Does God exist?
Does God exist?
of course not
Of course he does
Yes. Only a Marxist would claim otherwise.
I hope so.
I find it to be more logically rational than not.
Believe me, it'd be easier if God didn't. I could go and be degenerate.
Ask him, approach him with an open mind.
Try closing your eyes, clasping your hands and focus on God.
Force your mind to focus on God alone and empty your mind to him.
Do this every night before bed, after a weeks time come back and tell us.
Chances are you will feel different and so the seed of God will be planted in you to grow into a majestic tree.
If you truly want to know, pray in ernest and ye shall find.
define god
define exist
Of course, God does exist but, i wouldn't use any narrative that has been perpetuated since the dawn of mankind.
That's my belief.
Do walnuts sleep?
Yes. Despite what anti-Christ deviants claim.
>A Swedish Christian
How lonely do you feel up their?
Do you get bullied a lot?
He ain't real user. And if he does exist, then may he strike me d-
You're just as delusional and fucking retarded.
>Thinking the divine creator of billions of galaxies and trillions of stars gives the slightest shit about individuals of a 7 billion large ape species
This is the equivalent of trump giving a shit about an ant in an ant colony somewhere in north dakota
Believing in a made up god is being the ultimate cuck.
>Wasted trips
Wheren't you supposed to be the land of the free, burger?
this really made me think
God very much exists, friends.
I am a dark horse for him.
I believe in the god of Plato and Aristotle, but I don't believe in the Hebrew war god Yahweh.
Very lonely.
I do get bullied.
Keep telling yourself that.
It's because of secular scum that the Muslims have been able to invade unopposed.
You can feel him
Nobody on this website knows.
There's video evidence of him interrupting a Hillary interview, so of course he exists
It's actually the christfags who have been taking in the somalis en masse in MN for example.
Its impossible to prove empirically because he doesnt exist in the physical realm, if at all
So its irrelevant whether he exists or not
of course he does, but the jews declared war to christianity and atheist like you fell for their tricks
c o n t r o l s y s t e m
In coloring books, statues and stained glass.
I feel sorry for you bro. I live in a conservative state.
of course he does
la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah
Probably not as we humans believe it does
No one knows, and anyone who says they do are lying.
Most religion are most certainly bollocks our ancestors made up, but that neither proves or disproves the idea of a god or gods.
Why did I write most.
god is dead
There is a God in man
Boy, I sure hope so cause otherwise we're all fucked.
Why do you think so?
Thank you user.
God bless you for your kindness.
>Does God exist?
Yes, Jesus does.
Check my digits.
reminder that the Jews ordered Jesus' death because he wouldn't stop naming them and didn't like him saying they were equal to the gentiles
Satan looks really wasted there
How so?
Reminder that Breadpill is the only real redpill
I dont believe so.
I really REALLY hope I'm wrong. The evil in this world needs to be eradicated and punished.
I'm not really concerned about myself hereafter, more so I want the disgusting filth that masquerade as the moral and just to face a christian reckoning.
There is so much evil and darkness now. I'm wondering if god is ever really going to show up. We may as well be I'm the end times, gods people have abandoned him, his followers left are persecuted and spat upon and the good are seen as out of touch and archaic, progress has been confused with decadence.
I'm really hope He is real, but I don't feel it.
So you're comparing one state in America to the millions that have poured into Europe because of secular policies?
What is it was the will of god that put trump into office, not kek, what if the fact force kek is actually God.... What if you are falsely worshiping a frog when it was actually God will.
Jesus mindhacked you
Do you think it's up for a vote, or up for general consensus?
>implying if God was real he wouldn't be allowing evil to exist and create the circumstances for it to flourish
Breadpill is the only pill that stops hunger.
2 Thessalonians 2
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Bible predicted KEK. KEK is the antichrist.
Aye, god is the sun as well as the heart beating in your chest
Gotta stop listening to your feelings and you gotta start thinking.
Good news is you're wrong, and you can change your mind.
God not only exists, and is just, but he is also love. Not only loving, actually made out of love. In part.
God's Risk board is 1:1.
If God exists, why couldn't he stop this dindu pimp from knocking out the bishop Sunday?
There is more good than evil in the world so God lets us love. The last time evil outweighed good God exercised His wrath through the flood.
If there is a "God in man," as you say then there is NO GOD at all. If everyone shares the same characteristic, then it doest become unique anymore. The idea of "God," is a being/beings set apart from another set of creatures.
>Believe me, it'd be easier if God didn't. I could go and be degenerate.
>Not harming others only because of fear of hell ... instead of realizing if we are all civilized together it means people you love wont fall into harm.
