>lel Trudeau is such a cuck
>shitskin is actually a passerby
>Sup Forums goes radio silence
Do you guys get tired of getting cucked again and again?
Does the constant cognitive dissonance get too much after a while?
>lel Trudeau is such a cuck
>shitskin is actually a passerby
>Sup Forums goes radio silence
Do you guys get tired of getting cucked again and again?
Does the constant cognitive dissonance get too much after a while?
Sup Forums isn't one opinion. That's the beauty of it
Fun to see how the shilling increases when theres money involved.
it's the one place on the internet I know where that actually is most the case
Between the shitposting, the trolling, and, just check any thread, I'm really sure that your statement isn't true.
also, he was a feminist
whoa, chill, one opinion at the time
nah, the pervasive sentiment in the last few years on here has been this. it's pretty evident, just look at 99% of the threads
The "few bad apples" argument doesnt work when most of the posts on this site are on those threads
ok, you might have posted in the wrong thread, how is it relevant to mine?
you got lazy kiddo
what a faggot
Muslims got BTFO today, it was a good day. Unfortunately, one of our own is behind bars now. Sad!
>Radio silence
There are like 7 threads on this guy
on the white alt right cuk, not the sandnigger
These last few years have been pretty divisive regarding politics, that's why we saw an influx of a specific brand of right-winger on Sup Forums. Nevertheless I still believe, looking at threads every time I'm on the shitter, that Sup Forums isn't one opinion, and, even though you don't see it in every thread, has a kind of diversity
For reference to the influx, I'm specificaly talking about gamergate shitposters and r/TheDonald retards.
We're actually winning so much lately, being wrong for once was a nice little surprise.
r/TheDonald are just rebranded Sup Forums shitposters.
Anybody thinking there was an "influx" from reddit in 2017 is oblivious to the fact that 95% of people here browse both sites
Sup Forums wasnt invaded and ruined, it was always shit
to be fair the media bungled up the facts so hard, garbage in garbage out.
>pol isn't a very diverse group of white nationalists
>ywn get sucked off by a 16yo white nationalist cutie with braces
come on man, fuck
bad shoop
We did it, Reddit!!! I'm in the 5%!!
Nah mate, this just means that he goes from being a useful idot to being our hero.
That anthem is incorrect, the words are being changed to "in all of us command" because some cripple MP demanded it
Im not even fucking joking.
Obvious cover up is in motion.
post the original if its a shoop or else kys faggot
Just a passerby with a mask. Nothing to see here