Argentina close borders to immigrants.

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15 years too late

Actually, make that 25

Balllands are rightful British clay.

Does Argentina not want to join the globalist utopia?


Argentina yes

If we going down all you niggas too!

>argentina is white


Some might think of it as keeping immigrants out. I like to think it's keeping the Argentinians in

25? More like 215 years too late

Too bad that now sub-humans from Peru and Bolivia will come to Brazil.

But i heard brazilians love indian people or it was a meme?


Open it up for Europeans though

Sadly i can't say the same to canada

Argentina is one of the countries who immigrate the less.

And yet we are the Top 1 with more immigration in Latin America.
30 worldwide.


wew lad

Also, most bolitas and paraguas are here to stay. Too little too late.

They are not actually keeping immigrants out, just people who committed crimes in their native countries, they can't get in, also, immigrants who commit crime here in Argentina are going to be kicked out of the country in a period of 3 months

por supuesto quien no amaria a indios subhumanos que venden perejil robado en la feria?

That's not very PC of you brazil..


We had in the north, but they aren't as ugly as bolivians.

what are you silly sausages up to? you're not planning to go after our clay again, are you?

los brazucas y un uruguayo que le gustan las peruanas/bolitas en Sup Forums

Are you still top1? I knew that historically u were, but still to this day?

Give me citizenship and let me live in the rural nowhere of Argentina away from pisslam and I'll help you take the Malvinas.

The leftist cunt government shouldn't own them only to fill them with shitskins.

too fucking late, shitskins are already a majority and it'll get worse

ahh i can't say too much but we are (maga) make argentina great again

Last year Argentina received like 200.000 of immigrants

So yeah, we are pretty much number 1

Our last president made a million gibsmedat programs so if you are an inmigrant living in a villa with 8 kids you don't need to work.

Yeah m8... Argentina is still the country who recieve more immigrant in LatAm.
Very sad :(

Not every argie thead is about the islands, bong

good job hermanos


gibs fucklands back to british pls

Anyway, Macri sucks as much as Kirchner, only because he's saying no to illegals and criminals doesn't mean he is a good president now

Still shit, He will be our hero in 2019 Elections

We should take it back before you guys turn it into a mohammed monument or something.

we need aldo rico

>Support Patria Grande
>our hero

Fuck off.

Biondini 2019

he's a blue pilled civic nationalist, but it's our only choice


Czech'd n kek'd

WTF I had no idea Argentina held so many immigrants. Wikipedia said you had 1.8m in 2010, wonder what's it like now.

Biondini is based but he has shitty votes, also he should support Salbuchi and have an alliance

Civic Nationalism is the only thing that can work in Argentina m8 or also Catholic Nationalism or Hispanic Nationalism, if you want Racial Nationalism it's not going to work because the north of the country and some central provinces are too mixed already

if i don't do my due diligence then you might try something sneaky, and I would hate to remind you that you don't have an army.

Bolivians reproduce like rabbits.
Where you think they go?

We've been cucked for decades

Evo morales is butthurt he knows he need to go back

What? Biondini have way more votes than Salbuchi.

No ones outside Sup Forums even know who Salbuchi is. In fact I bet you don't either... try to find any information about Salbuchi life

>protip: you can't

while Biondini is well know in the all country

>Argentine Trudeau.
No thanks.
The problem is that he went full golden dawn like a retard with nazi salutes and SA uniforms.

Wikipedia says Paraguayans have Bolivians beat, at a least as of 2010.

>spics start migrating to southern Brazil instead

We did. Macri is the best goy ever. After all he campaigned for Hillary Clinton too. Copy pasted Obongo speeches, including stealing his slogan.

I still applaud him on securing the borders. But he is still a jew puppet

>you don't have an army.

I know...

ThisBiondini's larping and calling himself "Fuhrer" and using phrases like "Un País, un pueblo, un lider" clearly copying the Nazi party "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer" it's just stupid

He's only known for that... meanwhile Salbuchi wasn't very known until now, he's gaining a lot of fame

>Civic Nationalism is the only thing that can work in Argentina

yeah bring millions of rapefugees from a totally different culture and build entire cities for them(it's what salbuchi wants to do), I'm sure we will barely notice the difference

also don't forget that all the peruvians and bolivians of your civic nationalist country will vote for del caño

Un par de paraguas en donde vivo se volvieron a paraguay porque aca esta todo caro


Los impuestos estan hiriendo al boliguayo, acostumbrado a poner talleres de ropa y pagar 50 pesos al año de luz.

No pueden y simplemente no pueden creer que los estemos expulsando legalmente del pais.

Se morian por ocupar casas en la capital, ahora se estan tratando de convencer que "capital es una mierda, la gente es horrible, p-p-ara que querria ir alla, si la luz esta cara encima?"

We need to leave Mercosur ASAP

Golden Dawn is growing alot in Greece.

Bandera Vecinal have over 44k likes in Facebook
Segunda Republica 30k

If you don't want a nazi larping then Salbuchi is worse... He have the support of Duke, an ex-KKK leader

This guy knows what's up.

