make them bitter like this. Not once in my entire life have I ever felt somehow less masculine than other men.
Jews. Don't worry, it's coming for white men too. Jews will convince your women they are worthless and they will mate with mudslimes and blacks to prove they are diverse.
I just hate white men dating Asian women that can't speak their language. What the fuck is the point of dating.
That's full of the most pathetic posts I have ever seen. When a slant bro goes their he is doing himself a disservice. No one should go there fuck me that was sad.
The impotent rage they feel is worse then even here, but it comes from a really really sad place. Jesus
Yeah they probably do. Some will admit it. Mostly on a subconscious level.
Half here
Japanese are mostly okay with it. It might annoy some of them but they will let people live their lives.
Mainland Chinese and Koreans are fucking nuts and will use shame tactics to destroy girls that break off from their community. They need community coercion in order to make pairings for guys even if they are abusive and batshit insane. They are quite conscious of the idea that tons of dudes won't get paired up with anyone so they try to destroy people that seek other groups.
Asian manlets getting BTFO by Western chads for decades has deep rooted psychological effects it seems
Lots of Jewish Man/Asian Woman couples. Just marrying the two most conspiratorial races I guess
please respond
It is ok however the Asian woman is -1 in social value for being Asian.
Therefore you need a 10/10 Asian wife to be as impressive as a 9/10 white wife.
>What the fuck happened in these guys' lives to make them bitter like this.
White chads in high school got top tier pussy while the fat white nerds got the Asian poon
Asians guys got nothing but resentment and anger
Asians bitches stink and are crazy as fuck.
just no
Chink here, I could give less of a shit. I picture all the /r/asianmasculinity fags like this
redpilled AF
What problem friendo? Qt3.14 asian girlfriend who is loyal and treats me well.
Fuck white women, they're all nasty entitled sluts. I'm never touching that again.
some white guys got cute feminine asian traps too
Probably, but they are too beta to ever say anything to me irl.
Its tryhard trolling 101. Its a safe and easy way to get a reaction out of people.
>I just hate white men dating Asian women that can't speak their language.
Are you referring to those that don't speak the same language but still can communicate in another language or those that don't understand each other at all?
Laughed at this.
Until I realised that Sup Forums is just like that and laughed even harder
hahahaha fucking hell what an absolute beta
You don't need to speak to a woman anyway. Everything you need to know, you can learn without knowing the same language.
you look like a supreme gentleman
As long as they aren't race mixing with niggers or street shitters it's fine
Any man that obsesses over who other men are fucking is a cuck.
Non-cuckolds are concerned with self-improvement and making shit happen.
yeah this
Yes. But put pants on. Heads up South East Asians like Thai's can have breasts so firm they feel like poorly done implants
Asian men are totally cucked. Its because they eat too much soy > increases estrogen production. Thats also why asian women are so submissive.
Do you say the same thing when someone else is fucking your wife?
Are you the "man" of the relationship?
>no one cares in reality
I care when I see a black man with a white woman. It makes me feel really sad and I hope that her father is dead every time I see one.
Yes. I date a really hot mongolian girl and everywhere I go asian guys either give dirty looks, envious looks, or get visibly saddened. I'm 6'5" handsome master race.
We're both versatile.
So I like to rim him or suck his dick.
But most of the time I'm on top.
Like 90% of the time I would say.
>You're attracted to white girls and want that pretty looking blonde playboy bunny?
Oh boy, here we go, now shit just got real. Most of us are familiar with the double standard in American society, how the same white guys with yellow fever will turn into babies throwing temper tantrums the second they see minorities dating a pretty looking blonde. How the same Asian American women who will chase after white guys will try to find a way to crucify Asian guys who chase after white girls.
If that wasn't bad enough, even your fellow "brothers" will tell you how you are "giving into colonialism", "being a sellout", being a self-hater", and "supporting white supremacy" by wanting to stick your big fat Asian dick (yes, you think of it as a big fat Asian dick now, not small like the lying racist media has made it out to be in order to prevent your successful Asian ass from getting in some white pussy) in some white pussy.
They're pretty salty