Redpill me on Facebook
Redpill me on Facebook
It's a big vacuum for sucking up all the information it can to build an advertising profile to sell to marketers.
Oh and don't worry, even if you don't have a Facebook account, they still know who you are.
Also, intelligence services use it for psychological profiles as well.
It's bad for your brain.
Deleted mine 2 days ago
>Oh and don't worry, even if you don't have a Facebook account, they still know who you are.
Globalist datamining propaganda machine
>still has his kikebook acount activated
Truth. It replaces critical thought with group thinking. It has wreaked havoc on society and culture.
It's true.
The second one of your friends or family posts anything (photo, status, whatever) and tags you in it, even if you don't have a profile yourself, a shadow profile is created. It then gets linked to any other postings of your name that correlate to the same circle of friends and geographic location. And with facial recognition software now they can identify you even if no one explicitly tags you in a photo or video. Names are scraped from postings, news articles, and public records to be mapped to shadow profiles.
Eventually, your John Doe profile will be linked to a name based on something that a friend or family member has posted, or stuff scraped off the internet. They can literally build a profile of a person based on associative networks of other people, by locating and identifying gaps in the data. Eventually these gaps or shadow profiles are mapped to existing user profiles from your internet presence (website cookies, mobile phone data, etc) based again on IP and common interests. And once they peg your mobile phone, you're fucked, because now you start showing up in physical locations that are further used to build and reinforce your profile.
Given enough time they will eventually know almost as much about you as they would a regular user. You do all the same things as normal people and show up in all the same places - online, government data, media, your friends and family's lives. This is why if you take someone who has never had a Facebook account in their life and have them register an account, Facebook immediately knows which friends to recommend to you.
You didn't create an account, you just finally claimed it.
It's for weak-minded narcssists and parents too lazy to phone their kids
Plus Zuckerberg is a complete cunt
I believe this.
However, at what point do our various 'profiles' via facebook, advertising profiles, and most importantly SEARCH history get used against us?
I'm starting to use vpn's the more I think about this, I don't my name connected to Sup Forums or anything else
ρε διkε μου ποτε δεν ειχα φβ αλλα ειναι απαραιτητο για "kοινωνιkους" λογους? You know what am saying?
>tfw every girl you meet asks if you have facebook and you dont because fuck that shit
>They can literally build a profile of a person based on associative networks of other people, by locating and identifying gaps in the data
This a million times this. Listen to this guy.
Before FB came along, the CIA and Co. spent billions of our tax dollars paying spies and various data collection services to make these same social connections between "suspicious individuals" while many more billions were spent on basic data collection of citizens. Mapping social circles is a vital step towards blackmail, extortion, character assassination, etc.
Now of course, the masses do this willingly. Putting all of their most private details and social connections online for any and all to see.
The CIA probably took over FB 1-2 years after zuckercuck created it. He gets to the posterboy for rags-to-riches IT guys and a hefty "allowance", but he has nothing real to do with FB anymore.
>I'm starting to use vpn's
Almost useless.
>I don't my name connected to Sup Forums or anything else
Did you ever come here without a proxy? Then you're already fucked.
.Gov's can't read your encrypted data, but they DO know you're encrypting it. This puts more redflags on your profile meaning they'll watch EVERYTHING else you do more closely. They'll look into your friends/family, regular net history, jobs, expenses, etc.
Using a VPN is like going into a whorehouse. The cops outside can't be sure you fucked a whore in there, but you DID go in there...
While I agree with the whole post, I'm not sure about the last paragraph. EVERYTHING in Facebook is set more and more to get money from the users to the point where the network stops being actually social. Organic reach of pages without paid advertisement is under 5% for example. That is just good old jewry of that scrawny kike cunt Zucc.
>Using a VPN is like going into a whorehouse. The cops outside can't be sure you fucked a whore in there, but you DID go in there...
I like this sentence very much.
so what options does anyone have for true anonymity?
don't forget that "post this to facebook" buttons on websites cause your machine to interact with the facebook api, which could easily use sender data to build a profile on what sites you visit.
a pair of wire snips
The most perfect enemies list in history. Think of what Hitler could have done with it.
Kek... and Trump made use of targeted Facebook ads like no other.. 1+1= ... ?
Just wait what Zuck will do with it in 2021 or 2025
Useless, I open mine once a week to chuckle and shake my head at the degeneracy
I use safari for FB once and firefox private for the chans.
useless i assume? at least it makes me feel better and from what I see there has been no influence on my ads from the shit i look at on my firefox
datamining operation that stores all your data forever
it takes an act of congress for facebook to delete your data.
i stopped using it 7 years ago. never regretted it.
fecalbook is trash. period. no one should use it.
What happens when his wife gets tired of his beta shit and starts connecting with Chad and Tyrone on FB? Will he shut it down and swallow the key?
A reset button and some messianic figure with the autism of a Stallman would be required to undo the damage done by Zuck the cuck desu
>mfw a totalitarian government inevitably takes power in the west and gains access to all this user data carefully collected over the course of several decades
Do we even have a fucking future lads?
What's coming is going to make 1984 look like a worker's paradise.
Congress, eh?