I was oddly inspired to look you guys up on jewpedia just for the fuck of it. I forgot you guys had Buenos Aires. Hopefully we dont false flag annihilate that city to go to war with the bugs. That would be a shame.

Also kinda forgot the Pope was from there. Please never produce another commie Pope again. Thanks.

KEK that's what you get for being cucks with Collas. They are the fucking worst, if you guys are going to accept anyone from Bolivia try to make sure they are from the East side (Mostly Santa Cruz, Beni, Tarija...), hell even the East side is filled with Collas now, that's why they are migrating. Good job anyways, it was getting out of hand.

Biondini doesn't sound too bad from what you're saying.

>He have the support of Duke, an ex-KKK leader
only because salbuchi is anti zionism, but watch this video

the normies are falling for the salbuchi meme, but he wants to populate our country with shitskins

besides he won't lower taxes, deregulate the market, he is very red pilled in some subjects but he will make a worse president than cfk

that's just a little extra work, man....
okay, let's call it quite a bit of extra work then, but you guys got thi...
okay, yea, that's pretty bad. yea, that's hopeless. you guys are fucked.

What else do you want dude? Like the other guy said, it's our only choice

>Salbuchi is worse

Sure thing pal

Not exactly. It's FINALLY being more careful on the restrictions to immigrants, opposed to what it was previously, where pretty much anyone could go in unregistered and stay illegally unnoticed. About damn time.

are coallas indigenous people? because I've been to bolivia and most of you were mestizos, but our bolivian immigrants are ALWAYS indigenous people

This clown will never get more than 2 votes


you have party similar to golden dawn in argentina.
redpill me on your political factions. Are lefties still on power? will they btfo eventually?

Yeah, pretty much so


give better sources like I did

I know... Salbuchi is a meme where Anons who think he is redpill fall for it and we ended up worse.

Also who is he?
Can anyone even fucking tell me anything about him?
Did he have a title in anything? Confirmed?

>reminder that Salbuchi become more popular with Taringa wich is Argie version of Reddit


>"lol it's your fault for letting my countrymen in"


we need to make a big wall

Neo-Liberals in power now, i don't know what's worse

Believe me that the rest of the political parties are leftist and nationalists

just kill them i don't want more Paraguayans here.

>15 years too late

Yep, kinda the same as in Spain, we received around 6 million immigrants in the place of just 15 years. It's astounding the damage that the marxist globalists can do to a nation with such a small fraction of time.

English board!
English board!

Just kidding you little mexicos

They got btfo in 2015 and still butthurt to this day they will never come back to power again

6 millions ? you can get a bonus if you shoah them now.

Funny thing is that while he was still in Buenos Aires as a cardinal, the current Pope was usually accused of being overly conservative and fascist by the previous government and its followers. And then he became Pope and suddenly that very same government (and by extension, its ball-licking followers) decided they were best friends with this now-Commie Pope. Double-faced bastards the whole lot of them

Wow, i haven't seen this

Pretty interesting...

We use that word here to describe people with a different accent (mostly from the west). MOST of them are indigenous tho, and they are annoying af as you can probably tell

Fuck. You just can't win with some people.


ok soon the same situation will happen here with the insane leftiests who governs us. thank god we won't have any neo-liberal party right now with potential to rule after the fall of the left.

Your country is already infested with immigrants from all over the world. You barely have a national identity independent of them because you've been breeding for so long.

is that fucker for real lmao retard

i'd never be so confident if I were you

don't they stil control the legislative?

215? More like 6000000 years too late

For real, his party was prohibited so he made a new one with less Nazi symbols and less Nazi references


make it 30

Forgot your 700 years cuckoldry already Ahmed?

Maybe if you hadn't gotten cucked out of your country by a fucking frog you would still be relevant.

And Salbuchi have the support of the KKK.

None of them will ever get elected.

We may just hope that Gomez Centurion want to be president

Yet that didn't stop all the fucking marxists and indigenistas you have all around Latin America to "white"-guilt us and autistically screech whenever we talked about how many were coming or any "racist attack" happened in Spain towards immigrants (they didn't say anything when a Latin King, Dominican or Ñeta murdered someone though). Now we have millions of immigrants and massive unemployement, they literally came here in hordes without us having the capacity to integrate them into our labour force and are basically dumping the salaries. It's one of the worst thing to happen to our nation in decades.

And seriously Latin Americans always have that bitchy and entitled attitude like the world owes them something, it's all that victimism from the colonization or who knows but they come here believing they have the moral right to trample with everything, it's disgusting how sassy and entitled most behave.

The most ironic thing is you aren't even getting "vengeance" against "los españoles que nos robaron el horo" who were mostly Castillians from Extremadura and Andalusians, you are literally genociding Catalans by mass immigrating there and creating a demographical tsunami on them, I know many catalans who jumped on the independence train just so they could control their fucking borders.



Sandnigger blood runs through your veins. Never forget.
inb4 you are not German.

blame this kikke
