>post bait threads here everyday
>Sup Forumsacks start wising up
>start creating bait terror attacks
>yell allah akbar
>turn self in later
>lol it was a white male that likes Trump
Leafs sincerely deserve a fucking genocide
>post bait threads here everyday
>Sup Forumsacks start wising up
>start creating bait terror attacks
>yell allah akbar
>turn self in later
>lol it was a white male that likes Trump
Leafs sincerely deserve a fucking genocide
Other urls found in this thread:
no u
kill yourself dipshit you're not fucking welcome in my country
Hahaha gg OP!
I loled!
>Implying anyone wants to live in your cucked, frozen shit-hole
Neck yourself, leaf.
Also the guy killed productive members of society. One of them had his shop and another had 2 PhD's in chemical engineering and was a teacher at the nearby university.
Gas yourself abbo scum.
A White Male Doctor set up a scholarship for straight Caucasions. After he died, an Ontario Female SJW judge overruled him and stated that minorities would be given preference.
>You can now legally rape animals in Canada.
We import 750k 3rd world non-whites a year for a population of 35m, 10m+ of which are non-white. By 2030, 95%+ of babies born will be non-white.
>The economy is complete shit, we get nothing for our natural resources because we give the shit away for free for (((globalism))). Nestle pays literally $3.79 for 1 million litres of fresh water then sells it to California for $40M USD. Canada gets literally Not addressing someone by their pronouns gets you sued/jailed (Bill C-16).
Kids are getting gender reassignment surgery at age 5.
>Ontario's elementary school curriculum was designed by a convicted pedophile and teaches kindergartners that anal sex is fun.
Pedophiles don't get jail sentences (it's a sexual preference).
>If someone breaks into your house and rapes your wife, and you kill him, you go to jail for life. You have to call the police and let the rapist finish.
Our prime minister is a drama teacher / snowboarding instructor who has declared us a "post-national" state with no core identity or culture.
>Our tax-payer funded SJW national broadcaster openly advocates for White, Heterosexual genocide: youtube.com
The largest housing bubble in the world-- $100k bungalow costs $600k-$3M.
>When a record wildfire burned near Fort McMurray in Alberta near Canada's economic engine, the oil sands, Justin Trudeau turned down help from the USA, Mexico, China, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Australia and even neighbouring provinces to bring in 300 exclusively-black South African firefighters who had never used water to fight fires and had to spend weeks being trained to use waterhoses. They failed to do anything, ended up rioting over pay, and had to be shipped back.
An African Muslim Refugee who is a citizen of Somalia is the Immigration Minister
Our Minister of Defense is a turban-wearing Sikh / Indian citizen
>Our Minister of Economic Development is Navdeep Burns, a turban-wearing Sikh
An average Syrian Muslim Refugee family gets $43,000/year for free from the government while a homeless White man can't even get welfare ($600/month) because he doesn't have a mailing address
>Justin Trudeau has declared Canada the first "post-national" state with no core identity or culture
A Muslim MP is putting forth a motion to criminalize any criticism of Islam what-so-ever with mandatory jail time (Motion 103)
>October is Muslim Heritage Month in Ontario despite Muslims comprising only 1.4% of Ontario's population in 1991 (140K out of 10M) and being non-existant before 1980
October is also Muslim History Month (Nation wide)
>Whites will be less than 40% in Vancouver by 2031
Toronto was 47% non-white in 2011; today it is closer to 70% non-white
>White Union student posters (much like Muslim/Sikh/Chinese/etc Unions) were put up in Toronto; they were taken down by police and reported as hate crimes (???)
You can go to put whatever gender you like on your Ontario ID and the government is working to eliminate any mention of gender on government documents, including passports
Go suck Muslim cock, Coonadian.
In Parliament today, Cuckdeau declared that all Canadians "Are Muslims Today"
Nice alternative facts.
All indisputable facts Mohammed Wang Mohammed
Kaffir Kops now patrolling your Sharia hoods
Soros telling Trudeau Canada needs to increase immigration from 750,000 non-whites a year to 2-3M/year
Fucking Wallabi
Our new immigration minister who today vowed to bring in more refugees than ever!
No whites allowed.
No, they really aren't. Obvious shills like you need to go back to r*ddit.
Name one fact that you claim is false and I'll post proof
Go, Mohammed
Says the spidersstan refugee who gets cuckd by flightless birds
Its really funny how shit you all are compared to Canada. Like, really fucking funny
Who would ever like a leaf? Ahmed?
Lol succ my dicc
fuck white people
>complaining about leafs while niggers and ragheads rape your country
You need your priorities straight m8
>Canada projected to become a shitskin country by 2030
>before the literal shoah of 5 billion muslims at the mosque
>300 black SAs working on the Mac fire
Wut? No wonder the whole place was fucked. Stupid prick.
The stupid fuck literally turned down water bombers from USA, Mexico, Russia, China, Israel, Palestinian Authority, Australia and even BC / Saskatchewan..
Come on Mohammed, which "fact" is false?
Fuck the states, WE need a civil war. At least something to keep our PMs from straight fucking us.