*lets us live
though love kind of works there anyway
Can someone explain how Christianity even happened
>God is explicit about idol worshipping, or worshipping any other gods
So Christians, devout as ever, think they can say "Jesus IS God" as a loophole. Because that's what a faithful person does, use loopholes to rationalize them worshipping what their religion tells them not to. Catholics are especially guilty of this.
Why did they do this instead of recognizing it for what it was? Why is Spiritual Dishonesty so rampant in a religion that is all about Spiritual Honesty?
whatever you say Varg
Your bigger question is why God created a universe were evil is possible.
The answer is so that love could be the ultimate ideal.
Robots do not love.
Jesus rose from the dead, proving his claims to be God, the creator of the universe.
You either know that to be true, or you do not.
How you do not know that is true is meaningless; how many ways there exist to not know that is true is also meaningless.
>extra dimensional being who created all the universe and beyond that which we can fathom
>has a gender
Why are christcucks so retarded?
because Jesus is God
it's not our fault you aren't smart enough to understand the trinity
though Catholics DO pray to Mary and other saints when there's really no reason too
I'm just saying that christians have this very deep "I'm helping" -autism going on because the entire religion is about self sacrifice and not giving a shit about this world because you'll be dead and in heaven soon anyway. It's the religious version of virtue signaling.
Yes He does. His name is Kek and He is to be praised.
Except people in heaven will be literal robots incapable of doing anything bad.
Explain this then, infidel:
Crashing this plane interview
Yes God exists.
>it's not our fault you aren't smart enough to understand the trinity
Not even you Christians understand it though, "muh mystery".
>how to create your own tulpa the post
I simply don't know if he exists, there should be one, it would make sense
He came into the world, but the world received him not.
He came into the world as the Messiah, as a man, as a King in the line of David, King of Judah.
That's why.
those are catholics, who believe in justification by works, humans being able to cleanse away other humans' sin, and papal infallibilty
All bollocks. There is no means by which you can know this. If any of what you just said is correct, then it is by accident.
If there was to be something, then the most likely thing I could envision is that the afterlife is the collection of the mind of everyone, in a rather metaphysical pool.
Honestly the most convincing argument that there is a God is that an odd number of great civilizations fall due to volcano's... and America, the worlds hegemon has that super volcano that will destroy the country and send the world into a massive dark age when it goes off.
the foundation of the universe is built in mathematics.
Religion is an encoding of mathematical equations
God does exist as truth and truth is a mathematical equation
It's not a mystery; it's revealed. Mysteries are not revealed.
Father is God.
Son is God.
Spirit is God.
There is One God.
You just need to start thinking n-dimensionally, where "n" is a number higher than you can now think.
Aye, same as the pharisees that Jesus hated. We call them "catholics" and otherwise "hypocrites".
God's eternal existence is not an accident.
Neither is our conversation.
The hivemind you envision is not real; we are diverse (many) in one (united). One body. One head. United by the Spirit.
>though Catholics DO pray to Mary and other saints when there's really no reason too
I think people are naturally more prone to polytheism that's why they start splitting their worship towards different entities like saints or angels or whatever even when the religion is monotheistic at origin
>There is no means by which you can know this.
There is one means you are intentionally neglecting.
Revealed divine truth from God to humanity.
I love it when Sup Forums claims to be redpilled but appears to be majority theist
the simple answer is that there's no way of knowing and if you claim anything other than this you're a delusional cuck with the same kind of limited ape brain that most of you love to hate non-whites for
but don't worry. most humans are incapable of thinking outside of themselves, so you're not alone!
If they share the same consciousness then they are the same being and there is no point in calling them trinity, if they don't then they are different beings. Pretty straightforward logic.
People like to play it safe.
Unfortunately faith in God's salvation is safe, but it is packaged as frail and weak for some reason.
Oh, yeah, to stop you from taking advantage of it by beings who are your mortal enemy.
you're both idiots.
Hivemind is real but there can be simultaneous but separate hive-minds existing at once in different conglomerations of people.
Truth is not subjective, everything in the world is connected to everything else, because the foundation of the universe is a mathematical equation
you were born with a penis, you are not a woman.
Stop trying to break the universe faggots.
god do u ????
They are in relation with each other as One God; they love each other, as love requires an object to love, and they relate to each other as persons each with a unique attribute and mission.
It's just hard for us to think with more dimensions than we can think with.
You can trust God to tell you the truth, though.
Plato and Aristotle were philosophers, retard. I bet your fedora collection must be huge if you view them as literal Gods, and bash Yahweh or anything out of the Bible.
I'm not breaking the universe. It's already broken.
I'm patiently awaiting the next universe.