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She's not wrong. America is literally ran by Christian fascist fundamentalists
If this cunt doesn't like it she is free to leave
We need to pass an amendment that says religious freedom is only for Christ-centered religions.
Hey, she's getting it. No Muzzies allowed. Hopefully she'll fucking leave now.
And i am afraid to go on the streets because of all that cultural enrichment. In my own fucking country. I literally have a panic attack every time i have use public transportation because the diversity levels are beyond insane. No one gives a shit about that.
When will these people understand that they're responsible for their own emotions? No one's "making" this bitch feel unsafe, she's choosing to feel unsafe.
Literally shaking in her hijab of freedom. Pls remover her have freedom to tweet.
Poor imani!
Let us all fund her ticket to Saudi-Arabia - The richest and most free country in the middle-east.
>temer will never scare shitters like trump
also hese people are really dumb
what part of "only illegal imigrants are banned" they dont understand?
>It's another Muslim want religious freedom in a Christian country episode
Why do they oppose Assad if they want religous freedom? Oh right, Middle-East is only for Muslims
Free to go the fuck back.
If you hate it so much why don't you go back?
>Christians not allowed to enter Mecca
If she wasn't such a hypocrite I might actually care about what she's saying.
I wonder what kinf of religious freedom muslims are willing to offer christians.
good maybe she can go back to desertville or goattown
I wonder how long she realises until her god isn't real and her whole life is meaningless
who promised her that exactly ?
>people aren't fellatioing me for my religion and converting
>they are suspicious of my religion despite the fact that all terrorist attacks were caused by not fellatioing Islam, which is a religion of peace
>I'm so oppressed
fuckin ragheads
Start your own country, Americans dont want that garbage.
If muslims walks the street with hijabs and bringing their culture into our own, we must shut up and accept it
But, try walking with a cross on your neck in a muslim country and staying alive.
That's why the west shouldn't accept muslimes degenerates.
Go back to your own country bitch
Not yet.. We're working on it though!
God I hope so.
It is so hard to know where the stupid begins and the subversion ends. Is she brain dead fucktarded, or just a Jew pawn?
I really really wish it was true
I bet she's gonna stay in America just the same. Muslims are to be made dhimmi, as they would have us be dhimmis, which imply special duties for them and prohibitions relative to their ability to propagate their religion.
Being scared and being in danger are two different things. Maybe she's just ashamed because deep inside she knows that her religion is not really a "religion of peace".
Who would want to visit a Muslim country though?
if they don't like it go back to the fucking desert
i would actually prefer if she does. i won't throw her out, but if she doesn't want to be here, and i don't want her here, i think we have a tentative agreement; gtfo you whiney, delusional bitch.
Yeah, I dunno why you would pick only one of those things. Good call.
i like how she has heavy whore makeup on her picture
I dunno, journalists, maybe?
she always can go back.
They're there for work though. I was thinking people on vacation. Don't journalists have guards, too?
I'm starting to think that Muslims who stay in the ME are based.
> only for Christians
But Every other religion without Islam is free to be praticed.
>afraid to read a book about islam
>reading books besides the holy Q'ran
Absolutely haram. Reported to my local mosque for stoning.
i wish
No, i don't think they do.
My parents were born in Germany, I'd love to go some day.
Not the Aztec religion, though. Makes you think.
How easy it is to get that verified badge on twitter? I'm seeing more and more literally whos with that thing
Propaganda accounts get them for free within a day or so.
thats right goy
To be fair if there was a priest with a bible or anything on that plane i'd be just as scared
>people that don't realize being legally free doesn't make you free from being judged by others on a social level
Top kek
b-but muh microaggressions
I hear Canada is nice.
I cried today because I was too afraid to go outside for fear of being abducted by aliens.
I don't want to write an article about this or go into details. Because the Area 54 scientists would backtrace my location.
I was promised freedom and then realized it was only for Sirians. I was promised freedom... and we are far from free.
Freedom is not islamic
Yeah we do though, Ahmed.
Muslims need to stop blowing themselves up first, we have all the religious freedom you want. We got fucking Mormons, we even got Scientologists, hell we have people that ironically deify a flying spaghetti monster. These people don't blow themselves up though, they also tolerate other religions.
Fucking Muslims will never learn, sooner or later you will dig yourselves into a hole you cant get out of and it will be the end of you guys.
Fuck off Reticulan shill.
I cried today because I am afraid that muslims are going to become increasingly radicalized and hurt me or someone in my family.
I was promised freedom and security and each day I am watching it slip farther away.
The America I was (rightfully) promised as a kid is fading away.
Welcome to the land of the not so brave.
Your religion is a disease
Good i hope she feels persecuted every day until rope day.
Of course this ridiculousness will be posted by a leftist "activist"
Case and point, the founding fathers never predicted that any anti-western idealogy would manifest in america.
when they said freedom of religion, they were referring to the many protestant sects that began to manifest.
Since when did being religious become cool? I remember when christians were cancer and everybody laughed at Fox News
I was mildly annoyed today because I was afraid to read a book questioning the facts of the Holocaust on a plane or to wear a MAGA hat.
I don't want to write an article about this or go into details.
However, I have decided the America I was promised as a kid is very real, and making a comeback.
I was promised religious freedom and then I realized it was only for Muslims.
I was promised freedom... and we're finally getting it back after decades of career politicians running the country into the ground.
>Only for Christians
Well.......The Middle east is only for Muslims. Christians over there are slaughtered on site.