The California Question

Alright Sup Forums it's time we talk about the California question.

They are 50% beaner, and less than 40% white as of 2014. It's a Mecca for libshits all across this country. It is the thing that try's to stand in our way towards Making America Great Again. They need to be done away with, and CALEXIT is the way to do it.
>libshits will flock to their newly independent socialist "utopia" Crashing the Democratic Party with no survivors
>15 mil beaners are now in a different country
>Hollywood would be in a different country
>we could wall it off
>muh tech industry
We need to make this happen

>Cuckifornia leaves
>Everyone dies of thirst
>literally becomes the Ireland of north america

Lots of large companies operate there because of its large urban areas. It would hurt US gdp and economy.

Being liberal is still legal in US? Get on with it, TRUMP!

>They are 50% beaner, and less than 40% white as of 2014

Is this real?

>CA becomes Ireland
I was thinking more like the /Trash/ of America
Say what you will about the Irish, but they are no where near the levels of cuck holdery and degeneracy that CA is on

Listen im from socal and i can say its mainly in the big cities that you get hardcore liberals. The suburbs are pretty normal. Best thing would just be to get all the liberals from across the country and send them to california. Make it a containment state

Yea probably less white seeing how my govt counts North Africans and Turks as white too

So what? I'm confident Trump will bring in more manufacturing



Russia and China salivate at the thought of Cali breaking off so they can establish a proto colony/military foothold on our shores. This WILL happen too because if Cali (or any state) is serious about secession, they will need external funding and training and logistics.

If Cali breaks off, expect Civil War followed by WWIII. And expect for the US to never recover. My suggestion? Start getting survival stuff prepped and start learning Mandarin or Russian.

If this CALEXIT goes as planned, through a referendum, why would we declare war on them? Besides, those leftists pussies have neither the ability nor the drive to actually fight for something

Because that is MILES of valueable coast line on OUR continent. We have MAJOR naval bases and army bases in that state. Silicon Valley and our tech headquarters are there.

Plus like I said, Cali will need to replace fed funding with external funding, so they will (and already are) turn to the Chinese in exchang for allowing them to operate militarily ON OUR SHORES.

Our greatest defense as a nation is controlling our continent and defending ourselves with our impeccable navy. That goes right out the fucking window if the Chinese park righr outside our doors.

And, if Cali successfully escapes, other blue states will want to break out as well.

>implying other blue states leaving is a bad thing
>implying the paper tiger that is China would be able to subgugate California without getting BTFO by the US the minute they land on the beaches

To add - please study geopolitics.

The easiest way to break up a country in the modern era is to cause it to collapse internally via civil war and domestic chaos.

I guarantee that the Chinese, Russians, and (((them))) are funding, training, and pushing groups in the US towards extremism and seperatism in order to bring the US itself to its knees.

We've done the same to several countries around the world already (see:color revolution, arab spring, libya, syria, etc). It is happening to us now.

now is the time to make california more democratic by changing the electoral votes to be proportionally allocated rather than winner take all. minorities will get their views represented much better.

Yes, but this is exactly what's been happening with Mexico, Their people have been moving into our country and displacing our demographics, making whole areas Majority mestizo, just like in CA, LA specifically. This is what the Russians did to Crimea

Even then, what makes you think the US military wont step in and basically say 'no'

You think chinks and rooskies are gonna step in and start a war on US soil? Really? They'd get curbstomped the second their 'fleets' leave port. Even if other blue states seceded and it woul come to civil war it would be over in no time. The very second the military starts firing live ammo all leftists pussies would run home and posts on their blogs instead.

Their views would be represented even better if Federal law didn't interfere :^)

Please dont let your own jingoism cloud your judgement.

Leftists are arming themselves and attacking others as we speak. China and Russia would also gladly ship in arms and funds into our country as well.

Plus, have you read Red Team Planners copy pasta? It will also be a media war since everything that happens, every "atrocity" will be documented. If things get too egregious, other countries will "intervene" in the US under the pretense of humanitarian causes to oust the tyrannical regime killing US civilians.

Have you read the RED team scenario?

No, a lot of companies have an office for the CEO there, but they, like Apple, are actually based out of a foreign tax friendly country.

And? We should just let them have California? It is FAR too valuable to us as a nation toever give up willingly. Believe me the US government, as proven through the first Civil War, will go to any lengths to keep the union together. To say otherwise is to be destroyed.

My whole point with this is that we have to remove the groups that are actively trying to divide and subvert our nation through degeneracy and multiculturalism (leftists) an independent CA would give them a place to flock to, it would be like removing a tumor

Make them think they want it. This should be priority #1. Dispose of CA.

Take CA, which is already minority white or let them take the rest of the US?

I'd rather cut my losses and move on desu

And I'm saying that is a pipe dream. CA is far too valuable to our government. And if we let one state go, the rest will try to as well.

Stop underestimating our enemies. That is how they win.

Yes! Exactly, the Leaf gets it!

Why is CA so valuable to the gov? Just military bases? Or tax shekels?
Those Califags are already threatening to block federal tax payment

>tfw this could've been real California
pls no make me leave
pls cleanse us instead

tricking liberals into changing their elector votes so they nullify themselves nationally is a lot easier than turning them into southern rebels.

Yes dude. We have MAJOR naval ports there. Where in the fuck are we going to station our naval fleets after? Where are we going to station thw various divisions that exist there? You realize you are cutting us off from the Pacific almost entirely. Oregon and Washington (which more than likely would be the next states to opt out) are not equipped to station our military assests.

And yes, despite the federal tax issues, several key US corps are based there. It is still an economic powerhouse, left or right.

And like I said, if we move out, Russia and China are moving in. In fact they already are there since they have been investinf so heavily in real estate and in Hollywood. They would be funding the Calexit movement.

What makes you think we wouldn't let CA secede then have a bloody reconquisita instead? :^)

Because civil war followed by WW III.

Sound fun though! But it'd be the last major thing we did.

Last major thing (YOU) would want

Checked Satan. I guess I would be out there on the front lines. Got nothing left to lose anyways.

What's your story? You a Cali fag or army fag?

Los Angeles MAGA Squad Leader reporting in.

The battle isn't lost yet. Redpilled thought leaders have been steadily gaining ground without losing any here in spite of the epic amounts of libshit still coming out of our state.

There are many notable points that need to be hit here:

1) The UC system. This is the absolute worst part of California. The UC system provides a home to libtard thought leaders and their views get disseminated out from the UCs to the even more meme-tier liberal universities. UC-Berkeley and UCLA most notably being the most foul. However there are angles of attack available:

A) Generation Z. Generation Z represents a youth far more redpilled and fashy than any of their predecessor generations. Millenials have also conditioned Gen X that it's progressive to listen to young people with no experience in the real world and take them seriously. Gen Z can come right in and give them a taste of their own medicine.

B) Speaking tours like Schlomo Faggopolis's. You can hate Schlomo for being a coal burning kike 'mo, but he's been able to effectively galvanize conservative youth and bring them together and show them they're not alone in their schools. He's also helped give an edge and a sense of danger to being a young republican. Wearing a MAGA hat now screams "bad boy" to liberal chicks and Schlomo deserves some credit for that.

2) The beaner population - this is an easy situation to solve. The 1-2-3 combination of building the wall, deporting the illegals, and ending entitlement programs will do a world of good.

3) (((Hollywood))). The very obvious counter to this is the Internet. However, most monetization platforms are still owned by (((them))) ie youtube, adsense etc. So in the short-term we need to support our content creators better. MDE needs to get back to making another show, whether it's on (((adult swim))) or funded by us, we need to support our artists better.